INVESTIGATION REQUESTS. 7.1 If the Processor receives a request or order from a supervisory authority, government agency or investigation, prosecution or national security agency to provide (access to) Personal Data, the Processor shall immediately notify the Controller. When handling the request or order, the Processor shall observe all of the Controller’s lawful instructions (including the instruction to leave the handling of the request or order in full or in part to the Controller) and provide appropriate cooperation.
INVESTIGATION REQUESTS. If Processor receives a request or order from a supervisory authority, government agency or investigation, prosecution or national security agency to provide (access to) Personal Data, Processor shall notify Controller without undue delay, to the extent permitted by applicable law. When handling the request or order, Processor shall observe all of Controller’s instructions (including the instruction to leave the handling of the request or order in full or in part to Controller) and provide all reasonably required cooperation to Controller. If the request or order prohibits Processor from complying with its obligations on the basis of the above, Processor shall promote Controller’s reasonable interests.
INVESTIGATION REQUESTS. 7.1 If the Processor rece ves a request or order from a superv sory authority, government agency or investigation, prosecution or nat ona secur ty agency to prov de (access to) Persona Data, the Processor sha mmed ate y not fy the Contro er. When hand ng the request or order, the Processor shall observe all of the Controller’s lawful instructions (including the instruction to leave the handling of the request or order in full or in part to the Controller) and provide appropriate cooperation.
INVESTIGATION REQUESTS. 8.1 If the Data Processor receives a request or an order from a Dutch or foreign regulatory authority, government agency, a law enforcement agency, criminal prosecution agency or a national security agency for Personal Data or access to Personal Data, the Data Processor must notify the Data Controller of this immediately. When handling the request or order, the Data Processor shall follow all the instructions of the Data Controller (including instructions to wholly or partially leave the handling of the request of the order to the Data Controller) and provide all reasonably necessary cooperation with such.