Mathematical Background Sample Clauses

Mathematical Background. Let G1 be a cyclic additive group of prime order q , and G2 be a cyclic multiplicative group of the same order q . We let P denote the generator of G1 . A bilinear pairing is a map properties: (1) Bilinearity e : G1 × G1 → G2 which satisfies the following e(aQ, bR) = e(Q, R)ab , where Q, R ∈ G1 , a, b ∈ Z * . (2) Non-degeneracy e(P, P) ≠ 1 . (3) Computability There is an efficient algorithm to compute e(Q, R) for all Q, R ∈ G1 . The Weil and Xxxx pairings associated with supersingular elliptic curves or abelian varieties can be modified to create such admissible pairings, as in [9]. The following problems are assumed to be intractable within polynomial time. Definition 1 (Bilinear Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx (BDH) problem). Let G1 , G2 , P and e be as above. The BDH problem in < G1 , G2 , e > is as follows: Given < P , aP , bP , cP > with uniformly random choices of a, b, c ∈ Z * , compute 2 e(P, P)abc ∈ G . Definition 2 (Computational Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx (CDH) problem). Let G1 and P be as above. The CDH problem in G1 is as follows: Given < P , aP , a, b ∈ Z * , compute abP ∈ G1 .
Mathematical Background. Definition (Decisional Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Problem (DDHP)): As stated in [13], p and q are large prime numbers, where p = 2q + 1. Let g ∈ Z∗p be a generator of some cyclic group of quadratic residues Gp in Z∗p. The two statements below are computationally indifferent from each other. • ⟨ga, gb, gab⟩, where a and b are integers randomly and independently selected from Zp. • ⟨ga, gb, gc⟩, where a, b and c are integers randomly and independently selected from Zp.
Mathematical Background. Definition (Decisional Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Problem (DDHP)): As stated in [13], p and q are large prime numbers, where p = 2q + 1. Let g 2 Z⇤p be a generator of some cyclic group of quadratic residues Gp in Z⇤p. The two statements below are computationally indifferent from each other. • hga, gb, gabi, where a and b are integers randomly and independently selected from Zp. • hga, gb, gci, where a, b and c are integers randomly and independently selected from
Mathematical Background 

Related to Mathematical Background

  • Factual Background Company and Parent executed a Loan and Security Agreement, a Promissory Note and other loan documents dated June 27, 2008 in favor of Bank evidencing and security a credit facility in the amount of Eight Million and No/100 Dollars ($8,000,000.00) (the “Loan”).

  • BACKGROUND STATEMENT NCR Voyix and Customer agree that this Agreement will apply to: (a) the subscription licensing to Customer of Software at selected Customer sites and Hosted Software accessed via the internet; (b) the subscription or purchase of Equipment by Customer; and (c) NCR Voyix’s maintenance and support services, if any, for such Software and Equipment, as well as certain other services as set forth herein. Payment processing services are not covered by this Agreement. If NCR Voyix provides payment processing services as part of a Product bundle or otherwise, then such processing services will be covered by separate agreement.

  • General Background (Brief description of the national, sector-specific or other relevant context in which the individual contractor will operate)

  • Project Background 6.1.1. Brief description of Contracting Agency’s project background and/or situation leading to this Project

  • TECHNICAL EVALUATION (a) Detailed technical evaluation shall be carried out by Purchase Committee pursuant to conditions in the tender document to determine the substantial responsiveness of each tender. For this clause, the substantially responsive bid is one that conforms to all the eligibility and terms and condition of the tender without any material deviation. The Institute’s determination of bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. The Institute shall evaluate the technical bids also to determine whether they are complete, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are in order. (b) The technical evaluation committee may call the responsive bidders for discussion or presentation to facilitate and assess their understanding of the scope of work and its execution. However, the committee shall have sole discretion to call for discussion / presentation. (c) Financial bids of only those bidders who qualify the technical criteria will be opened provided all other requirements are fulfilled. (d) AIIMS Jodhpur shall have right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.

  • Criminal Background Check It is the Responsibility of CHESAPEAKE CENTER, INC. to make certain that its employees, agents, volunteers, and contractors, who have contact with students receiving services are fingerprinted and have a background check in compliance with Family Law Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, and Section 5-551 through 5-557. CHESAPEAKE CENTER, INC. may not hire, contract, or otherwise engage an individual to participate in this Cooperative Agreement who has been convicted of a crime involving child abuse or neglect; contributing to the delinquency of a minor; a crime of violence as set forth in Criminal Law Article §14-101, Annotated Code of Maryland; or has evidence of a criminal history which in the opinion of Chesapeake Center, Inc. makes the individual unfit to participate in this Cooperative Agreement.

  • Error If the reason for the interruption/disturbance is an Error in the Software as set out in Part 2, Section 2.2, Exasol provides a Qualified Error Report during the course of Incident Management; however, error correction is not a subject of Incident Management but of Maintenance. The preparation of the Qualified Error Report may require the assistance of Customer (e.g. provision of client-logs, provision of the session- ID).

  • Arithmetical Errors 30.1 The tender sum as submitted and read out during the tender opening shall be absolute and final and shall not be the subject of correction, adjustment or amendment in any way by any person or entity. 30.2 Provided that the Tender is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity shall handle errors on the following basis: a) Any error detected if considered a major deviation that affects the substance of the tender, shall lead to disqualification of the tender as non-responsive . b) Any errors in the submitted tender arising from a miscalculation of unit price, quantity, subtotal and total bid price shall be considered as a major deviation that affects the substance of the tender and shall lead to disqualification of the tender as non-responsive. and c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail. 30.3 Tenderers shall be notified of any error detected in their bid during the notification of a xxxx.

  • How to Update Your Records You agree to promptly update your registration records if your e-mail address or other information changes. You may update your records, such as your e-mail address, by using the Profile page.

  • Background Screening VENDOR shall comply with all requirements of Sections 1012.32 and 1012.465, Florida Statutes, and all of its personnel who (1) are to be permitted access to school grounds when students are present, (2) will have direct contact with students, or (3) have access or control of school funds, will successfully complete the background screening required by the referenced statutes and meet the standards established by the statutes. This background screening will be conducted by SBBC in advance of VENDOR or its personnel providing any services under the conditions described in the previous sentence. VENDOR shall bear the cost of acquiring the background screening required by Section 1012.32, Florida Statutes, and any fee imposed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to maintain the fingerprints provided with respect to VENDOR and its personnel. The parties agree that the failure of VENDOR to perform any of the duties described in this section shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement entitling SBBC to terminate immediately with no further responsibilities or duties to perform under this Agreement. VENDOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SBBC, its officers and employees from any liability in the form of physical or mental injury, death or property damage resulting from VENDOR’s failure to comply with the requirements of this section or with Sections 1012.32 and 1012.465, Florida Statutes.