LESSOR TO PAY TAXES. The LESSOR shall be responsible for the ------------------- payment, before the same becomes delinquent, of all general and special taxes of every kind and nature, including assessments for local improvements, and other governmental charges which may be lawfully charged, assessed or imposed (herein collectively called the "Taxes") upon the Building and the Lot. If at any time during the Term the present system of ad valorem taxation of real property shall be changed to that in lieu of the whole or any part of the ad valorem tax on real property, there shall be assessed on LESSOR a capital levy or other tax on the gross rents received with respect to the Lot or the Building or a federal, state, county, municipal, or other local income, franchise, excise or similar tax, assessment, levy or charge (distinct from any now in effect) measured by or based, in whole or in part, upon any such gross rents, then any and all of such taxes, assessments, levies or charges to the extent so measured or based, shall be deemed to be included within the term "Taxes" but only to the extent that the same would be payable if the Lot and the Building were the only property of LESSOR.
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LESSOR TO PAY TAXES. The LESSOR shall be responsible for the payment, before the same become delinquent, of all general and special taxes of every kind and nature, including assessments for local improvements, and other governmental charges which may be lawfully charged, assessed or imposed (herein collectively called the "Taxes") upon the Building and the Lot.
LESSOR TO PAY TAXES. The Lessor has paid and shall continue to pay all present and future taxes, municipal and local levies, rates, cess, and any other dues (“Taxes”) levied by the Government of Karnataka, the Central Government and/or any other statutory authorities, in respect of the Premises, and the Building including ground rent and property tax, and shall not let them remain in arrears. The Lessor shall also be liable to pay any increase in Taxes.


  • Tax Expenses Tenant shall pay to Landlord Tenant's Share of all real property taxes applicable to the Project. Prior to delinquency, Tenant shall pay any and all taxes and assessments levied upon Tenant's Property (defined below in Section 10) located or installed in or about the Premises by, or on behalf of Tenant. To the extent any such taxes or assessments are not separately assessed or billed to Tenant, then Tenant shall pay the amount thereof as invoiced by Landlord. Tenant shall also reimburse and pay Landlord, as Additional Rent, within twenty (20) days after demand therefor, one hundred percent (100%) of (i) any increase in real property taxes attributable to any and all Alterations (defined below in Section 10), Tenant Improvements, fixtures, equipment or other improvements of any kind whatsoever placed in, on or about the Premises for the benefit of, at the request of, or by Tenant, and (ii) taxes and assessments levied or assessed upon or with respect to the possession, operation, use or occupancy by Tenant of the Premises or any other portion of the Project. The term "Tax Expenses" shall mean and include, without limitation, any form of tax and assessment (general, special, supplemental, ordinary or extraordinary), commercial rental tax, payments under any improvement bond or bonds, license fees, license tax, business license fee, rental tax, transaction tax or levy imposed by any authority having the direct or indirect power of tax (including any city, county, state or federal government, or any school, agricultural, lighting, drainage or other improvement district thereof) as against any legal or equitable interest of Landlord in the Premises or any other portion of the Project or any other tax, fee, or excise, however described, including, but not limited to, any value added tax, or any tax imposed in substitution (partially or totally) of any tax previously included within the definition of real property taxes, or any additional tax the nature of which was previously included within the definition of real property taxes. The term "Tax Expenses" shall not include any franchise, estate, inheritance, net income, or excess profits tax imposed upon Landlord, or a penalty fee imposed as a result of Landlord's failure to pay Tax Expenses when due.

  • TENANT'S TAXES Tenant's Taxes" shall mean (a) all taxes, assessments, license fees and other governmental charges or impositions levied or assessed against or with respect to Tenant's personal property or Trade Fixtures in the Premises, whether any such imposition is levied directly against Tenant or levied against Landlord or the Property, (b) all rental, excise, sales or transaction privilege taxes arising out of this Lease (excluding, however, state and federal personal or corporate income taxes measured by the income of Landlord from all sources) imposed by any taxing authority upon Landlord or upon Landlord's receipt of any rent payable by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease ("Rental Tax"), and (c) any increase in Taxes attributable to inclusion of a value placed on Tenant's personal property, Trade Fixtures or Alterations. Tenant shall pay any Rental Tax to Landlord in addition to and at the same time as Base Rent is payable under this Lease, and shall pay all other Tenant's Taxes before delinquency (and, at Landlord's request, shall furnish Landlord satisfactory evidence thereof). If Landlord pays Tenant's Taxes or any portion thereof, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord upon demand for the amount of such payment, together with interest at the Interest Rate from the date of Landlord's payment to the date of Tenant's reimbursement.

  • Definition of Real Property Taxes “Real Property Taxes” shall be the sum of the following: all real property taxes; possessory interest taxes; business or license taxes or fees; present or future Xxxxx-Xxxx assessments; service payments in lieu of such taxes or fees; annual or periodic license or use fees; excise, transit and traffic charges; housing fund assessments, open space charges, childcare fees, school, sewer and parking fees or any other assessments, levies, fees, exactions or charges, general and special, ordinary and extraordinary, unforeseen as well as foreseen (including fees “in-lieu” of any such tax or assessment) which are assessed, levied, charged, conferred or imposed by any public authority upon the Project (or any real property comprising any portion thereof) or its operations, together with all taxes, assessments or other fees imposed by any public authority upon or measured by any rent or other charges payable hereunder, including any gross receipts tax or excise tax levied by any governmental authority with respect to receipt of rental income, or, with respect to or by reason of the development, possession, any tax or assessment levied in connection with the leasing, operation, management, maintenance, alteration, repair, use or occupancy by Tenant of the Premises or any portion thereof; any documentary transfer taxes upon this transaction or any document to which Tenant is a party creating or transferring an interest in the Premises; together with any tax imposed in substitution, partially or totally, of any tax previously included within the aforesaid definition or any additional tax the nature of which was previously included within the aforesaid definition; together with any and all costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys’, administrative and expert witness fees and costs) of challenging any of the foregoing or seeking the reduction in or abatement, redemption or return of any of the foregoing, but only to the extent of any such reduction, abatement, redemption or return. All references to Real Property Taxes during a particular year shall be deemed to refer to taxes accrued during such year, including supplemental tax bills, regardless of when they are actually assessed and without regard to when such taxes are payable. The obligation of Tenant to pay for supplemental taxes effective during the Term shall survive the expiration or early termination of this Lease. Nothing contained in this Lease shall require Tenant to pay any franchise, corporate, estate or inheritance tax of Landlord, or any income, profits or revenue tax or charge upon the net income of Landlord or any documentary transfer tax.

  • Operating Expenses and Taxes Lessee and Lessor acknowledge and agree that commencing with the Second Extended Lease Term and continuing with any Extended Lease Term validly exercised thereafter, (x) the Lease provisions relating to payment of Taxes and Operating Expenses shall be converted from a Base Year computation to a straight net basis computation, and (y) Lessee shall be assuming the obligation of maintenance and repair described in Paragraph 11 below. In connection with the conversion from a Base Year to a net lease and Lessee’s assumption of the maintenance and repair obligations described in Paragraph 11 below, Lessee and Lessor wish to modify the terms and provisions of the Lease relating to Operating Expenses to account for such modifications and Lessee’s assumption of such obligations. In connection with the foregoing, Lessee and Lessor hereby acknowledge and agree that commencing on January 1, 2013, (i) the MOU shall have no further force or effect with respect to all periods from and after January 1, 2013 (the MOU shall remain in effect with respect to periods on or before December 31, 2012, except as modified by Xxxxxxxxxx 00 xxx 00 xxxxx), (xx) notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Lease, Lessee’s obligations with respect to the payment of Lessee’s Percentage of Taxes and Lessee’s Percentage of Operating Expenses shall be computed without reference to a Base Year, with the effect that Lessee’s obligation for payment of Taxes during any Tax Year shall be payment of Lessee’s Percentage of the Taxes incurred with respect to such Tax Year and Lessee’s obligation for payment of Operating Expenses during any Lease Year for Operating Expenses shall be payment of Lessee’s Percentage of the Operating Expenses incurred with respect to such Lease Year for Operating Expenses, and (iii) Article 5 of the Original Lease shall be deleted in its entirety with respect to all periods from and after January 1, 2013 and replaced with the provisions of this Paragraph 10.

  • Additional Rental Lessee shall pay and discharge, as additional rental (“Additional Rental”), all sums of money required to be paid by Lessee under this Lease which are not specifically referred to as Rental. Lessee shall pay and discharge any Additional Rental when the same shall become due, provided that amounts which are billed to Lessor or any third party, but not to Lessee, shall be paid within thirty (30) days after Lessor’s demand for payment thereof or, if later, when the same are due. In no event shall Lessee be required to pay to Lessor any item of Additional Rental that Lessee is obligated to pay and has paid to any third party pursuant to any provision of this Lease.

  • Common Area Charges In addition to the rental and other charges herein provided to be paid by Lessee to Lessor, Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as additional rent and as Lessee’s share of the cost of maintaining, operating, repairing and managing the Project, Lessee’s proportionate share (as defined in Section 12) of the Total Common Area Charges (as hereinafter defined) for any calendar year during the Term (the “CAM Amount”). Lessee shall pay Lessor in advance its monthly estimated proportionate share (as described in Section 12) of the CAM Amount, together with all applicable rental taxes due thereon, within ten (10) days after receipt of an invoice from Lessor setting forth Lessor’s estimate of such amount. Within ninety (90) days following the end of each calendar year during the Term or as soon thereafter as is Please Initial: Lessor ¨ Lessee ¨ reasonably possible, Lessor shall furnish Lessee with a statement of all Total Common Area Charges for the Project for the previous calendar year indicating the computation of Lessee’s proportionate share of the CAM Amount for such calendar year and the payments made by Lessee during such calendar year. If Lessee’s aggregate estimated monthly payments actually paid to Lessor for the calendar year are greater than Lessee’s proportionate share of the CAM Amount for such calendar year, Lessor shall promptly pay the excess to Lessee or shall apply the excess to any past due amounts owing from Lessee to Lessor; if the payments made are less than Lessee’s proportionate share, Lessee shall pay the difference to Lessor within ten (10) days of its receipt of such statement. Total Common Area Charges shall consist of all costs and expenses of every type associated with the management, repair, maintenance, and insuring of the Common Areas including, without limitation, costs and expenses for the following: gardening and landscaping; utilities, water and sewer charges; premiums for liability, property damage and casualty insurance and xxxxxxx’x compensation insurance; all personal property taxes levied on or attributable to personal property used in connection with the Common Areas; straight line depreciation on personal property owned by Lessor which is consumed in the operation or maintenance of the Common Areas; rental or lease payments paid by Lessor for rented or leased personal property used in the operation or maintenance of Common Areas; fees for required licenses and permits; refuse disposal charges; repairing, resurfacing, repaving, maintaining, painting, lighting, cleaning, refuse removal, security and similar items; repair and maintenance of exterior roofs and reserves for roof replacement and exterior painting of the Project and other appropriate reserves; and fees paid to property managers. Said Total Common Area Charges shall further include all charges for semi-annual preventive maintenance service of mechanical equipment including, without limitation, heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, which is attributable to the Project, and the cost of lighting, maintenance and repair of the Project identification signs.

  • Common Area Operating Expenses Lessee shall pay to Lessor during the term hereof, in addition to the Base Rent, Lessee's Share (as specified in Paragraph 1.6(b)) of all Common Area Operating Expenses, as hereinafter defined, during each calendar year of the term of this Lease, in accordance with the following provisions:

  • Property Taxes All Property Taxes which have become due and payable upon any of the Purchased Assets on or before the Closing Date shall be paid by Seller on or before the Closing, together with any penalty or interest thereon, to the relevant Governmental Authority. All Property Taxes imposed by any Governmental Authority with respect to the Purchased Assets that are due and payable with respect to a Straddle Period (taking into account whether such Property Taxes are payable in advance or in arrears) shall be apportioned between (i) the period beginning before and ending on the Closing Date (the “Pre-Transfer Period”) and (ii) the period beginning on the day immediately after the Closing Date and ending on the last day of the relevant taxable period (the “Post-Transfer Period”). In performing such apportionment, all Property Taxes shall be prorated on the assumption that an equal amount of Property Tax applies to each day of the relevant taxable period regardless of how installment payments are billed or made. If the actual amount of any such item is not known as of the Closing Date, such proration will be based on the previous year’s assessment of such item and the parties hereto will adjust such proration and pay any underpayment or reimburse for any overpayment within thirty (30) days after the actual amount becomes known. Seller shall be liable for all such Property Taxes apportioned to the Pre-Transfer Period and Buyer shall be liable for all such Property Taxes apportioned to the Post-Transfer Period. No later than fifteen (15) days prior to the due date thereof, Seller shall pay to Buyer the amount of any Pre-Transfer Period and other Property Taxes for which Seller is liable under this Section 5.4 and which remain unpaid as of the Closing Date. Within five (5) days after the Closing Date, Buyer shall reimburse Seller for all Property Taxes paid by Seller that are apportioned to the Post-Transfer Period. Buyer shall pay all Property Taxes which become due and payable after the Closing Date with respect to a Straddle Period.

  • Real Property Tax Definition As used herein, the term "REAL PROPERTY TAXES" shall include any form of real estate tax or assessment, general, special, ordinary or extraordinary, and any license fee, commercial rental tax, improvement bond or bonds, levy or tax (other than inheritance, personal income or estate taxes) imposed upon the Industrial Center by any authority having the direct or indirect power to tax, including any city, state or federal government, or any school, agricultural, sanitary, fire, street, drainage, or other improvement district thereof, levied against any legal or equitable interest of Lessor in the Industrial Center or any portion thereof, Lessor's right to rent or other income therefrom, and/or Lessor's business of leasing the Premises. The term "REAL PROPERTY TAXES" shall also include any tax, fee, levy, assessment or charge, or any increase therein, imposed by reason of events occurring, or changes in Applicable Law taking effect, during the term of this Lease, including but not limited to a change in the ownership of the Industrial Center or in the improvements thereon, the execution of this Lease, or any modification, amendment or transfer thereof, and whether or not contemplated by the Parties. In calculating Real Property Taxes for any calendar year, the Real Property Taxes for any real estate tax year shall be included in the calculation of Real Property Taxes for such calendar year based upon the number of days which such calendar year and tax year have in common.

  • Landlord’s Expenses In the event Tenant shall assign this Lease or sublet the Premises or request the consent of Landlord to any Transfer, then Tenant shall pay Landlord's reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, attorneys', architects', accountants', engineers' or other consultants' fees.

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