LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Contractor shall not use any funds provided under this Agreement for the purpose of lobbying the Florida Legislature, Executive, or Judicial Branch, or any agency of the State of Florida.
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. 8 None of the funds provided under this Agreement shall be used for publicity, lobbying or 9 propaganda purposes designed to support or defeat legislation pending in the Congress of the 10 United States of America or the Legislature of the State of California.
LOBBYING ACTIVITY a. The PROVIDER shall not use any funds received under this Provider Agreement, either directly or indirectly, for purposes of conducting lobbying activities or hiring a lobbyist or lobbyists on its behalf at the Federal, State, or local government, level as defined in the Lobbyist Regulation Act, NMSA 1978, Sections 2-11-1 et seq., and applicable Federal law. b. No appropriated Federal funds can be paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the PROVIDER, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Subrecipient may not use any funds provided under this Agreement for the support, defeat, or influence of legislation or appropriations pending before the Congress.
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. The parties acknowledge that OCH will not direct nor control Grantee’s interactions with any government officials or employees. Xxxxxxx agrees that it will advise OCH if it or any of its agents engage in activity that could give rise to any disclosure of the Grant or OCH under federal, state, or local lobbying disclosure rules and/or campaign finance laws.
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Teton County hereby engages Lobbyist as a consultant to lobby on matters regarding legislation, rulemaking and general policy matters that affect Teton County’s interests in Wyoming as outlined by the goals and priorities identified by the Legislative Policy Approach document. See Appendix A.
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. Service Provider may not use any funds provided under this Agreement for the support, defeat, or influence of legislation or appropriations pending before the Congress.
LOBBYING ACTIVITY. DocuSign Envelope ID: 244278C4-3F0E-4C5B-BBAE-F9CED9F4142E Contractor shall not use any funds provided under this Agreement for the purpose of lobbying the Florida Legislature, Executive, or Judicial Branch, or any agency of the State of Florida.


  • Lobbying Activities - Standard Form - LLL No response Do not upload this form unless Vendor has reportable lobbying activities. There are Attributes entitled, “2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision - Xxxx Anti-Lobbying Amendment – Continued.” Properly respond to those Attributes and only upload this form if applicable/instructed. If upload is required based on your response to those Attributes, the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities – Standard Form - LLL must be downloaded from the “Attachments” section of the IonWave eBid System, reviewed, properly completed, and uploaded to this location.

  • Political Activities Grant funds cannot be used for the following activities: A. Grantees and their relevant sub-grantees or subcontractors are prohibited from using grant funds directly or indirectly for political purposes, including lobbying, advocating for legislation, campaigning for, endorsing, contributing to, or otherwise supporting political candidates or parties, and voter registration campaigns. Grantees may use private, or non-System Agency money or contributions for political purposes but may not charge to, or be reimbursed from, System Agency contracts or grants for the costs of such activities. X. Xxxxx-funded employees may not use official authority or influence to achieve any political purpose and grant funds cannot be used for the salary, benefits, or any other compensation of an elected official. X. Xxxxx funds may not be used to employ, in any capacity, a person who is required by Chapter 305 of the Texas Government Code to register as a lobbyist. Additionally, grant funds cannot be used to pay membership dues to an organization that partially or wholly pays the salary of a person who is required by Chapter 305 of the Texas Government Code to register as a lobbyist. D. As applicable, Grantee will comply with 31 USC § 1352, relating to the limitation on use of appropriated funds to influence certain Federal contracting and financial transactions.

  • Political Activity 11 CONTRACTOR agrees that the funds provided herein shall not be used to promote, 12 directly or indirectly, any political party, political candidate, or political activity, except as 13 permitted by law.