Item Carried to Collection Sample Clauses

Item Carried to Collection. R Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries
Item Carried to Collection. R Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 53 Clause 6.3 - Shop drawings F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item
Item Carried to Collection. R Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 37 Clause 2.3 - Availability of construction information Budgetary allowances and provisional sums The budgetary allowances and/or provisional sums allocated for subsequent trades included in this agreement will be separately procured, based on multiple procurement of subcontractors during the construction period F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item
Item Carried to Collection. R Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 41 Clause 3.3 - Inspection of adjoining properties F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item The site (B4) 42 Clause 4.1- Handover of site in stages F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item 43 Clause 4.2 - Enclosure of the works F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item 44 Clause 4.3 - Geotechnical and other investigations F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item 45 Clause 4.4 - Encroachments F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item
Item Carried to Collection. R Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 68 Clause 11.6 - Environmental disturbance Controlling all forms of pollution The contractor shall be responsible for and take all precautions in controlling by whatever means necessary all forms of pollution emanating from the site during the construction period due inter alia to noise, artificial light, wind-blown sand, dust, deposits of mud, etc. F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item 69 Clause 11.7 - Works cleaning and clearing F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item 70 Clause 11.8 - Vermin F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item 71 Clause 11.9 - Overhand work F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item
Item Carried to Collection. R Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries 65 Clause 11.3 - Security of the works F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item 66 Clause 11.4 - Notice before covering work F:......................... V:........................ T:........................ Item
Item Carried to Collection. R Section No. 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries Execution (A12 - A17)
Item Carried to Collection. R Section No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Bill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES Page 19 A30 PENALTY FOR NON-COMPLETION Clause 30.0 Replace reference to sub-clause 36.3 at end of sentence with 36.0 30 Fixed:....................Value:....................Time:.............. ....
Item Carried to CollectionBill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES
Item Carried to CollectionBill No. 1 PRELIMINARIES 1/1/20 Clause 20.0 - Completion in sections Not Applicable F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Item 1/1/21 Clause 21.0 - Defects liability period and final completion F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Item 1/1/22 Clause 22.0 - Latent defects liability period F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Item 1/1/23 Clause 23.0 - Revision of the date for practical completion Substitution of materials and goods The removal or substitution of any materials and goods which do not conform to the specification or the contract drawings shall not constitute grounds for the extension of the construction period nor for the adjustment of the contract value [17.1.8; 23.1 & 2] Clause 23.1.1 is amended by adding the following “It shall be deemed that the programme includes an allowance of twenty (20) working days for inclement and exceptionally inclement weather and an extension of time shall only be considered for inclement weather beyond the twenty (20) working day period.” F:............................. V:............................ T:............................ Item