MINIMUM RUNS OR. “MINIS” A minimum run or “mini” shall be defined as any run consisting of one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes or less. The following provisions shall apply to minis:
A. Minis are recorded as a time entry of one (1) hour, but are paid at the special rate which is calculated as straight pay for one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes.
B. Examples of minis are:
1. An elementary run or a high school/middle school run of less than seventy (70) minutes
2. A field trip where the total time is less than seventy (70) minutes
C. A run is only classified as a mini when it is not connected or combined with another run.
D. When a mini run is combined with another run with a down time of fifteen (15) minutes or less between them, the run shall no longer be considered a minimum run, and shall be paid at the regular rate of pay.
E. Bus drivers will not be paid for mini runs when shuttling students during the down time between regular runs.