INFRINGEMENT INDEMNITY a. Each party ("Provider") will defend and indemnify the other party ("Recipient") against a claim that any information, design, specification, instruction, software, data, or material ("Material") furnished by the Provider and used by the Recipient infringes a copyright or patent, provided that: (a) the Recipient notifies the Provider in writing within thirty (30) days after the Recipient becomes aware of the claim; (b) the Provider has sole control of the defense and all related settlement negotiations; and (c) the Recipient furnishes the Provider with the assistance, information, and authority reasonably necessary to perform the above. The Provider shall reimburse reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Recipient in providing such assistance. b. The Provider shall have no liability for any claim of infringement resulting from: (a) the Recipient's use of a superseded or altered release of some or all of the Material, if infringement would have been avoided by the use of a subsequent unaltered release of the Material which is provided to the Recipient; or (b) any Material not furnished by the Provider. c. In the event that some or all of the Material is held, or is believed by the Provider, to infringe, the Provider shall have the option, at its expense, (a) to modify the Material to be non- infringing; (b) to obtain for the Recipient a license to continue using the Material; or (c) if neither (a) nor (b) can be accomplished in a commercially reasonable manner, to terminate all licenses for the infringing Material, and require return of such Material from the Recipient. If such termination and return materially impede either party's ability to meet its obligations under this Addendum with respect to the Oracle Financial Programs or the Novistar Programs, then the infringement shall be deemed a material breach of this Addendum, and the Recipient may terminate this Addendum as set forth in Section 8.2 (Termination) above, subject to the Provider's right to cure as specified in that Section. THIS SECTION 9.2 STATES THE PARTIES' ENTIRE LIABILITY AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR INFRINGEMENT.
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INFRINGEMENT INDEMNITY a. Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless Customer against any and all liabilities, losses, costs, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, associated with any claim or action for actual or alleged infringement by any Product or Software supplied in accordance with this Agreement of any United States patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right incurred by Customer as a result of Customer's use of such Products or Software in accordance with this Agreement provided that (i) Customer promptly notifies Seller in writing of the claim, (ii) Customer gives Seller full opportunity and authority to assume sole control of the defense and all related settlement negotiations, and (iii) Customer gives Seller information and assistance for the defense (Customer will be reimbursed for reasonable costs and expenses incurred in rendering such assistance, against receipt of invoices therefor). Subject to the conditions and limitations of liability stated in this Agreement, Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless Customer from all payments, which by final judgments in such claims, may be assessed against Customer on account of such alleged infringement and shall pay resulting settlements, costs and damages finally awarded against Customer by a court of law, arbitration or other adjudication of the claim.


  • Infringement Indemnity VERITAS, at its sole expense, will defend any action brought against IMG, any IMG Distributors, or their End User customers ("Indemnified Parties") to the extent based on a claim that any Software Product or Documentation infringes any patent, copyright, trade secret, or other intellectual property right. VERITAS will pay any award against the Indemnified Parties, or settlement entered into on the Indemnified Parties' behalf, and will indemnify and hold IMG harmless against all liability, costs, expenses, and direct damages suffered or incurred by IMG, based on such infringement or claim thereof, provided however that IMG shall notify VERITAS promptly in writing of the claim, shall provide reasonable assistance (at VERITAS' expense) in connection with the defense and/or settlement thereof, and shall permit VERITAS to control the defense and/or settlement thereof. Any settlement which restricts any of IMG's rights, licenses, or activities, or requires the payment of money by IMG (whether or not such payment is indemnified hereunder) shall be subject to IMG's prior written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. IMG shall be entitled to retain, at its expense so long as VERITAS performs its obligations pursuant to this section, counsel to participate in the defense and settlement of any claim. VERITAS shall have no liability to the extent the alleged infringement is caused by any modification of the Software Products or Documentation other than by VERITAS, or by combination of the Software Products or Documentation with IMG products or other non-VERITAS programs, where the unmodified Software Products or Documentation alone would not have given rise to the claim. In the case any such excluded claim IMG shall defend and indemnify VERITAS to the same extent, and subject to the same conditions, as provided herein. The foregoing states the exclusive remedy of VERITAS and the sole liability of IMG for intellectual property infringement.

  • Infringement Indemnification (a) BNYM shall defend and indemnify Company against any third party claim alleging that the Licensed System infringes in any material respect upon any United States patent or copyright or any trade secret or other proprietary right of any person. BNYM shall have no liability or obligation under this Section 5.1 unless Company gives written notice to BNYM within ten (10) days (provided that later notice shall relieve BNYM of its liability and obligations under this Section 5.1 only to the extent that BNYM is prejudiced by such later notice) after any applicable infringement claim is initiated against Company and allows BNYM to have sole control of the defense or settlement of the claim. The remedies provided in this Section 5.1 are the Company's sole remedies for third party claims against the Company alleging infringement by the Licensed System. If any applicable claim is initiated, or in BNYM's sole opinion is likely to be initiated, then BNYM shall have the option, at its expense, to:

  • Infringement Claims If the manufacture, sale or use of any Licensed Product in the Territory pursuant to this Agreement results in any claim, suit or proceeding alleging patent infringement against Unigene or GSK, such Party shall promptly notify the other Party hereto. If GSK is not named as a Party in such a claim, suit or proceeding, GSK may, at its own expense and through counsel of its own choice, seek leave to intervene in such claim, suit or proceeding. Unigene agrees not to oppose such intervention. If GSK, and not Unigene, is named as a Party to such claim, suit or proceeding, GSK shall have the right to control the defense and settlement of such claim, suit or proceeding, at its own expense, using counsel of its own choice, however Unigene, at its own expense and through counsel of its own choice, may seek to intervene if the claim, suit or proceeding relates to the commercialization of the Licensed Product in the Field, and in such event, GSK agrees not to oppose such intervention. If GSK is named as a Party and Unigene shall, at any time, tender its defense to GSK, then GSK shall defend Unigene in such claim, suit or proceeding, at GSK’s own expense and through counsel of its own choice, and GSK shall control the defense and settlement of any such claim, suit or proceeding; provided, GSK shall not enter into any agreement which (i) extends or purports to exercise GSK’s rights under Unigene’s Licensed Technology beyond the rights granted pursuant to this Agreement, (ii) makes any admission regarding (a) wrongdoing on the part of Unigene, or (b) the invalidity, unenforceability or absence of infringement of any Unigene Patent Rights or Joint Patent Rights, without the prior written consent of Unigene, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Parties shall cooperate with each other in connection with any such claim, suit or proceeding and shall keep each other reasonably informed of all material developments in connection with any such claim, suit or proceeding. Nothing in this Section 6.5 shall limit or modify the provisions of Article 9, which may apply to such infringement claims as discussed herein.

  • PATENT INDEMNITY Customer hereby indemnifies and holds harmless Boeing from and against all claims, suits, actions, liabilities, damages and costs arising out of any actual or alleged infringement of any patent or other intellectual property rights by BFE or arising out of the installation, sale or use of BFE by Boeing.

  • Infringement Claims by Third Parties If the Manufacture, use or Commercialization of a Molecule or Product in the Territory pursuant to this Agreement results in, or may result in, any claim, suit, or proceeding by a Third Party alleging patent infringement by AbbVie or Galapagos (or their respective Affiliates or Sublicensees), the Party first receiving notice of such claim, suit, or proceeding shall promptly notify the other Party thereof in writing. AbbVie shall defend and control the defense of any such claim, suit, or proceeding at its own expense (except to the extent any such cost or expense is allocable to the Galapagos Territory, in which event such cost or expense, to the extent reasonable and reasonably incurred, shall be reimbursed by Galapagos in accordance with Section 7.9), using counsel of its own choice. Galapagos may participate in any such claim, suit, or proceeding with counsel of its choice at its own expense. Without limitation of the foregoing, if AbbVie finds it necessary or desirable to join Galapagos as a party to any such action, Galapagos shall execute all papers and perform such acts as shall be reasonably required at AbbVie’s expense. Each Party shall keep the other Party reasonably informed of all material developments in connection with any such claim, suit, or proceeding. Unless otherwise set forth herein, AbbVie shall have the right to settle such claim, including by entering into a license agreement pursuant to Section 7.6; provided, that AbbVie shall not settle any litigation under this Section 7.4 in a manner that diminishes or has a material adverse effect on the rights or interest of Galapagos, or in a manner that imposes any costs (except as set forth in the immediately following proviso) or liability on, or involves any admission by, Galapagos, without Galapagos’ express written consent; provided, further, that entering into an agreement with such Third Party pursuant to Section 7.6 shall not require the consent of Galapagos. Each Party agrees to provide the other Party with copies of all pleadings filed in such action and to allow the other Party reasonable opportunity to participate in the defense of the claims. AbbVie shall be entitled to deduct […***…] percent ([…***…]%) of the reasonable out-of-pocket attorney’s fees and court costs borne by AbbVie (and not reimbursed by Galapagos pursuant to Section 7.9) in defending such claim, suit, or proceeding brought by a Third Party alleging that a Molecule, Product or the Manufacturing Process (which Manufacturing Process AbbVie has not modified in any substantial part pertinent to the asserted claims in said proceeding) infringe one (1) or more Patents controlled by the Third Party. Such deduction shall be applied in a given Calendar Quarter from the sales-based milestones due to Galapagos pursuant to Section 6.4.1, and to the extent not exhausted within an […***…] ([…***…]) month period, may be deducted from royalties due to Galapagos pursuant to Section 6.5. Any recoveries by AbbVie of any sanctions awarded to AbbVie and against a party asserting a claim being defended under this Section 7.4 shall be applied as follows: such recovery shall be applied first to (i) reimburse AbbVie for its reasonable out-of-pocket costs of defending such claim, suit, or proceedings to the extent not deducted from sales-based milestones pursuant to the previous sentence, and (ii) reimburse Galapagos for sales-based milestones deductions pursuant to the previous sentence. The balance of any such recoveries shall be retained or provided to AbbVie and included in calculation of Net Sales for the relevant Product, except to the extent such recovery is attributable to the Galapagos Territory, in which event it shall be retained by or provided to Galapagos. ***Confidential Treatment Requested***

  • Dealer Agreement Indemnification A. Distributor acknowledges and agrees that certain large and significant broker-dealers, such as (without limitation) Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, UBS and Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx (all such brokers referred to herein as the “Brokers”), require that Distributor enter into dealer agreements (the “Non-Standard Dealer Agreements”) that contain certain representations, undertakings and indemnification that are not included in the Standard Dealer Agreement.

  • Third Party Infringement Claims If the production, sale or use of the any Licensed Product in or outside the Territory results in a claim, suit or proceeding alleging patent infringement against Licensee or Licensor (or their respective Affiliates, licensees or Sublicensees) (collectively, “Infringement Actions”), such Party shall promptly notify the other Party hereto in writing. The Party subject to such Infringement Action shall have the right to direct and control the defense thereof, at its own expense with counsel of its choice; provided, however, that (i) if such Infringement Action involves the Territory, Licensee shall have the right to assume the defense thereof in the Territory and to direct and control the defense thereof, at its own expense with counsel of its choice, (ii) if such Infringement Action involves Japan, Licensor shall have the right to assume the defense thereof within Japan and to direct and control the defense thereof, at its own expense with counsel of its choice, (iii) if such Infringement Action involves both the Territory and Japan, the Parties shall cooperate in good faith with respect to their respective defenses of such Infringement Actions, and (iv) in all cases the other Party may participate in the defense and/or settlement thereof, at its own expense with counsel of its choice. In any event, the Party that is defending the Infringement Action (the “Defending Party”) agrees to keep the other Party hereto reasonably informed of all material developments in connection with any such Infringement Action and the Parties shall reasonably cooperate in the defense of any such suit or Infringement Action. If Licensee is the Defending Party, Licensee agrees not to settle such Infringement Action, or make any admissions or assert any position in such Infringement Action, in a manner that would adversely affect the Licensed Product or the manufacture, use or sale of the Licensed Product within or outside the Territory, without the prior written consent of Licensor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; and similarly if Licensor is the Defending Party, Licensor agrees not to settle such Infringement Action, or make any admissions or assert any position in such Infringement Action, in a manner that would adversely affect the Licensed Product, or the manufacturing, use or sale of the Licensed Product, in the Territory, without the prior written consent of Licensee, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

  • Intellectual Property Indemnification Seller shall defend, indemnify and hold Purchaser and its Affiliates harmless from and against any and all expenses, costs, claims, demands, causes of action and damages of whatever kind which Purchaser may incur in connection with any suit or claim of infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark, or misappropriation of any trade secret or other intellectual property right resulting from (i) Purchaser's or its Affiliates' use of any portion of the Equipment as contemplated in the Proposal and otherwise in accordance with this Sales Agreement or applicable Equipment documentation delivered by Purchaser by Seller hereunder, or (ii) performance of the Work, except, in each case with respect to each of the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii), to the extent directly attributable to Third-Party Hardware or Third-Party Software. Seller shall receive written notice from Purchaser within ten (10) days after proper legal service is received by Purchaser of any such suit or claim, provided that failure to receive such notice shall not relieve Seller of its obligations under this Article 3 except to the extent that Seller's ability to defend such suit or claim is materially impaired due to such failure. Seller is hereby authorized by Purchaser to, at Seller's expense, appear in and assume the defense of, and be given the complete control of the settlement of, any such suit or claim; provided that (a) if Purchaser or any of its Affiliates wishes to participate in the defense and settlement of the claim, Purchaser or any of its Affiliates may do at its own cost, (b) Purchaser is kept timely informed of all material actions taken by Seller in connection with any such settlement, suit or claim (including, without limitation, of settlement offers and responses (to the extent the delivery of such information does not require Seller to waive work product immunity or attorney/client privilege or otherwise violate the terms of any protective order between Seller and any third party plaintiff or defendant)); and (c) Seller shall not enter into or acquiesce to any settlement admitting to or stipulating to any guilt, fault, liability or wrongdoing on the part of Purchaser or any of its Affiliates without Purchaser's prior written consent. In the event that Purchaser's right or ability to use the Equipment is threatened or impaired as a result of any such suit or claim, Seller shall, at its own expense, do one of the following, (1) diligently procure for Purchaser the right to continue using the Equipment, or (2) modify the Equipment or, if necessary and by mutual agreement, substitute functionally equivalent Equipment, to the extent necessary to avoid infringement or misappropriation; provided in each case that if such modified or substituted equipment fails to comply with all Specifications applicable to the original, unmodified Equipment, Purchaser shall be entitled to equitable compensation with respect to such noncompliance. Seller hereby assigns to or otherwise transfers to the benefit of Purchaser all of its right, title and interest in and to any intellectual property right infringement or misappropriation indemnification or defense rights Seller may have with respect to Third Party Software and Third Party Hardware, and will, at its expense, take any actions as may be necessary to enable Purchaser to exercise such rights and realize such benefit to the fullest extent possible. It is mutually agreed that the provisions set forth herein are Seller's only obligations with respect to infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark, or misappropriation of any trade secret or other intellectual property right.

  • Indemnification; Third Party Claims (a) The Special Servicer and any Affiliate, director, officer, employee, member, manager or agent of the Special Servicer (the “Special Servicer Indemnified Parties”) shall be indemnified and held harmless out of the proceeds of the Mortgage Loans, any Serviced Companion Loans and any B Notes (including REO Loans), against any and all claims, losses, penalties, fines, forfeitures, legal fees and related costs, judgments and any other costs, liabilities, fees and expenses (“Special Servicer Losses”) incurred in connection with any legal action relating to (i) this Agreement, any Mortgage Loans, any Serviced Companion Loans, any B Notes, any REO Property or the Certificates or any exercise of any right under this Agreement reasonably requiring the use of counsel or the incurring of expenses and (ii) any action properly taken by the Special Servicer in accordance with this Agreement based on an instruction delivered in writing to the Special Servicer by the Trustee, the Controlling Class Representative or the Master Servicer pursuant to any provision of this Agreement, and the Special Servicer and each of its Affiliates, directors, officers, employees, members, managers and agents shall be entitled to indemnification from the Trust for any loss, liability or expense (including attorneys’ fees) incurred in connection with the provision by the Special Servicer of any information included by the Special Servicer in the report required to be provided by the Special Servicer pursuant to this Agreement, in each case other than any loss, liability or expense: (A) specifically required to be borne by the party seeking indemnification, without right of reimbursement pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; (B) which constitutes a Servicing Advance that is otherwise reimbursable under this Agreement; (C) incurred in connection with any legal action or claim against the party seeking indemnification, resulting from any breach on the part of that party of a representation or warranty made in this Agreement; or (D) incurred in connection with any legal action or claim against the party seeking indemnification, resulting from any willful misfeasance, bad faith or negligence on the part of that party in the performance of its obligations or duties under this Agreement or negligent disregard of such obligations or duties. Except as provided in the following sentence, indemnification for Special Servicer Losses described in the preceding paragraph (including in the case of such Special Servicer Losses that relate primarily to the administration of the Trust, to any REMIC Pool or to any determination respecting the amount, payment or avoidance of any tax under the REMIC Provisions or the actual payment of any REMIC tax or expense) shall be paid out of collections on, and other proceeds of, the Mortgage Loans as a whole but not out of collections on, or other proceeds of, any Serviced Companion Loan or any B Note. In the case of any such Special Servicer Losses that do not relate primarily to the administration of the Trust, to any REMIC Pool or to any determination respecting the amount, payment or avoidance of any tax under the REMIC Provisions or the actual payment of any REMIC tax or expense:

  • Third Party Indemnification The Company hereby acknowledges that Indemnitee has or may from time to time obtain certain rights to indemnification, advancement of expenses and/or insurance provided by one or more third parties (collectively, the “Third-Party Indemnitors”). The Company hereby agrees that it is the indemnitor of first resort (i.e., its obligations to Indemnitee are primary and any obligation of the Third-Party Indemnitors to advance expenses or to provide indemnification for the same expenses or liabilities incurred by Indemnitee are secondary), and that the Company will not assert that the Indemnitee must seek expense advancement or reimbursement, or indemnification, from any Third-Party Indemnitor before the Company must perform its expense advancement and reimbursement, and indemnification obligations, under this Agreement. No advancement or payment by the Third-Party Indemnitors on behalf of Indemnitee with respect to any claim for which Indemnitee has sought indemnification from the Company shall affect the foregoing. The Third-Party Indemnitors shall be subrogated to the extent of such advancement or payment to all of the rights of recovery which Indemnitee would have had against the Company if the Third-Party Indemnitors had not advanced or paid any amount to or on behalf of Indemnitee. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the Third-Party Indemnitors are not entitled to the subrogation rights described in the preceding sentence, the Third-Party Indemnitors shall have a right of contribution by the Company to the Third-Party Indemnitors with respect to any advance or payment by the Third-Party Indemnitors to or on behalf of the Indemnitee.

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