IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 6.11.1 For intrastate IntraLATA Message Telephone Service (MTS) toll traffic, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates. For intrastate IntraLATA 800 Service, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at originating access rates, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable. The appropriate access rates are set forth in each Party’s intrastate access service tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in AT&T-22STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located.
6.11.2 For interstate IntraLATA MTS toll traffic, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates. For interstate IntraLATA 800 Service, compensation for termination of such traffic will be originating access rates, including the CCL charge where applicable. The appropriate access rates are set forth in each Party’s interstate access service tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in the AT&T-22STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located.
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 6.12.1 For both intrastate and interstate IntraLATA Message Telephone Service (MTS) toll traffic, compensation to either Party for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates. For both intrastate and interstate IntraLATA 800 Service, compensation to either Party for origination of such traffic will be at originating access rates, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable. The appropriate access rates are set forth in each Party’s intrastate access service tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in AT&T-21STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located.
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 12.1 For intrastate IntraLATA toll traffic, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates for Message Telephone Service (MTS) and originating access rates for 800 Service, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable, as set forth in each Party’s Intrastate Access Service Tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in an SBC-13STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located.
12.2 For interstate IntraLATA toll traffic, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates for MTS and originating access rates for 800 Service including the CCL charge, as set forth in each Party’s interstate Access Service Tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in the SBC-13STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located. Common transport, (both fixed and variable), as well as tandem switching and end office rates apply only in those cases where a Party's tandem is used to terminate traffic.
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 6.12.1 For both intrastate and interstate IntraLATA Message Telephone Service (MTS) toll traffic, compensation to either Party for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates. For both intrastate and interstate IntraLATA 800 Service, compensation to either Party for origination of such traffic will be at originating access rates, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable. The appropriate access rates are set forth in each Party’s intrastate access service tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in AT&T-21STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located. Page 89 of 276 Contract Id: 4800340 6.13 Billing Arrangements for Termination of Section 251(b)(5) Traffic, Non-toll VoIP-PSTN Traffic, ISP-Bound Traffic, Optional EAS Traffic and IntraLATA Toll Traffic:
6.13.1 In AT&T-21STATE, each Party, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, will calculate terminating Interconnection MOUs based on standard switch Recordings made within terminating carrier’s network for Non-toll VoIP-PSTN Traffic, Optional EAS Traffic, ISP-Bound Traffic, IntraLATA Toll Traffic and in AT&T- 12STATE, Wholesale Local Switching Traffic. These Recordings are the basis for each Party to generate bills to the other Party. Where CLEC is using terminating Recordings to bill intercarrier compensation, AT&T-12STATE will provide the terminating Records where available by means of the Daily Usage File (DUF) to identify traffic that originates from an End User being served by a Third Party telecommunications carrier using an AT&T-12STATE non-resale offering whereby AT&T-12STATE provides the End Office switching on a wholesale basis. Such Records will contain the Operating Company Number (OCN) of the responsible LEC that originated the calls which CLEC may use to bill such originating carrier for MOUs terminated on CLEC’s network.
6.13.2 For those usage based charges where actual charge information is not determinable by AT&T WEST REGION 2-STATE because the jurisdiction (i.e., intrastate vs. local) or origin of the traffic is unidentifiable, the Parties will jointly develop a Percent Local Usage (PLU) factor in order to determine the appropriate charges. PLU is calculated by dividing the sum of Section 251(b)
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 10.1 The Reciprocal Compensation arrangements set forth in this Agreement are not applicable to Switched Exchange Access Service. All Switched Exchange Access Service and all IntraLATA Toll Traffic shall continue to be governed by the terms and conditions of the applicable federal and state tariffs.
10.2 Each Party shall charge the other Party its effective applicable federal and state tariffed intraLATA FGD switched access rates for the transport and termination of all IntraLATA Toll Traffic.
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 11.1 For intrastate intraLATA toll traffic, compensation for termination of intercompany traffic will be at terminating access rates for Message Telephone Service (MTS) and originating access rates for 800 Service, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable, as set forth in each Party's Intrastate Access Service Tariff. For interstate intraLATA intercompany service traffic, compensation for termination of intercompany traffic will be at terminating access rates for MTS and originating access rates for 800 Service including the CCL charge, as set forth in each Party's interstate Access Service Tariff. Common transport, (both fixed and variable), as well as tandem switching rates apply only in those cases where a Party's tandem is used to terminate traffic.
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 13.1 For intrastate IntraLATA Message Telephone Service (MTS) toll traffic, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates. For intrastate IntraLATA 800 Service, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at originating access rates, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable. The CN:09012016-5524 000021 appropriate access rates are set forth in each Party’s Intrastate Access Service Tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in an AT&T-12STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located.
13.2 For interstate IntraLATA MTS toll traffic, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates. For interstate IntraLATA 800 Service, compensation for termination of such traffic will be originating access rates, including the CCL charge where applicable. The appropriate access rates are set forth in each Party’s interstate Access Service Tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in the AT&T- 12STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located.
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 13.1 For intrastate intraLATA toll traffic, compensation for termination of intercompany traffic will be at terminating access rates for Message Telephone Service (MTS) and originating access rates for 800 Service, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable, as set forth in each Party’s Intrastate Access Service Tariff, but not to exceed the compensation contained in an ILEC’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located. For interstate intraLATA intercompany service traffic, compensation for termination of intercompany traffic will be at terminating access rates for MTS and originating access rates for 800 Service including the CCL charge, as set forth in each Party’s interstate Access Service Tariff, but not to exceed the compensation contained in the ILEC’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located. Common transport, (both fixed and variable), as well as tandem switching and end office rates apply only in those cases where a Party's tandem is used to terminate traffic.
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 14.1 For traffic that is correctly rated as intrastate intraLATA toll traffic, compensation for termination of intercompany traffic will be at terminating access rates for Message Telephone Service (MTS) and originating access rates for 800 Service, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable, as set forth in each Party’s Intrastate Access Service Tariff but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in an SBC-13STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located. For interstate intraLATA intercompany service traffic, compensation for termination of intercompany traffic will be at terminating access rates for MTS and originating access rates for 800 Service including the CCL charge, as set forth in each Party’s interstate Access Service Tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in the SBC-13STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located. Common transport, (both fixed and variable), as well as tandem switching and end office rates apply only in those cases where a Party's tandem is used to terminate traffic.
IntraLATA Toll Traffic Compensation. 3.8.1 For intrastate IntraLATA Message Telephone Service (MTS) toll traffic, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates. For intrastate IntraLATA 800 Service, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at originating access rates, including the Carrier Common Line (CCL) charge where applicable. The appropriate access rates are set forth in each Party’s intrastate access service tariff, but such Agreement – Intercarrier Compensation /AT&T Page 8 of 9 Spectrotel Version: 2Q17 – CLEC ICA – 06/08/17 compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in AT&T-21STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located.
3.8.2 For interstate IntraLATA MTS toll traffic, compensation for termination of such traffic will be at terminating access rates. For interstate IntraLATA 800 Service, compensation for termination of such traffic will be originating access rates, including the CCL charge where applicable. The appropriate access rates are set forth in each Party’s interstate access service tariff, but such compensation shall not exceed the compensation contained in the AT&T-21STATE’s tariff in whose exchange area the End User is located.