LEA STUDENT CHANGE OF RESIDENCE a) Within three (3) school days after CONTRACTOR or XXX becomes aware of a LEA student’s change of residence, CONTRACTOR shall notify LEA and/or the LEA shall notify CONTRACTOR of the LEA student’s change of residence as specified in LEA Procedures. Upon enrollment, CONTRACTOR shall notify parents in writing of the parent’s obligation to notify CONTRACTOR of the LEA student’s change of residence. CONTRACTOR shall maintain, and provide upon request by XXX, documentation of such notice to parents.
b) If the LEA student’s change of residence is to a residence outside of LEA’s service boundaries or CONTRACTOR fails to follow the procedures specified in this provision, XXX shall not be responsible for the costs of services delivered after the LEA student’s change of residence, if CONTRACTOR had knowledge or should reasonably have had knowledge of the LEA student’s change of residence. LEAs will adhere to requirements for students identified as homeless or xxxxxx youth under current education code.
LEA STUDENT CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. Within five (5) school days after CONTRACTOR becomes aware of a LEA student’s change of residence, CONTRACTOR shall notify LEA of the LEA student’s change of residence as specified in LEA Procedures. Upon enrollment, CONTRACTOR shall notify parents in writing of their obligation to notify CONTRACTOR of the LEA student’s change of residence. CONTRACTOR shall maintain, and provide upon request by XXX, documentation of such notice to parents. If CONTRACTOR had knowledge or should reasonably have had knowledge of the LEA student’s change of residence boundaries and CONTRACTOR fails to follow the procedures specified in this provision, XXX shall not be responsible for the costs of services delivered after the LEA student’s change of residence.
LEA STUDENT CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. Upon enrollment, CONTRACTOR shall notify parents in writing of their obligation to notify CONTRACTOR of the LEA student’s change of residence. CONTRACTOR shall maintain, and provide upon request by XXX, documentation of such notice to parents. Within five (5) school days from the date CONTRACTOR becomes aware of a LEA student’s change of residence, CONTRACTOR shall notify the LEA, in writing, of the LEA student’s change of residence and whether the student’s IEP provides for an assistive technology device for use outside of the school setting. If the student’s IEP provides an assistive technology device for use outside of the school setting then the student shall continue to be provided an assistive technology device for use outside the school setting until alternative arrangements are made or until two (2) months have elapsed from the date the student ceased to be enrolled in the LEA, whichever occurs first (Education Code section 56040.3). If CONTRACTOR had knowledge or should reasonably have had knowledge of the LEA student’s change of residence boundaries and CONTRACTOR fails to follow the procedures specified in this provision, the LEA shall not be responsible for the costs of services delivered after the LEA student’s change of residence.
LEA STUDENT CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. Within three (3) school days after CONTRACTOR or XXX becomes aware of a LEA student’s change of residence, CONTRACTOR shall notify LEA and/or the LEA shall notify CONTRACTOR of the LEA student’s change of residence. Upon enrollment, CONTRACTOR shall notify parents in writing of the parent’s obligation to notify CONTRACTOR of the LEA student’s change of residence. CONTRACTOR shall maintain, and provide upon request by XXX, documentation of such notice to parents. If the LEA student’s change of residence is to a residence outside of LEA’s service boundaries or CONTRACTOR fails to follow the procedures specified in this provision, XXX shall not be responsible for the costs of services delivered after the LEA student’s change of residence, if CONTRACTOR had knowledge or should reasonably have had knowledge of the LEA student’s change of residence. LEAs will adhere to requirements for students identified as homeless or xxxxxx youth under current education code.
LEA STUDENT CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. Within five (5) business days after CONTRACTOR becomes aware of a LEA student’s change of residence, CONTRACTOR shall notify LEA of the LEA student’s change of residence so that such information may be entered in student’s Welligent Demographics page and, when appropriate, inform the Division of Special Education of the need to electronically withdraw student from LEA jurisdiction, as specified in the “PAR” procedures. Upon enrollment, CONTRACTOR shall notify parents in writing of their obligation to notify CONTRACTOR of the LEA student’s change of residence. CONTRACTOR shall maintain, and provide upon request by XXX, documentation of such notice to parents. If CONTRACTOR had knowledge of the LEA student’s change of residence to a residence outside of LEA’s service boundaries and CONTRACTOR fails to follow the procedures specified in this provision and in the “PAR” procedures, XXX shall not be responsible for the costs of services delivered after the LEA student’s change of residence.
LEA STUDENT CHANGE OF RESIDENCE. Within five (5) school days after CONTRACTOR becomes aware of a LEA student’s change of residence, CONTRACTOR should notify LEA of the LEA student’s change of residence as specified in LEA Procedures. If CONTRACTOR had knowledge of the LEA student’s change of residence boundaries and CONTRACTOR fails to follow the procedures specified in this provision, LEA shall not be responsible for the costs of services delivered after the LEA student’s change of residence.