Amount of Funds. The OAG agrees to reimburse the Provider for services completed for the Grant Period as the entire Time of Performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement, and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The total sum of monies available for reimbursement to the Provider for services provided shall not exceed $317,436.75.
Amount of Funds. The OAG agrees to reimburse the Provider for contractual services and/or availability to provide services for the entire Time of Performance, as set forth in Article 3 ofthis Agreement, and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthe Agreement. The total sum of monies available for reimbursement to the Provider for services provided shall not exceed $901,502.00. "Availability to Provide Services" is defined as maintaining sufficient capacity to assist victims during the Provider's core business hours throughout the Time of Performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement. Core business hours are assumed to be at least from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved as alternative core business hours by the OAG. Employee leave earned under this grant period is reimbursable; however, the Provider must continue to maintain sufficient capacity to assist victims. "Contractual Services" are defined as those specified services established within the OAG approved budget for which the Provider is to be paid upon completion at the set rate also established within the OAG approved budget, as authorized expenditures eligible for payment, or reimbursement pursuant to Article 8 of this Agreement.
Amount of Funds. Subject to Congressional action and the terms of this Agreement, the Secretary shall make available to the Tribe the funds identified in the attached REPROGRAMMING REQUEST for [SELECT: fiscal year 20__ OR each fiscal year].
Amount of Funds. The OAG agrees to reimburse the Provider for contractual services and/or availability to provide services for the entire Time of Performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement, and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The total sum of monies available for reimbursement to the Provider for services provided shall not exceed $109,380.00 '·Availability to l'ruvide Services'' is defined as maintaining sufficient capacity to assist victims during the Provider's core business hours throughout the Time of Performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement. Core business hours are assumed to be at least from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved as alternative core business hours by the OAG. Employee leave earned under this grant period is reimbursable; however, the Provider must continue to maintain sufficient capacity to :i ;sist victims. "Contractual Services" are defined as those specified services established within the OAG approved budget for which ti1e Provider is to be paid upon completion at the set rate also established within the OAG approved budget, as authorized expenditures eligible for payment, or reimbursement pursuant to ARTICLE 8, XXXX IORIZED EXPENDITURES, of this Agreement.
Amount of Funds. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount up to, but not in excess of, the maximum amount a lender can require under RESPA. Lender will estimate the amount of Funds due in accordance with Applicable Law.
Amount of Funds. AT&T will make available to Customer up to $10,000,000 in marketing funds to finance certain marketing activities approved in advance by AT&T.
8.1.1 After the Application has been tested and accepted by AT&T, AT&T will make the first $5,000,000 available to Customer to be used for activities which advertise or promote the launch of the Application.
8.1.2 AT&T will make the second $5,000,000 available to Customer after Customer has obtained 5,000 End Users on AT&T's Numbers. These funds will be used for activities that advertise or promote the Application.
Amount of Funds. The OAG agrees to reimburse the Provider for contractual services and/or availability to provide services for the entire Time of Performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement, and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The total sum of monies available for reimbursement to the Provider for services provided shall not exceed $109,135.00 “Availability to Provide Services” is defined as maintaining sufficient capacity to assist victims during the Provider’s core business hours throughout the Time of Performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement. Core business hours are assumed to be at least from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved as alternative core business hours by the OAG . Employee leave earned under this grant period is reimbursable; however, the Provider must continue to maintain sufficient capacity to assist victims.
Amount of Funds. $ Total Funds 7KH 2$* ZLOO UHLPEXUVH WKH 3URYLGHU IRU FRQWUDFWXDO VHUYLFHV RU DYDLODELOLW\ WR provide services for the entire time of performance, as set forth in Article 3 of this Agreement, and completed in DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV RI WKLV $JUHHPHQW 7KH WRWDO VXP RI PRQLHV DYDLODEOH IRU reimbursement to the Provider for services provided will not exceed $37,316.00. % ³Availability to Provide Services´ is defined as maintaining sufficient capacity to assist victims during the Provider¶s business hours throughout the Agreement term. Provider¶s business hours should be set during standard business work hours, which are between 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved as alternative standard business work hours by the OAG. (PSOR\HH OHDYH HDUQHG XQGHU WKLV grant period is reimbursable; however, the Provider must continue to maintain sufficient capacity to assist victims. & ³Contractual Services´ are defined as those specified services established within the OAG approved budget for which the Provider is to be paid upon completion at the set rate also established within the OAG approved budget, as authorized expenditures eligible for payment, or reimbursement pursuant to ARTICLE 9, AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES, of this Agreement.
Amount of Funds. Provided that the terms of this Agreement are met, the Department agrees to make available to the Grantee the sum of $86,478 in 49 U.S.C. § 5310 ARPA Funds for operating expenses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is detailed in Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. It is understood that in this Agreement, the Department is merely serving as the entity to distribute Federal government funding, and the funds provided in this Agreement are not Commonwealth of Virginia (“Commonwealth”) funds. Federal funds provided in this Agreement are contingent upon FTA funding. In no event shall the Department be liable to the Grantee for any portion of the Federal share of the Project cost. The Department’s responsibility for the Project cost shall be limited to the cost of coordination and processing of the Grantee’s reimbursement requests to the FTA.
Amount of Funds. The Agency agrees to pay the PROVIDER for services completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as approved by the Agency. In accordance with Attachment B, the total sum of monies approved for the costs incurred under this Agreement shall not exceed $390,388.00 for Fiscal Year 2015 – 2016, starting July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016. The PROVIDER shall not commingle Agency funds with other business or personal funds or accounts. The PROVIDER will report to the Agency the source and amount of all funding received from other sources during the term of this contract. Such reports will be due as part of the monthly expense report sent to the Agency.