Inventory Airport Facilities. Description: Perform inventories of physical facilities and existing land uses within the present boundaries of LBO. These inventories will identify and describe existing facilities as to age, type, ownership, and condition, as well as changes to building conditions and uses since the completion of the last master plan, and will include, as a minimum, the following items. • Airfield: Runways, taxiways, aprons, lighting, signage, markings, navigational aids. • Landside: terminal building, aircraft aprons, automobile access, and parking. • General aviation areas: square footage of hangars, apron areas, fuel storage capacity, etc. • Air cargo and military use areas (as applicable): Sort/station building(s), ramp, auto/truck access, and parking. • FBO/SASO: Leased area, airfield facilities. • Support: Utilities, aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) facilities, airport traffic control tower (ATCT), fueling facilities, maintenance areas. • Other areas: Airport tenants including non‐aviation and military facilities (as necessary), and other buildings. • Additional on−airport and off−airport land uses for adjacent properties in the immediate airport influence area. ln addition, all available plans, specifications, maps, photographs, drawings, and other data, including FAA Master Records (or other records maintained by the FAA), or other reports or studies considered to be relevant, will be obtained for possible use during the study. Any discrepancies with FAA records (5010 Airport Master Record or Chart Supplement) will be identified and submitted for correction. Responsibilities:
Inventory Airport Facilities. Description: Perform inventories of physical facilities and existing land uses within the present bound- aries of the Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxx National Airport. These inventories will identify and describe existing facilities as to age, type, ownership, and condition, as well as changes to building conditions and uses since the completion of the last master plan, and will include, at a minimum, the following items.