INVOICE AMOUNT. Student rates are set forth in the VTA Fare Tariff. Invoices will be based on the number of students as of the census date, as well as any faculty and staff as documented by supporting documents, if applicable.
INVOICE AMOUNT. For and in consideration for each Product delivered, Sandoz shall pay to KLOX the Manufacturing Cost thereof, plus all applicable goods and services and sales taxes.
INVOICE AMOUNT all fees as outlined in Schedule “A” of this Agreement the Fee schedule; plus …
INVOICE AMOUNT. Purchase Order (PO) Number (if applicable). Service Date or Month of Service.” In addition, invoices must comply with standards set forth in Title 34, Texas Administrative Code, Part 1, Chapter 20, Subchapter F, Division 1, Rule §20.487. Chapter 2251 of the Texas Government Code shall govern remittance of payment and remedies for late payment and non-payment.
INVOICE AMOUNT. The amount initially invoiced for Martek Products purchased hereunder during a given calendar year shall be set (a) for * based on forecasted sales volumes for *, and (b) for each calendar year thereafter based on the Rolling Forecast for such calendar year submitted to SELLER by PURCHASER on or prior to the December 1 immediately preceding such calendar year as provided in Section 2.3.1.
INVOICE AMOUNT. The Subconsultant understands a delay in payment may be experienced if all the information is not provided on the invoice. The Subconsultant shall also be responsible for providing NV5 with a W-9 form as required by the Internal Revenue Service. This can be verified by contacting NV5’s accounting department @ 0-000-000-0000.
INVOICE AMOUNT. This column shall reflect the amount of funds the Contractor is requesting reimbursement for. The sum of this column shall be identical to the amount submitted on the Program Invoice for Amount of this Billing.
INVOICE AMOUNT. Student rates for Eco Pass contracts are as set forth in the VTA Fare Tariff. Invoices will be based on the number of students as of the census date, as well as, any faculty and staff as documented by supporting documents.
INVOICE AMOUNT. Invoices for any shipment, regardless of program are subject to a $250 minimum invoice amount to cover additional expenses for the shipping and handling time required. Quote: The document identifying the piece price, quantity, and all other supporting requirements and program terms to be used in conjunction with this Winco Program Agreement to outline both Winco’s and the Customer’s Rights and Obligations.
INVOICE AMOUNT. If Contractor fails to include the above information, then an Authorized User must reject the invoice, and notify the Contractor within one (1) Business Day to resubmit a proper invoice with the necessary information. Contractor must not receive payment until a proper invoice is submitted and processed by an Authorized User. At a minimum, the following fields should be included on each invoice: 1. Contractor Billing Address; 2. Contractor Federal ID Number; 3. NYS Vendor ID Number;