Request for Appeal. A request for an Appeal of an adverse action related to an academic deficiency listed in section 4.1.3 may be requested by Resident. Resident must submit a written request for Appeal to the Office of Graduate Medical Education within fourteen (14) calendar days (excluding holidays) of the date of issuance of the communication informing Resident of the adverse action. Upon receipt of a written request for Appeal, the DIO will first determine if the matter is subject to the Appeal process. If the matter is subject to Appeal, the DIO (or his or her designee) will appoint an Appeal Panel consisting of three neutral faculty members of the College to conduct a review of the adverse decision. The Appeal Panel may, at its discretion:
A. Review the notification provided to Resident concerning the Reportable Action;
B. Review Resident’s file;
C. Meet with Resident;
D. Meet with the Program Director;
E. Review the basis of the Residency Program’s decision to take an adverse action;
X. Xxxxxxxx information presented in writing by Resident; or
G. Determine whether the process outlined in this Section 4.1 was followed The Review Panel may review other information, consult with others, or take other actions, all at its sole discretion, to assist in the decision making process. Upon the conclusion of the review, the Appeal Panel will provide a written recommendation concerning the disposition of the adverse decision to the DIO.
Request for Appeal. If the Plan Administrator denies a claim in whole or in part, the Claimant may elect to appeal the denial. If the Claimant does not appeal the denial pursuant to the procedures set forth herein, the denial will be final, binding and unappealable. A written request for appeal must be filed by the Claimant (or the Claimant’s duly authorized representative) with the Plan Administrator within sixty (60) days after the date on which the claimant receives the Plan Administrator’s notice of denial. If a request for appeal is timely filed, the Claimant will be afforded a full and fair review of the claim and the denial. As part of this review, the Claimant may submit written comments, documents, records, and other information relating to the claim, and the review will take into account all such comments, documents, records, or other information submitted by the Claimant, without regard to whether such information was submitted or considered in the Plan Administrator’s initial benefit determination. The Claimant also may obtain, free of charge and upon request, records and other information relevant to the claim, without regard to whether such information was relied upon by the Plan Administrator in making the initial benefit determination.
Request for Appeal. A. The Warehouse Operator agrees to make available to a depositor or holder of a warehouse receipt a split sample representative of grain delivered, in accordance with authorized grain-evaluation procedures, before the identity of the representative sample of grain has been lost, provided a written request is received from the depositor or holder by no later than the close of business on the first business day after being furnished the results of the original inspection.
B. If an appeal is requested by the Warehouse Operator, notice must be given promptly to the owner of the grain. Oral notice may be made, if followed by written notice within two business days.
C. A representative sample must be retained for third-party evaluation. The identity of that sample is not to be compromised until the appeal inspection results are determined.
D. If the identity of the delivered grain has been maintained and if the parties are unable to agree on such a sample, a sample drawn by a duly licensed sampler, inspector, and/or grader in the presence of the interested parties shall be deemed binding. In no case is the sample to weigh less than 2,000 grams.
Request for Appeal. Any Participating Dentist who has been served with a Notice of Termination that Delta Dental has terminated or intends to terminate the Participating Dentist’s Agreement for cause may appeal the Notice of Termination. A Participating Dentist who has been served with a Notice of Termination for cause shall begin the appeal process by sending a written notice of appeal ("Notice of Appeal") by certified mail, return receipt requested to the Chief Executive Officer at Delta Dental’s address. A Notice of Appeal must be received by Delta Dental within thirty (30) days from the date of the Notice of Termination. The Notice of Appeal shall state the grounds for appeal and the reasons the Participating Dentist believes Delta Dental should not terminate the Agreement. Failure to request a hearing within the specified time shall constitute a waiver of the Participating Dentist’s right to the hearing and subsequent review and appeal.
Request for Appeal. 1. The Warehouse Operator agrees to accept a request for an appeal inspection by a depositor or holder of the warehouse receipt made by written notice to the Warehouse Operator before the identity of the representative sample of nuts has been lost and not later than the close of business on the first business day after being furnished the results of the original inspection.
2. If the appeal is requested by the Warehouse Operator, notice must be given promptly to the owner of the nuts. Oral notice may be made if followed by written notice.
3. A representative sample must be retained for third party evaluation. That sample will not be destroyed until all parties are satisfied.
4. If the identity of the nuts are preserved and if the parties are unable to agree on such a sample, a sample drawn by a duly licensed sampler and inspector in the presence of the interested parties must be deemed binding. In no case will the sample be less than 2000 grams by weight.
Request for Appeal. If an application for waiver has been rejected a further application addressing FRNSW reason for the rejection may be submitted as an appeal within 30 days of the date of rejection. When lodging an appeal, the applicant must include supporting evidence addressing the FRNSW reason for rejection.
Request for Appeal. If the Administrator denies a claim in whole or in part, the Claimant may elect to appeal the denial. If the Claimant does not appeal the denial pursuant to the procedures set forth herein, the denial will be final, binding and unappealable. A written request for appeal must be filed by the Claimant (or the Claimant’s duly authorized representative) with the Committee within 60 days after the date on which the Claimant receives the Administrator’s notice of denial. If a request for appeal is timely filed, the Claimant will be afforded a full and fair review of the claim and the denial. As part of this review, the Claimant may submit written comments, documents, records, and other information relating to the claim, and the review will take into account all such comments, documents, records, or other information submitted by the Claimant, without regard to whether such information was submitted or considered in the Administrator’s initial benefit determination. The Claimant also may obtain, free of charge and upon request, records and other information relevant to the claim, without regard to whether such information was relied upon by the Administrator in making the initial benefit determination.
Request for Appeal. A r eq u es t fo r an a ppe a l i n spec t io n b y a deposi t o r o r h olde r of r eceip t m u s t be m a de b y w r i tt e n n o t ice t o t h e w ar e- h o u se m an befo r e t h e ide n t i t y of t h e lo t of g ra i n ha s bee n los t an d n o t l a t e r t han t h e close of b u si n ess o n t h e fi r s t b u si n ess d ay followi n g furn is h i n g of t h e s t a t e m e n t of o r igi na l g ra de o r if t h e a ppe a l is r eq u es t ed b y t h e w ar e- h o u se m an , n o t ice m u s t be give n p r o m p t l y t o t h e ow n e r of x x x x xx i n . Xxx l n o t ice m ay be m a de if followed b y w r i tt e n n o t ice. Wh e r e is i t n o t p ra c- t ic a l fo r a w ar e h o u se m an t o m a i n t a i n t h e ide n t i t y of a ll g ra i n bei n g r eceived fo r s t o ra ge un t il deposi t o r s r eceive a s t a t e m e n t of g ra de an d co n seq u e n t l y oppo r t un i t y fo r a ppe a l , any deposi t o r o r h is a ge n t befo r e o r a t t h e t i m e of de- live ry of h is g ra i n m ay r eq u es t t h e w ar e h o u se m an t o r e t a i n t h e ide n t i t y of s u c h lo t un t il s a id deposi t o r ha s bee n xxxx is h ed wi t h a s t a t e m e n t of g ra de fo r
Request for Appeal. An individual, or an individual’s caretaker, may request an appeal by making a clear expression, verbal or written, to a state or local agency official that an appeal of the adverse action is desired.
Request for Appeal. A provider may appeal the following decisions under 7 AAC 81.210: