Mini Performances. (1) A Mini Performance shall be defined as a performance event for the purposes of promotion and/or community outreach and education. This may include events at local malls.
(2) Mini Performances shall be a maximum total of one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes, no more than fifty (50) minutes of which are dancing and fifteen (15) minutes may or may not be “meet and greet” for audience autographs. “Meet and greet” may be longer if the dancing portion is less than fifty (50) minutes. Ten (10) minutes must be allowed to change out of costumes.
(3) If additional rehearsal is scheduled throughout the day, travel time to and from the venue shall be called time. The called time shall include the period from departure to the venue until return from the venue.
(4) Costumes and make up may be required.
(5) EMPLOYER agrees not to schedule mini-performances in the rehearsal week immediately following a layoff week.
(6) All other provisions of Lecture/Demonstrations above shall apply to mini- performances.
Mini Performances. The notification and credit requirements set forth above in subparagraphs 5, 7 and 8 shall apply to Mini-Performances.