Licensed Software Computer program(s) provided by Contractor in connection with the Deliverables, subject to Section 14 of this Contract.
Third Party Software The Software may contain third party software which requires notices and/or additional terms and conditions. Such required Third Party Software notices and/or additional terms and conditions are located at xxxxx:// (or a successor website thereto) and are made a part of and incorporated by reference into this Agreement.
Software License The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold.
Embedded Software To the extent any goods contain Embedded Software (defined below) that is not Buyer’s Property, no title to such Embedded Software shall pass to Buyer, and Supplier shall grant Buyer, its customers and all other users a non-exclusive worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free right to use, load, install, execute, demonstrate, market, test, resell, sublicense and distribute such Embedded Software as an integral part of such goods or for servicing the goods (the “Buyer-Required License”). If such Embedded Software or any part thereof is owned by a third party, prior to delivery, Supplier shall obtain the Buyer-Required License from such third-party owner. “Embedded Software” means software necessary for operation of goods and embedded in and delivered as an integral part of goods.