INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS and Executive Officers; Transactions and Arrangements Concerning the Shares...............................
INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS. 15.1 All the interests of each of the Directors in the companies in the Group required to be notified to the Company and to the Stock Exchange pursuant to Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (assuming that the Shares are already listed on the Stock Exchange on the Prospectus Date) and their direct and indirect interests in any of the companies which were parties to transactions completed within the last two years immediately preceding the Prospectus Date relating to the business of the Group, or loans to or by, or properties or other assets acquired or disposed of by or leased to or proposed to be acquired or disposed of by or leased to, any company in the Group within the last two years immediately preceding the Prospectus Date are disclosed in the Prospectus to the full extent required by law and the Listing Rules.
15.2 None of the Directors or their respective close associates is directly or indirectly interested in any business or in the issued capital of any company which is engaged in a business in competition with the business carried on by the Group.
15.3 No member of the Group has outstanding any loans to any of the Directors, any of their respective spouses, children or other relatives or any body corporate, trust or entity in which any of them has a controlling interest, other than another member of the Group or otherwise than in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group.
15.4 None of the Directors have revoked the respective authority and confirmations given by his or her responsibility letter and statement of interests and the power of attorney addressed to the Company and the Sole Sponsor and such authorities and confirmations remain in full force and effect.
15.5 Except as disclosed in the Prospectus or pursuant to a transaction so disclosed, no indebtedness (actual or contingent or disputed) and no contract or arrangement (other than any transaction relating to the Global Offering) is outstanding between any member of the Group (on the one hand) and any connected person (as defined in the Listing Rules) (on the other hand).
15.6 In respect of connected transactions and continuing connected transactions (within the meaning of Listing Rules) of the Group that are required to be disclosed in the Prospectus under the Listing Rules:
(a) there are no connected transactions and continuing connected transactions that have not been disclosed in the Prospectus or, to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Co...
INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS. Unless expressly prohibited from doing so by statute or law, a nominee Director may:
(a) pay special regard in exercising his or her powers and performing his or her duties, to the interests of any Shareholder affiliated with the Director; and
(b) disclose any and all information received by the Director in his capacity as a director of the Company on a 'needs to know basis' to their affiliated Shareholder in connection with:
(1) the affiliated Shareholder's involvement in this agreem t; or
(2) mandatory reporting or disclosure obligations der statute or law to the extent the material to be disclosed cannot be kept commercial in confidence’.
INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS. As Xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx and Xx Xxx Xxxxxx are officers of CASC and Mr Xx Xxxx had declared a potential conflict of interest, they had abstained from voting at the board meeting on the resolution approving the transactions contemplated under the Loan Agreement.
INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS major shareholders and/or persons connected with them
(i) Dato’ Sri Foo Xxxx Xxxx, who is a major shareholder and director of Denko, is one of the Vendors;
(ii) Oregon Technology Sdn Bhd (“OTSB”), which is a major shareholder of Denko, is a person connected with Dato’ Sri Foo Xxxx Xxxx by virtue of its shares being 99.9%- owned by Dato’ Sri Foo Xxxx Xxxx; and
(iii) Dato’ Xxxx Xxxx Wan, who is a person connected with Dato’ Sri Foo Xxxx Xxxx by virtue of their joint venture partnership in the IMS Group, is one of the Vendors; (collectively referred to as the “Interested Parties”). The shareholdings of the Interested Parties in Denko as at the LPD are set out below:- Direct Indirect Name No. of Denko Shares (’000) % No. of Denko Shares (’000) % OTSB 54,561 52.23 - - Dato’ Sri Foo Xxxx Xxxx - - (1) 54,561 52.23 Dato’ Xxxx Xxxx Wan - - - -
(1) Deemed interest by virtue of his shareholding in OTSB pursuant to Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2016 (“Act”).
INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS. Xx. Xx Xxxxxxxx (chairman of the board of CGA), Xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxx (a director and the president of CGA), Xx. Xx Xx (a vice president and chief financial officer of CGA), Xx. Xx Xxxxxx (the secretary of the party committee of CGA) and Mr. Xxxx Xx (a vice president of CGA) all serve at CGA. Each of them has abstained from voting on the Board resolution for considering and approving the entry of the Procurement Framework Agreement. Save as disclosed above, there are no other Directors who have any material interest in the Procurement Framework Agreement and no other Directors need to abstain from voting on the Board resolution for considering and approving the Procurement Framework Agreement.
INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS. A director may vote at any meeting of the directors or a committee of the directors on any resolution concerning a transaction or arrangement with the Company or in which the Company is interested, or concerning any other matter in which the Company is interested, notwithstanding that he is interested in that transaction, arrangement or matter or has in relation to it a duty which conflicts or may conflict with the interests of the Company.
INTERESTS OF DIRECTORS. Save for Xx. Xxxx Xxx who had abstained from voting on the Board resolution approving the Waste Processing Service Agreement by virtue of being a management personnel of certain subsidiaries of SIHL, none of the other Directors has a material interest in the Waste Processing Service Agreement.