International Voice Service. International Outbound Voice Service, international Inbound Voice Service, international Card usage originating or terminating in the following locations: Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Singapore, Thailand and the United Kingdom.
International Voice Service. International Outbound Voice Service, international Inbound Voice Service, and international Card usage originating or terminating in Canada. The Customer will be charged a fixed $1 per-call surcharge for international Card calls.
International Voice Service. International Outbound Voice Service usage originating or terminating in the following location: Canada.
International Voice Service. Rates and discounts are per the Tariff.
International Voice Service. International Outbound Voice Service originating in the following locations: Antigua, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, St. Xxxxxxx/Grenadines, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela and international Card usage.
International Voice Service. International Outbound Voice Service (excluding Switched Digital Services) terminating in the following locations: Argentina, Australia, Bermuda, Brazil, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan and United Kingdom, Customer will be charged a range from $0.0552 to $0.6348. International Inbound Voice Service (excluding Switched Digital Services) originating in the following locations: Canada, China, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Spain, and United Kingdom, Customer will be charged a range from $0.1748 to $1.0028.
International Voice Service. International Outbound Voice Service and international Inbound Voice Service originating or terminating in the following locations: Bahamas, Canada, French Polynesia, Germany, Honduras, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, and Russia.
International Voice Service. The Company will waive the monthly recurring charges per service group for Inbound Voice Services using Dedicated Access Line terminations and the monthly recurring charges per service group for Inbound Voice Service using Business Line terminations.
International Voice Service. International Outbound Voice Service and International Card usage terminating in the following locations: Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom. International Inbound Voice Service usage originating in the following location: Canada.
International Voice Service. International inbound Voice Service originating in Canada and terminating in the U.S.