PROJECT BACKGROUND means the material contributions and Intellectual Property Rights which the parties bring into the Project.
PROJECT BACKGROUND. The Project shoreline sustained beach and dune erosion from Hurricane Ian (category 4 storm in late September 2022) and Hurricane Xxxxxx (category 1 storm in November 2022). Laws of Florida Chapter 2022-272 SB4-A authorized the Department of Environmental Protection to waive or reduce match requirements for certain local governments and provided non-recurring funds for damages related to Hurricane Xxx and Hurricane Xxxxxx for beach erosion projects as identified in Section 161.101(22), Florida Statute, F.S.
PROJECT BACKGROUND. The City of Port St. Lucie (Grantee) has a number of proactive programs to address water quality degradation in its impaired water bodies. The St. Lucie River is a significant tributary to the southern extension of the Indian River Lagoon. Once all areas of the XxxXxxxx Ranch water farming project are constructed, the reservoir will annually hold back approximately 5.5 billion gallons of freshwater discharge and will annually impound a total treatment capacity of 17,141 acre-feet of water from the C-23 Canal. Implementing this project will contribute to the goals for an improved and healthy St. Lucie River and Estuary, as there are several rare fish species that rely on a tidal system with a wide range of salinities for one or more phases of their life cycle within the tributaries of the Indian River Lagoon.

Examples of PROJECT BACKGROUND in a sentence

  • PROJECT BACKGROUND The existing Wo Hop Shek Crematorium is a coffin crematorium with two twin cremators.

  • PROJECT BACKGROUND District Mianwali is bounded by district Attock on North-East, Chakwal and Khushab districts on East and Bhakkar on South and NWFP on its West and North-West.

  • PROJECT BACKGROUND Among the large marine ecosystems (LMEs) in the world ocean, the Yellow Sea LME has been one of the most significantly affected by human development.

  • A PROJECT BACKGROUND AND SCOPE OF WORK The Matrix Consulting Group analyzed the cost of service relationships that exist between fees for service activities in the Planning and Community Services Department.

  • PROJECT BACKGROUND The area known as Knutsford Street East (bounded by Blinco, Montreal, Amherst and Stack Streets) is zoned ‘Development Zone’ under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.4 (LPS4.) A structure plan is required to coordinate and guide redevelopment of the land.

More Definitions of PROJECT BACKGROUND

PROJECT BACKGROUND. The goal of this Project is to enhance the permitting and use of low impact development (LID) practices in Winter Haven. The Project builds on the work products and lessons learned in the Winter Haven Xxxx to Green community education program funded in part by an US Environmental Protection Agency Section 319 Education Grant administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP Agreement No. NF015). The Project addresses a major obstacle to implementing LID practices by creating a comprehensive evaluation of the infiltration benefits of stormwater LID.
PROJECT BACKGROUND. The Project consists of approximately 0.8 mile of shoreline in Lee County. Restoration was completed in 1995 with nourishments in 2004 and 2014. The next nourishment is planned for 2021/2022.
PROJECT BACKGROUND. Cabaletta Bio and PENN are preparing to enter into this Project Appendix, which includes [****]. This Project Plan summarizes the Projects to be completed and funded by the to the attached project budget. The study reports generated based on the completion of these activities can be used for [****]. Project Plan: [****]
PROJECT BACKGROUND. The waterway known as Xxxx’s Pass inlet is located between the southern end of the City of Madeira Beach and the northern end of the City of Treasure Island. A significant amount of sand accumulation at the inlet has led to localized flooding that has damaged infrastructure, threatened public safety, and cost the City of Madeira Beach a loss in valuable tourism dollars. Additionally, the same amount of water traveling through a narrower inlet has increased threats from the increased power of the currents posing significant public risks to recreational swimmers and commercial boaters. The dredging of the area will help prevent local flooding events, improve safety conditions, and provide continued economic vitality for businesses located in the impacted area.
PROJECT BACKGROUND. The current aging drainage infrastructure within the Town of Lake Park (Grantee) consists of several networks of gravity-fed stormwater pipes and French drains servicing a drainage area of 928 acres. The Grantee’s drainage infrastructure has been degraded due to flooding events brought on by sea level rise. Approximately 50% of the drainage area is fed into a single outfall pipe that discharges directly into Lake Worth Lagoon (LWL). The continued integrity and efficiency of the Southern Outfall is vital to many of the Town’s residential areas. Given its current state, the Grantee has acknowledged the outfall pipe is in general need of replacement. The expected benefit of this project is improved water quality entering the LWL.
PROJECT BACKGROUND. The City of Panama City (Grantee) identified multiple occurrences of sanitary sewer overflows attributed to the Grantee’s lift stations, during and after Hurricanes Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx. To resolve this issue, the Grantee is moving forward with a comprehensive lift station upgrade/rehabilitation plan. The location of Lift Station #16 is vulnerable to storm surge, wave action, and erosion during weather events; and based on modeling from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the lift station would be vulnerable to storm surge from a category 2 hurricane. The sanitrary sewer lines are susceptible to the same forces as the lift station. The sanitary sewer line proposed for relocation transports millions of gallons of saltwater into the Grantee’s wastewater treatment plant (WTP). Relocating the sanitary sewer line would reduce the current heavy volume of flow into the St. Xxxxxxx wastewater facility and reduce extensive pumping required to move sea water in and out of the WTP.
PROJECT BACKGROUND. This is a 4.1-mile segment of critically eroded shoreline at Navarre Beach on Santa Xxxx Island. Assisted-recovery of the beach and dune system was conducted following Hurricanes Opal and Georges. This area was severely impacted by Hurricane Xxxx in 2004 and further impacted by Hurricanes Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxx in 2005. Initial construction of the Navarre Beach Restoration Project (R191+500’-R214 -225’) began in late March 2006 and was completed in November 2006. The initial sand placement included approximately 3.4 million cy to construct the beach and dune. The project also included a dune feature that consisted of additional sand and dune vegetation. The borrow area is located about 4 miles offshore. The project included replacement of emergency protective berms that were funded by FEMA. A small truck haul project in April of 2010 was constructed to partially address spreading losses on the west end of the project site. The project design did not include a typical fill taper when no construction easement was granted for placement of the taper by the adjacent Gulf Islands National Seashore. The 2010 interim truck haul project repaired a portion of the dune, which sustained damages during Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in 2008, by placement of approximately 11,881 cy of sand from an upland borrow site. The JCP permit for the first full nourishment was issued on January 7, 2014 and the construction was completed in 2016, placing approximately 1,340,000 cy. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Project consists of post-construction monitoring.