Market Rental Value Adjustments Sample Clauses

Market Rental Value Adjustments. The monthly Base Rent shall be adjusted to the “Market Rental Value” for Suite F on December 1, 2016 and 2021 as follows: Four months prior to each Market Rental Value (“MRV”) Adjustment Date described above, the Parties shall attempt to agree upon what the new MRV will be on the adjustment date. If agreement cannot be reached within thirty days, then:
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Market Rental Value Adjustments. (i) On the commencement date of each Option Term, the Rent shall be adjusted to the Market Rental Value (“MRV”) of the Premises. Within fifteen (15) days of receipt by Landlord of Tenant’s Option Notice, Landlord shall select an appraiser (“Appraiser”) with at least ten (10) years of current experience in the appraisal of similar real property in Santa Cxxxx County, California. The Appraiser shall hold an MAI designation (or such other designation as may be the pre-eminent appraisal designation) and shall not have had, within the last five (5) years previous to such appointment, a legal, business, financial, professional or personal relationship with either Landlord or Tenant, except in relation to the determination of prior MRV for this Lease. The Appraiser shall determine the MRV within thirty (30) days of the date of Tenant’s Option Notice. In determining the MRV, the Appraiser shall be guided by the following principles: the MRV shall be determined by reference to residential properties in the Santa Cxxxx County area most comparable to the Premises and shall take into account, but not be limited to, the size, age and quality of the improvements. The MRV determined by the Appraiser shall be in writing and shall become the Rent for the succeeding option term; provided that the new monthly MRV-based Rent shall not be less than the Rent payable for the month immediately preceding the rent adjustment. If Tenant is unwilling to pay the Rent as adjusted by the MRV (or if no adjustment is made in accordance with the immediately preceding sentence), Tenant shall so notify Landlord within ten (10) days of receipt of the written determination of the new Rent and the Option (and all future Option(s)) shall automatically terminate with no further rights and obligations on either party with respect to the same, and this Lease shall terminate on the scheduled expiration date. The Landlord shall pay all costs and expenses of the Appraiser.
Market Rental Value Adjustments. On 1 January 1997, 1 January 2002, 1 January 2007, 1 January 2012 and 1 January 2017, ("MRV Adjustment Dates") the Base Rent shall be adjusted to the market rental value ("MRV") of the Premises as follows:
Market Rental Value Adjustments. (S) (MRV)
Market Rental Value Adjustments. (MRV) The Base Rent shall be increased to the following amounts on the dates set forth below: On (Fill in FRA Adjustment Date(s)): The New Base Rent shall be: ___________________________________________ $____________________________ ___________________________________________ $____________________________ ___________________________________________ $____________________________
Market Rental Value Adjustments 

Related to Market Rental Value Adjustments

  • Rental Value Lessor shall also obtain and keep in force during the term of this Lease a policy or policies in the name of Lessor, with loss payable to Lessor and any Lender(s), insuring the loss of the full rental and other charges payable by all lessees of the Building to Lessor for one year (including all Real Property Taxes, insurance costs, all Common Area Operating Expenses and any scheduled rental increases). Said insurance may provide that in the event the Lease is terminated by reason of an insured loss, the period of indemnity for such coverage shall be extended beyond the date of the completion of repairs or replacement of the Premises, to provide for one full year's loss of rental revenues from the date of any such loss. Said insurance shall contain an agreed valuation provision in lieu of any co-insurance clause, and the amount of coverage shall be adjusted annually to reflect the projected rental income, Real Property Taxes, insurance premium costs and other expenses, if any, otherwise payable, for the next 12-month period. Common Area Operating Expenses shall include any deductible amount in the event of such loss.

  • Market Value Adjustment 16 3.07 Transfer of Current Value from the Funds or AG Account ............ 17 3.08 Notice to the Certificate Holder .................................. 18 3.09 Loans ............................................................. 18 3.10 Systematic Withdrawal Option (SWO) ................................ 18 3.11

  • Determination of Market Rent If Tenant timely and appropriately objects to the Market Rent in Tenant’s Acceptance, Landlord and Tenant shall attempt to agree upon the Market Rent using their best good-faith efforts. If Landlord and Tenant fail to reach agreement within twenty-one (21) days following Tenant’s Acceptance (“Outside Agreement Date”), then each party shall make a separate determination of the Market Rent which shall be submitted to each other and to arbitration in accordance with the following items (i) through (vii):

  • Fair Market Rent In the event that it becomes necessary to determine the Fair Market Rent of any Facility for any purpose of this Master Lease, and the parties cannot agree among themselves on such Fair Market Rent within twenty (20) days after the first request made by one of the parties to do so, then either party may notify the other of a person selected to act as appraiser (such person, and each other person selected as provided herein, an “Appraiser”) on its behalf. Within fifteen (15) days after receipt of any such Notice, the other party shall by notice to the first party appoint a second person as Appraiser on its behalf. The Appraisers thus appointed, each of whom must be a member of The Appraisal Institute/American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (or any successor organization thereto, or, if no such organization exists, a similarly nationally recognized real estate appraisal organization) with at least ten (10) years of experience appraising properties similar to the Facilities, shall, within forty-five (45) days after the date of the notice appointing the first appraiser, proceed to appraise the applicable Facility to determine the Fair Market Rent thereof as of the relevant date; provided, that if one Appraiser shall have been so appointed, or if two Appraisers shall have been so appointed but only one such Appraiser shall have made such determination within fifty (50) days after the making of the initial appointment, then the determination of such Appraiser shall be final and binding upon the parties. If two (2) Appraisers shall have been appointed and shall have made their determinations within the respective requisite periods set forth above and if the difference between the amounts so determined shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the lesser of such amounts, then the Fair Market Rent shall be an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the sum of the amounts so determined. If the difference between the amounts so determined shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the lesser of such amounts, either party may request the appointment of Experts pursuant to Article XXXIV.

  • Base Rent Adjustments Base Rent shall be increased on each annual anniversary of the first day of the first full month during the Term of this Lease (each an “Adjustment Date”) by multiplying the Base Rent payable immediately before such Adjustment Date by the Rent Adjustment Percentage and adding the resulting amount to the Base Rent payable immediately before such Adjustment Date. Base Rent, as so adjusted, shall thereafter be due as provided herein. Base Rent adjustments for any fractional calendar month shall be prorated.

  • Rental Adjustments 6.1 The Basic Annual Rent then in effect (and as previously increased pursuant to this Section 6.1) shall be increased each year by three percent (3%) on each annual anniversary of the Term Commencement Date for so long as this Lease continues in effect.

  • Price Adjustments 8.5.1 Not more than once per calendar year, Lonza may adjust the Price in accordance with the [***] for the previous calendar year. The new Price reflecting such Batch Price adjustment shall be effective for any Batch for which the Commencement Date is on or after the date of Lonza’s notice to Customer of the Price adjustment.

  • Base Price Adjustments The base aircraft price (pursuant to Article 3 of the Agreement) of the Option Aircraft will be adjusted to Boeing's and the engine manufacturer's then-current prices as of the date of execution of the Option Aircraft Supplemental Agreement.

  • Base Rent Adjustment (a) The BASE RENT (subject to adjustment as set forth in Section 1.08(a) above) payable during the EXTENDED TERM, subject to the provisions of part (b) of this Section 3.03, shall be increased from the BASE RENT payable immediately prior to the first month of the EXTENDED TERM to the then fair market rental rate determined in connection with part (b) of this Section 3.03.

  • Performance Adjustment Rate Except as otherwise provided in sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph 3, the Performance Adjustment Rate is 0.02% for each percentage point (the performance of the Portfolio and the Index each being calculated to the nearest .01%) that the Portfolio's investment performance for the performance period was better or worse than the record of the Index as then constituted. The maximum performance adjustment rate is 0.20%. For purposes of calculating the performance adjustment of the portfolio, the portfolio's investment performance will be based on the performance of the retail class. The performance period will commence with the first day of the first full month following the retail class's commencement of operations. During the first eleven months of the performance period for the retail class, there will be no performance adjustment. Starting with the twelfth month of the performance period, the performance adjustment will take effect. Following the twelfth month a new month will be added to the performance period until the performance period equals 36 months. Thereafter the performance period will consist of the current month plus the previous 35 months. The Portfolio's investment performance will be measured by comparing (i) the opening net asset value of one share of the retail class of the Portfolio on the first business day of the performance period with (ii) the closing net asset value of one share of the retail class of the Portfolio as of the last business day of such period. In computing the investment performance of the retail class of the Portfolio and the investment record of the Index, distributions of realized capital gains, the value of capital gains taxes per share paid or payable on undistributed realized long-term capital gains accumulated to the end of such period and dividends paid out of investment income on the part of the Portfolio, and all cash distributions of the securities included in the Index, will be treated as reinvested in accordance with Rule 205-1 or any other applicable rules under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as the same from time to time may be amended.

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