Modification of Terms; etc Except in accordance with such Assignor's ordinary course of business and consistent with reasonable business judgment, no Assignor shall rescind or cancel any indebtedness evidenced by any Receivable or under any Contract, or modify any term thereof or make any adjustment with respect thereto, or extend or renew the same, or compromise or settle any material dispute, claim, suit or legal proceeding relating thereto, or sell any Receivable or Contract, or interest therein, without the prior written consent of the Collateral Agent. No Assignor will do anything to impair the rights of the Collateral Agent in the Receivables or Contracts.
Incorporation of Terms of Plan The Option is subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan which are incorporated herein by reference. In the event of any inconsistency between the Plan and this Agreement, the terms of the Plan shall control.
Description of Goods or Services and Additional Terms and Conditions The Contractor shall perform as set forth in Exhibit A. For purposes of this Contract, to perform and the performance in Exhibit A is referred to as “Perform” and the “Performance.”
Modification of Terms Except as otherwise provided for herein, this Agreement may only be modified or amended upon a mutual written contract amendment signed by Citizens and Vendor or as otherwise permitted by this Agreement. Vendor may not unilaterally modify the terms of this Agreement in any manner such as by affixing additional terms to any Deliverable (e.g., attachment or inclusion of standard preprinted forms, product literature, “shrink wrap” or “click through” terms, whether written or electronic) or by incorporating such terms onto Vendor’s order or fiscal forms or other documents forwarded by Vendor for payment and any such terms shall have no force or effect upon Citizens or this Agreement. Citizens' acceptance of any Service or processing of documentation on forms furnished by Vendor for approval or payment shall not constitute acceptance of any proposed modification to terms and conditions or any conflicting terms and conditions.
RECOGNITION OF THE UNION 1. The BCPSEA recognizes the BCTF as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the negotiation and administration of all terms and conditions of employment of all employees within the bargaining unit for which the BCTF is established as the bargaining agent pursuant to PELRA and subject to the provisions of this Collective Agreement.
Implementation of the Agreement Regulations of this Agreement relating to investments who investors of one Contracting Party realized before or after the entry into force of this Agreement, with what shall apply from the moment of its entry into force, provided that such investments conducted in accordance with the laws of that Party Contracting.
CLARIFICATION OF TERMS If any prospective bidder has questions about the specifications or other solicitation documents, the prospective bidder should contact the buyer whose name appears on the face of the solicitation no later than five working days before the due date. Any revisions to the solicitation will be made only by addendum issued by the buyer.
Amendment and Termination of the Plan The Board may, by resolution, at any time, amend or terminate the Plan. The power to amend or terminate the Plan shall include the power to direct the Trustee to return to the Parent all or any part of the assets of the Trust, including shares of Common Stock held in the Plan Share Reserve, as well as shares of Common Stock and other assets subject to Plan Share Awards which have not yet been earned by the Participants to whom they have been awarded. However, the termination of the Trust shall not affect a Participant's right to earn Plan Share Awards and to the distribution of Common Stock relating thereto, including earnings thereon, in accordance with the terms of this Plan and the grant by the Committee or the Board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no action of the Board may increase (other than as provided in Section 9.01 hereof) the maximum number of Plan Shares permitted to be awarded under the Plan as specified at Section 5.03, materially increase the benefits accruing to Participants under the Plan or materially modify the requirements for eligibility for participation in the Plan unless such action of the Board shall be subject to ratification by the stockholders of the Parent.
ALTERATION OF TERMS 17 A. This Agreement, together with Exhibits A, B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein, 18 fully expresses the complete understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the 19 subject matter of this Agreement. 20 B. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, no addition to, or alteration of the terms of 21 this Agreement or any Exhibits, whether written or verbal, made by the parties, their officers, employees 22 or agents shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, which has 23 been formally approved and executed by both parties. 24
Clarification of Tenders 26.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison of the Tenders, and qualification of the Tenderers, the Procuring Entity may, at its discretion, ask any Tenderer for a clarification of its Tender. Any clarification submitted by a Tenderer in respect to its Tender and that is not in response to a request by the Procuring Entity shall not be considered. The Procuring Entity's request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No change, including any voluntary increase or decrease, in the prices or substance of the Tender shall be sought, offered, or permitted except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Procuring Entity in the Evaluation of the Tenders, in accordance with ITT 30. If a Tenderer does not provide clarifications of its Tender by the date and time set in the Procuring Entity's request for clarification, its Tender may be rejected.