Examples of Disclosure Rules in a sentence
Timely DisclosureThe organizational unit in charge of timely disclosure (the Corporate Communications Dept.) discloses information by order of the Chief Information Officer when disclosure is required in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules or is determined to be necessary for other reasons.
Whole Foods’ financial statements also were issued in violation of GAAP and SEC rules set forth below in the section titled: Whole Foods Financial Statements Were Materially Misstated in Violation of GAAP and SEC Disclosure Rules.
In the case of banking companies, the information on results and financial position set out in the Guideline on the Application of the Banking (Disclosure) Rules issued by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority must be provided in place of that set out in rules 18.50B(1) and 18.50B(2).
The intent is to provide a real-life depiction of our campus space to assist with planning of our campus activities, including data collection of assets and tools withineach classroom for scheduling, identifying facility deficiencies, and available technology, etc.This information will help formulate what a classroom design standard should look like, meeting the various needs of instructional space.
This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared for and only for the company for the purpose of complying with the Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority and for no other purpose.