INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. Performer represents and warrants that in conducting the Engagement, its works are either original with Performer as the artist or that Performer has obtained any and all necessary permissions or is otherwise authorized to perform the work. Performer represents that it has not violated any laws or privacy rights in carrying out its responsibilities under this Agreement.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. (1) The Supplier and OMV Petrom SA own certain trademarks meant to be used for the retail activities and for ancillary activities specific to Petrom Group, while holding the industrial property right, copyright and any other intellectual property rights to works and distinctive signs used within or in connection with retail activities.
(2) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as Supplier or OMV Petrom SA’s consent to the Purchaser’s right of use or to
(3) Un asemenea drept de utilizare sau orice alt drept cu privire la marci sau la alte creatii si semne distinctive ale Furnziorului si ale OMV Petrom SA vor face obiectul unui contract distinct.
(4) Atat pe perioada de valabilitate a prezentului Contract, cat si dupa incetarea acestuia indiferent de cauza incetarii, Achizitorul se va abtine sa foloseasca si/sau sa inregistreze (in nume propriu sau in numele unui tert), la nivel national, international/comunitar sau in oricare alta tara, orice creatie si/sau semn distinctiv care ar putea produce confuzie cu orice creatie si/sau semn distinctiv detinut sau utilizat de Furnizor, respectiv de catre OMV Petrom SA.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. 9.1 Seller does not accept any liability for any claims made against it for any infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party in connection with the use, possession, resale or offering for resale of the Products either as originally sold by the Seller or otherwise.
9.2 If the Order is executed in accordance with Customer´s designs, plans or Specifications, Customer shall indemnify Seller without limitation in point of time notwithstanding the expiration or early termination of the Contract, and to keep Seller indemnified in full against all actions, losses, damages, expenses, costs, fees or other liabilities arising from any claims made against Seller for infringement of any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights.
9.3 Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed as, or operate to grant, any licence to Customer in respect of any of Seller´s existing or future Intellectual Property Rights other than to the extent required to use the Product.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. A. Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Contract Tariff, it does not grant any license to the CUSTOMER regarding any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property of the Company. Such use will require a concession agreement and separate license agreement between the CUSTOMER and the Company.
B. CUSTOMER agrees that the Company has not made any representation or guarantee that the use of the Services may not provide opportunity for claims by third parties in regard to any intellectual property rights.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. By becoming a client of the Company, the Client does not obtain any rights in any intellectual property belonging to the Company. The Company’s website, trading platform(s), other systems, data, information, documentation and/or creation of such shall be protected in accordance with the applicable laws and the Client shall have no right, neither at the time of entering into the Agreement, nor at any point of time in the future. All rights whether expressed or implied, and whether existing now or in the future are reserved. The Client shall not cause or permit any actions to be caused, which might endanger or damage any intellectual property belonging to the Company and/or do any other act which would be damaging and or defamatory against the Company, including copy, reproduce, duplicate, translate, assume ownership or otherwise of any rights belonging to the Company.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. In case of results obtained within the framework of joint research programs, as defined in separate contracts, no party/university may register a patent or exploit the results commercially without the written consent of the other. Whenever possible, the patents will be jointly registered by both parties/universities. If one relinquishes its rights, or does not respond within ninety (90) days, the other is entitled to register the patents in its own name. The publication or the free exchange of scientific results jointly obtained cannot take place without a mutual agreement between the two partners, especially if the nature of the program has been defined as confidential.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. The Seller hereby grants to the Company a non-exclusive, assignable, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to any of the Seller’s or its supplier’s intellectual property to the extent same is required for use of the Goods sold and services performed under this Order. The Seller warrants that the Goods sold and services performed under this Order do not, and will not, infringe any valid patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or any other intellectual property interest owned or controlled by any other person, and the Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, successors, assigns and any of the Company’s customers buying or using the Goods or services specified herein, from any all losses, liabilities, damages, penalties, injuries, claims, demands, actions, suits, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney and other professional fees and disbursements) arising out of a claim or suit at law or equity for actual or alleged infringement of such intellectual property interests, by reason of the buying, selling or using the Goods or services supplied under this order, and the Seller will assume the defense of any and all suits and will pay all costs and expenses incidental thereto. If buying, selling or use of said Goods or services is enjoined, then the Seller shall, at its own expense and at the Company’s option, either procure for the Company the right to continue buying, selling and using said Goods or services or replace the same with a non-infringing equivalent; or remove said Goods or services from commerce and refund to the Company the purchase price and the related transportation and handling costs thereof. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Seller and the Company, all right, title and interest in any inventions, developments, improvements or modifications of or for goods and services delivered hereunder shall exclusively belong to the Company as part of this work for hire.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. The supplier declares that it holds the rights and/or all authorizations necessary to use the names of persons, trademarks and other information appearing on the label and indemnifies and holds harmless the SAQ from any liability in respect thereof. Moreover, the supplier undertakes to compensate the SAQ for any claim or harm which may result from an infringement or violation of any intellectual property right, copyright, trademark, patent of invention, industrial design, know- how, confidential information or trade secret.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. All reports of the University on the project are the property of the Client, this includes inventions while working on the project.
INTELECTUAL PROPERTY. All trademarks, domain name, software program and other creations that are the subject of Industrial and Intellectual Property related to the Platform, including possible future changes, are subject to the exclusive use right of FUDX. The PARTNER undertakes not to register or request their registration or any such elements, in any place, or to change, modify or delete them, ex pressly accepting that no provision of the Agreement grants rights in the future on such aspects.