Issue Resolution. 13 For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR with respect to the 14 implementation and operation of this Contract or COUNTY’s policies and procedures regarding services 15 described herein, the following sequential steps shall apply: 16 A. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 electronic mail (e-mail), FAX, written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 regarding services described herein. 21 B. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this Contract. ADMINISTRATOR shall have fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) calendar days. 26 C. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 described above to ADMINISTRATOR’s Director of Behavioral Health Care for final resolution. 29 D. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 either party. 31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 33
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Medi Cal Mental Health Managed Care Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Services, Contract for Provision of Services
Issue Resolution. 13 For 2 A. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that for resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR COUNTY and ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTOR, 3 with respect to the 14 implementation and operation of this the Contract or COUNTY’s policies and procedures P&P regarding services 15 4 described herein, the following sequential steps shall applywill be followed:
16 A. 5 1. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 6 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contacttelephone, 18 electronic mail (e-mail)email, FAXand fax communication, written 7 correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and 8 operation of this the Contract or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 P&P regarding services described herein.
21 B. If 9 2. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that if the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR 10 shall give written notice to 22 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth forth, in specific terms terms, the existence and nature 11 of any unresolved matter or 23 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this the Contract. 12 ADMINISTRATOR shall have be given fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution 13 of any issue(s) identified in this manner, 25 provided, however, . XXXXXXXXXX agrees that by mutual consent this period of 14 time may be extended to thirty (30) calendar days.
26 C. If 15 3. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that if the parties are still unable to obtain resolution of the issue, 16 they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar 17 days after the written notice 28 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Health Care Health, or designee, 18 for final resolution.
29 D. 19 B. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph Paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 20 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND 21 C. CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, writing to modify the Issue 32 22 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 3323
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services, Contract for Provision of Services
Issue Resolution. 13 9 For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY with respect to the 14 implementation 10 and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures P&P’s regarding services 15 described herein, the following 11 sequential steps shall apply:
16 12 A. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 13 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 electronic mail (e-mail), FAXfacsimile machine, written 14 correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and 15 operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 P&P’s regarding services described herein.
21 16 B. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 17 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 18 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this Contractthe Agreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have 19 fifteen 24 (15) calendar business days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this 20 manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) 21 calendar days.
26 22 C. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 23 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 24 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Mental Health Care for final resolution.
29 25 D. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph Paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 26 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 33
Appears in 1 contract
Issue Resolution. 13 2 For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY with respect to the 14 implementation 3 and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures P&P’s regarding services 15 described herein, the 4 following sequential steps shall apply:
16 5 A. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 6 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 electronic mail (e-mail), FAXfacsimile machine, written 7 correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and 8 operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 P&P’s regarding services described herein.
21 9 B. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 10 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 11 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this Contractthe Agreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have 12 fifteen 24 (15) calendar business days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this 13 manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) 14 calendar days.
26 15 C. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement 16 statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 17 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Health Care for final resolution.
29 18 D. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph Paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 19 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND 20 E. CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, writing to modify the Issue 32 21 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the ContractAgreement. 3322
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Mental Health Inpatient Services
Issue Resolution. 13 For A. CONTRACTOR agrees that for resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR COUNTY and ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTOR, with respect to the 14 implementation and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures P&P regarding services 15 described herein, the following sequential steps shall applywill be followed:
16 A. 1. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contacttelephone, 18 electronic mail (e-mail)email, FAXand fax communication, written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTYADMINISTRATOR’s policies and procedures 20 P&P regarding services described herein.
21 B. If 2. CONTRACTOR agrees that if the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth forth, in specific terms terms, the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this Contractthe Agreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have be given fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this manner, 25 provided, however, . XXXXXXXXXX agrees that by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) calendar days.
26 C. If 3. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that if the parties are still unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Health Care Health, or designee, for final resolution.
29 D. B. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND and ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, writing to modify the Issue 32 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 33Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Services
Issue Resolution. 13 20 For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR with respect to the 14 21 implementation and operation of this Contract Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures regarding 22 services 15 described herein, the following sequential steps shall apply:
16 23 A. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR 24 ADMINISTRAOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 25 electronic mail (e-mail), FAX, written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 26 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 27 regarding services described herein.
21 28 B. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 29 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 30 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this ContractAgreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have 31 fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this 32 manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) 33 calendar days.
26 34 C. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 35 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 36 described above to ADMINISTRATOR’s Director of Behavioral Health Care for final resolution.. 37 //
29 1 D. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 2 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX 3 E. CONTRACTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 4 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the ContractAgreement. 335
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Services
Issue Resolution. 13 8 A. For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR with respect to the 14 9 implementation and operation of this Contract Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures regarding 10 services 15 described herein, the following sequential steps shall apply:
16 A. 11 1. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods 12 with 17 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone 13 contact, 18 electronic mail (e-mail), FAX, written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or 14 problems 19 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and 15 procedures 20 regarding services described herein.
21 B. 16 2. If the parties Parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 17 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 18 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this ContractAgreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have 19 fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this 20 manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) 21 calendar days.
26 C. 22 3. If the parties Parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 23 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 24 described above above, or forty-five (45) calendar days if the period of time in Section II.A.2. was extended by 25 mutual consent, to ADMINISTRATOR’s Director of Behavioral Health Care for final resolution.
29 D. 26 B. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 27 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX 28 C. CONTRACTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 29 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the ContractAgreement. 3330
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Inpatient Behavioral Health Services
Issue Resolution. 13 For A. CONTRACTOR agrees that for resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR COUNTY and ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTOR, with respect to the 14 implementation and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures P&P regarding services 15 described herein, the following sequential steps shall applywill be followed:
16 A. 1. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contacttelephone, 18 electronic mail (e-mail)email, FAXand fax communication, written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 P&P regarding services described herein.
21 B. If 2. CONTRACTOR agrees that if the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth forth, in specific terms terms, the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this Contractthe Agreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have be given fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this manner, 25 provided, however, . XXXXXXXXXX agrees that by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) calendar days.
26 C. If 3. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that if the parties are still unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Health Care Health, or designee, for final resolution.
29 D. B. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph Paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND and ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A BA to the Contract. 33Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Adult Mental Health Psychiatric Skilled Nursing Facility Services
Issue Resolution. 13 5 For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY with respect to the 14 implementation 6 and operation of this the Contract or COUNTY’s COUNT s policies and procedures (P&Ps) regarding services 15 7 described herein, the following sequential steps shall apply:
16 8 A. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including9 ADMINISTRATOR, including but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 electronic mail (e-mail), FAX, 10 written correspondence correspondence, and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation 11 and operation of this the Contract or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 Ps regarding services described herein.
21 12 B. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 13 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 14 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this the Contract. ADMINISTRATOR shall have fifteen 24 15 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this manner, 25 16 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) calendar days.
26 17 C. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement 18 statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 19 described above to ADMINISTRATOR’s Director of Behavioral Health Care h, or designee, for final resolution.
29 20 D. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 21 either party.
31 22 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND and ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 23 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 3324
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Issue Resolution. 13 For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR with respect to the 14 implementation and operation of this Contract or COUNTY’s policies and procedures regarding services 15 described herein, the following sequential steps shall apply:
16 A. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 electronic mail (e-mail), FAX, written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 regarding services described herein.
21 B. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this Contract. ADMINISTRATOR shall have fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) calendar days.
26 C. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 described above to ADMINISTRATOR’s Director of Behavioral Health Care for final resolution.
29 D. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX E. CONTRACTOR AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 33
Appears in 1 contract
Issue Resolution. 13 For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY with respect to the implementation 14 implementation and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures P&P’s regarding services 15 described herein, the 15 following sequential steps shall apply:
16 A. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff includingADMINISTRATOR, but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 electronic mail (e-mail), FAX, written correspondence correspondence, and meetings, 18 to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract the Agreement or 19 COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 P&P’s regarding services described herein.. 20 //
21 B. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this Contractthe Agreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have 24 fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this 25 manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) 26 calendar days.
26 27 C. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement 28 statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 29 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Health Care Health, or designee, for final resolution.
29 30 D. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 31 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND 32 E. CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 33 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the ContractAgreement. 3334
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Physician Services Agreement
Issue Resolution. 13 29 A. For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY with respect to the 14 30 implementation and operation of this Contract Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures regarding 31 services 15 described herein, the following sequential steps shall apply:
16 A. 32 1. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods 33 with 17 ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 electronic mail 34 Facsimile Machine (e-mailFAX), FAX, written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 35 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 36 regarding services described herein.
21 B. 37 2. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 1 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 2 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this ContractAgreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have 3 fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this 4 manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) 5 calendar days.
26 C. 6 3. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 7 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 8 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Health Care for final resolution.
29 D. 9 B. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 10 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 3311
Appears in 1 contract
Issue Resolution. 13 For A. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that for resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR COUNTY and ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACTOR, with respect to the 14 implementation and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures P&P regarding services 15 described herein, the following sequential steps shall applywill be followed:
16 A. 1. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contacttelephone, 18 electronic mail (e-mail)email, FAXand fax communication, written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or problems 19 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract the Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures 20 P&P regarding services described herein.
21 B. If 2. CONTRACTOR agrees that if the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth forth, in specific terms terms, the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this Contractthe Agreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have be given fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this manner, 25 provided, however, . XXXXXXXXXX agrees that by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) calendar days.
26 C. If 3. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that if the parties are still unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Health Care Health, or designee, for final resolution.
29 D. B. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph Paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND C. CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A BA to the Contract. 33Agreement.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract for Provision of Adult Mental Health Psychiatric Skilled Nursing Facility Services
Issue Resolution. 13 31 For resolution of issues between CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY with respect to the 14 implementation 32 and operation of this Contract Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and procedures regarding services 15 described 33 herein, the following sequential steps shall apply:
16 34 A. CONTRACTOR shall routinely utilize all informal communication processes and methods with 17 ADMINISTRATOR 35 COUNTY program and administrative staff including, but not limited to, telephone contact, 18 electronic 36 mail (e-mail), facsimile machine (FAX), written correspondence and meetings, to resolve any issues or 37 problems 19 regarding the implementation and operation of this Contract Agreement or COUNTY’s policies and 1 procedures 20 regarding services described herein.
21 2 B. If the parties are unable to resolve the issue, CONTRACTOR shall give written notice to 22 3 ADMINISTRATOR setting forth in specific terms the existence and nature of any unresolved matter or 23 4 concern related to the purposes and obligations of this ContractAgreement. ADMINISTRATOR shall have 5 fifteen 24 (15) calendar days following such notice to obtain resolution of any issue(s) identified in this 6 manner, 25 provided, however, by mutual consent this period of time may be extended to thirty (30) 7 calendar days.
26 8 C. If the parties are unable to obtain resolution of the issue, they shall submit a joint written 27 9 Statement describing the facts of the issue, within thirty (30) calendar days after the written notice 28 10 described above to ADMINISTRATORCOUNTY’s Director of Behavioral Health Care for final resolution.
29 11 D. The rights and remedies provided by this paragraph are in addition to those provided by law to 30 12 either party.
31 X. XXXXXXXXXX AND ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree, in writing, to modify the Issue 32 Resolution Paragraph of this Exhibit A to the Contract. 3313
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Agreement for Provision of Adult Mental Health Inpatient Services