Promotions. A. A promotion is defined as moving from any teaching position to one listed on the administrative and supervisory responsibility scale.
B. All vacancies in promotional positions shall be filled on the following basis:
1. Whenever a vacancy arises or is anticipated, the Superintendent shall cause a notice to be posted in each school setting forth a description of and the qualifications for the position, including duties and salary range. Promotional vacancies shall be advertised throughout the year, including summer months, on the FCPS web site. In addition, the Superintendent will post a list of such vacancies in each school, with a copy of said notice being transmitted to the Association.
2. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, such notices shall be posted fifteen (15) days prior to the filing date when applications must be submitted. If notification is less than fifteen (15) days, the Association shall be notified.
3. Teachers who decide to apply for such vacancies shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent or authorized representative. The time limit specified in the notice shall be adhered to unless there are extenuating circumstances.
4. When a vacancy occurs, a promotion committee may be appointed by the Superintendent consisting of five (5) professional educators who are familiar with the duties and responsibilities associated with the position to be filled. Two (2) members of the committee may be classroom teachers. The committee shall have advisory status and shall recommend to the Superintendent one (1) or more candidates.
5. Vacancies shall be filled on the basis of experience, competency and other qualifications of the applicant. Ordinarily, preference shall be given to present teachers. Inquiries may be directed to other school systems when it is deemed advisable in the best interest of the Xxxxxxxxx County school system. The successful applicant shall meet the certification requirements established by the state board of education for the position, or shall fulfill such requirements within one (1) year.
6. The availability of leadership positions in other counties shall be made known in the same manner as set forth in paragraph 1 whenever possible.
C. No teachers shall be denied the opportunity to apply for selection to participate in seminars or workshops sponsored by the Board for potential administrators and supervisors.
Promotions. A. Employees who apply for a promotion when an opening occurs in their present research or training project or department, as applicable, shall be promoted on the basis of classification seniority, provided the employee has the skill, ability, experience, and educational background. The employee's University Personnel Record shall also be taken into consideration as one of the factors in evaluating an applicant for promotion. The selection herein shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure.
B. When there is such a vacancy, it shall be posted for a period of five (5) working days at centrally located bulletin boards. If the opening is not filled from within the research or training project or department as applicable in Section A above, then the employee shall be selected on the basis of bargaining unit seniority provided said employee has the skill, ability, experience, educational background, and physical fitness to perform the available work. During this period, the Employer will not interview or hire anyone outside of the University. The Investigator, Project Director or Supervisor involved shall be the sole judge of the capability of the employee to perform the available work. The employer will provide sufficient copies of job postings for posting on Association bulletin boards. Such postings will be provided in an electronic format. The Employer will provide a locked bulletin board to be placed outside of the Union’s office. This bulletin board will be used solely to display current job postings for bargaining unit positions. The Union will be responsible for maintaining the bulletin board.
C. An employee who receives a promotion will be subject to a four (4) month probationary period. In the event the employee does not successfully complete thirty (30) days in the new position, the employee may return to his/her previous position providing that it has not been filled by an internal promotion or transfer and providing he/she has not previously returned to a former position under these provisions. Between day 31 and the end of the four (4) month probation, if the employee does not successfully complete the probationary period, he/she may return to his/her previous position providing the position has not yet been filled or canceled. Management will use its best efforts to place the employee in a position equivalent to the former position when the promoted employee does not successfully complete his/her four
Promotions. The anniversary date of a promoted employee is determined as for a new employee in Subsection 5.3.A above.
Promotions. A regular employee promoted to a job with a higher wage rate structure shall receive in the new job the increment rate that is immediately higher than her/his wage rate immediately prior to the promotion. For increment progression, the employee’s increment anniversary date shall then become the initial day in the new job. Employee pay rates shall become effective from the first day in the new job and further increment increases shall become effective on the established increment date. However, should the promotion at any time result in a lesser rate of pay than the employee would have received if the promotion had not occurred, then the employee shall retain the increment anniversary date of her/his prior job.
(a) Part (a) shall apply where a job has an increment structure based on hours of service.
Promotions. Contractor personnel listed in the Contractor’s budget can be moved to a higher-paying job classification listed in the Contractor’s budget with prior written approval of the CAM and the appropriate Division Deputy Director. The written approval must be submitted to the CAO.
Promotions. 11.01 Promotions, upgradings or transfers (except as in Article 14) will be based primarily on seniority as well as performance and abilities on the basis of the most senior qualified employee.
11.02 Any employee who, having been promoted, upgraded or transferred, fails during the trial period to reach a satisfactory level of performance will be returned to their former job at their former rate of pay, without loss of seniority. Any employee being displaced by the return of the employee to their former job shall also be returned to their former job and former rate of pay, without loss of seniority. Definition of Trial Period The term Trial Period shall apply to an employee with established seniority during the period of sixty-five (65) working days immediately following a promotion, upgrade or transfer (as provided in Article 12.01). During this period the employee shall have a fair opportunity to demonstrate a satisfactory level of performance to occupy the position permanently. Nothing in this article shall be construed as implying that the employee must continue on the job for the full period of time and there is no implication that an employee who has passed the Trial Period is excused from the obligation to meet the normal requirements of the job with respect to quality and quantity of work. The application of Article 11.02 shall be limited to this period.
11.03 Whenever a new job identification is created, a training period may be designated by the Company to run concurrently with the trial period. Any designated training period shall be noted on the job posting notice. The training period shall not be curtailed unless the employee refuses to continue the training or it is obvious the employee cannot perform the requirements of the job at which time the employee will be returned to their former job and former rate of pay, without loss of seniority.
11.04 The IUDC shall be notified within ten (10) working days of all appointments, hirings, lay-offs, transfers, recalls, promotions, demotions, terminations of employment, leaves of absence, within the Bargaining Unit.
11.05 An employee covered by this Agreement, who has been incapacitated at their work by injury, compensable occupational disease, or permanent disablement, and is unable to perform their regular duties, may be employed in an established job which the employee can do, without regard to other seniority provisions of this Agreement, or Article 12, except that such employee may not displace an...
Promotions. Article 27.6
Promotions. (a) When the Agency chooses to fill a vacancy by promotion within the Agency, it shall use an Agency promotion list or selective certification from the Agency provided such list is available.
(b) When the Agency chooses to fill the vacancy from an open competitive or statewide certificate, an employee in the Agency who meets the minimum qualifications and for whom the vacancy would be a promotion will be offered an interview and considered.
(c) Any employee who was interviewed may request and shall receive in writing an explanation of the reasons he/she was not selected.
Promotions. 1. In the event of a job vacancy for a position (that falls under this collective negotiations agreement), to be determined by the Authority, the Authority shall post the same for 7 calendar days. The job posting will show rate of pay, number of vacancies and job title. Applications for the posted job must be submitted in writing within the posted time limits to the Executive Director of the Authority. This job posting procedure will be plant-wide. The Authority will consider the award of bid within thirty (30) days of receipt of bids.
(a) The Authority will give to the Shop Xxxxxxx a list of the applicants for the job opening, including the seniority dates and will later advise the Union of its selection.
(b) The Authority shall make such promotion from its regular employees with the consideration for such promotion based on job classification, seniority, and experience in this facility, and qualifications. If the qualifications of any two or more bidders are relatively equal, then the award shall be made on the basis of seniority. If there are no minimally qualified bidders, the Authority may hire from outside the bargaining unit. If no applications are received for the posted position, the Authority may fill the vacancy by hiring from outside the bargaining unit.
(c) If any employee is so promoted, he/she shall be placed on probation for a period of 90 days. If the employee, in the sole discretion of the Authority is not qualified, the Authority may remove him/her and transfer him/her back to former position. The employee shall be given his/her old job back with no loss in seniority. If any time within the 90 days probationary period the Authority determines in its discretion that the employee is not qualified, the Authority may remove the employee and transfer him/her back to his/her former position. The employee in his/her discretion any time within the said ninety days probationary period may elect to return to his/her old position. In either of the events set forth in the within paragraph, the employee shall not lose seniority. The probationary period may be extended upon mutual agreement of the Union and the Authority on a case-by-case basis.
(d) The Authority shall have the right to promote from the same list of bidders another employee in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
(e) The Authority may fill a temporary vacancy for a period of up to sixty (60) days. An employee who is awarded the temporary vacancy under this section shall hav...