Method of Procedure of the AC. 8.11.1 The AC shall:
a) elect annually a Chairperson and a Secretary;
b) convene within fourteen (14) days of notice of request for appeal;
c) have available all documentation relevant to the appeal;
d) meet with the Chairperson of the EC, the member involved if she/he so wishes and any other individual the XX xxxxx appropriate;
e) keep minutes of all its meetings;
f) render a decision within fourteen (14) days of convening; and
g) give a detailed report of its decision to the member involved, the Chairperson of the EC, and the Association.
8.11.2 An abstention shall be considered a negative vote and the decision shall be that of the majority.
8.11.3 The member involved has the right to appear before the Committee accompanied by a member chosen by her/him to assist in her/his presentation and to speak on her/his behalf.
8.11.4 The proceedings of the AC shall be confidential to that Committee. All correspondence on behalf of the AC shall be agreed to by that Committee. All communications concerning the appeal to/or from the AC, the EC, and/or the appellant shall be in writing or presented before the AC.
8.11.5 The decision of the AC shall be final and binding upon the Corporation, the Member and the Association.