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MONEY DEPOSIT Sample Clauses

MONEY DEPOSIT. When drivers check their cash into the drop safe, the Employer shall see that there is a Supervisor or other employee there to sign that each driver has deposited his cash in the safe. A locked compartment shall be installed in trucks. A Supervisor shall also be present to assist in cashing in drivers up until ninety percent (90%) of the drivers have cashed in.
MONEY DEPOSITThe Company shall l not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from late/error money transfers, cause by conditions beyond its control. The Company shall not accept funds from third parties to deposit in the client's account. The client acknowledges the Company's entitlement to amend the erroneous transaction on his account from third parties or from him without having to obtain his written consent and his signature on this contract is deemed a prior approval from him on that. Also, the client also acknowledges that there are no other people taking advantage of transferring such money to his account and that he is not trading on behalf of others, unless he has informed the Company in writing otherwise. The client acknowledges that all the funds deposited in his account shall be for the purpose of trading in securities and other investment products provided by the Company, since once the client purchases the stocks, the total amount shall be recorded on the same trading day. As for the other markets, proceeds shall be deposited in accordance with the method used in the concerned markets, noting that it is possible to use the sale proceeds immediately to buy new stocks. Therefore, the amount of the previous sale or subsequent purchase can be filtered, except for the cases where stocks are bought first, which price shall be paid first before the proceeds of the later sale are paid. If the payment date coincides with a holiday, the next business day shall l كنب يف ةنلعملا حابرلأل اًقفو هباسح يف رفوتم يرهش ديصر لقا ساسأ ىلع حابرأ دزا ام يف هقح نع ليمعلا لزانتيو ،درا فلأل ةيفرصملا تاباسحلا ىلع يسيئرلا لماعتلا .كلذب اهمايق ريظن ةكرشلا حلاصل كلذ نع :مهسلأا تاداهش .11 رادصإ صوصخب تناك امهم ءلامعلا نم تابلط ةيأ لابقتساب ةكرشلا مزتلت لا ىلإ تلايوحتلاب اهمايق ادع اميف مهترا امثتساب ةقلعتملا ةيطخلا مهسلأا تاداهش ،ةصاقملا تاكرشب ةصاخ تاباسح يأ ىلإ وأ ةصاقملا ةكرش ىدل ليمعلا باسح فوس هنأ ثيح ليوحتلا اذه لثم يف ريخأت يأ نع ةلوئسم ةكرشلا نوكت نلو ةلاح يف ىرخلأا تاطلسلاو قاوسلأا كلذكو تيوكلا ةصروب ةقفاومل عضخي .ةيتيوك ريغلا تاكرشلا :مهسلأا عاديإ .12 ميلستب مهتاباسح يف ةدوجوملا ةيلاملا قرا ولأا ليوحتب نوبغري نيذلا ءلامعلا مزتلي ةكرشلل ةيرورضلا ليصافتلا نيبت يتلاو ةكرشلا ىلإ ةعقوم ةيطخلا تاميلعتلا بسح تلايوحتلا كلت نع ةيفاضإ موسر ضرف يف قلطملا رايخلا ةكرشللو ،ةينعملا دق تناك اذإ تلايوحتلا كلت لثم ذيفنت نمضت لا ةكرشلا نأب ملعلا عم ،هرا ت ام مايقلل اهل ةعباتلا ةذفنملا ةكرشلا ترخأتو ليمعلا نم تاميلعت ىلع ءانب تفرصت يلأ ليوحتلا اذه نع جتنت دق رئاسخ يأ ةكرشلا لمحتت نل فوس هيلع...
MONEY DEPOSITThe Company shall l not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from late/error money transfers, cause by conditions beyond its control. The Company shall not accept funds from third parties to deposit in the client's account. The client acknowledges the Company's entitlement to amend the erroneous transaction on his account from third parties or from him without having to obtain his written consent and his signature on this contract is deemed a prior approval from him on that. Also, the client also acknowledges that there are no other people taking advantage of transferring such money to his account and that he is not trading on behalf of others, unless he has informed the Company in writing otherwise. The client acknowledges that all the funds deposited in his account shall be for the purpose of trading in securities and other investment products provided by the Company, since once the client purchases the stocks, the total amount shall be recorded on the same trading day. As for the other markets, proceeds shall be deposited in accordance with the method used in the concerned markets, noting that it is possible to use the sale proceeds immediately to buy new stocks. Therefore, the amount of the previous sale or subsequent purchase can be filtered, except for the cases where stocks are bought first, which price shall be paid first before the proceeds of the later sale are paid. If the payment date coincides with a holiday, the next business day shall l be the date of payment.
MONEY DEPOSITThe Company shall l not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from late/error money transfers, cause by conditions beyond its control. The Company shall not accept funds from third parties to deposit in the client's account. The client acknowledges the Company's entitlement to amend the erroneous transaction on his account from third parties or from him without having to obtain his written consent and his signature on this contract is deemed a prior approval from him on that. Also, the client also acknowledges that there are no other people taking advantage of transferring such money to his account and that he is not trading on behalf of others, unless he has informed the Company in writing otherwise. The client acknowledges that all the funds deposited in his account shall be for the purpose of trading in securities and other investment products provided by the Company, since once the client purchases the stocks, the total amount shall be recorded on the same trading day. As for the other markets, proceeds shall be deposited in accordance رادةةةصإ بوةةةصخو اةةةناك اةةةمهم ءلاةةةمعلا نةةةم اةةةللط ةةةةيأ ،القتةةةقاو ةكرةةةشلا مزةةةتلت d ةةةةلإ لايوحتلاةةةةو اةةةةهمايق ادةةةةع اةةةةمي مهترا امثتةةةةقاو ةةةةةقلعتملا ةةةةةيطخلا مهةةةةقلأا اداهةةةةش نةةةصاقملا اكرةةشو ةةةصاخ اواةةسح يأ ةةلإ وأ ةةةصاقملا ةكرةةش ىدةةل لةةيمعلا باةةسح فوةةةق هةةةنأ ثةةةيح لةةةيوحتلا اكةةةه لةةةثم نةةةف ريخ ةةةت يأ نةةةع ةلوئةةةسم ةكرةةةشلا وةةة ت نةةةلو ىرةةخلأا اطلةةسلاو لاوةةقلأا لكةةكو ةةةيلاملا لرا ولأةةل اةةيو لا ةةةصروب ةةةقفاومل لةةضخي :مهسلأا عاديإ .12 ميلةةستب مهتاواةةسح نةةف ةدوةةيوملا ةةةيلاملا لرا ولأا لةةيوحتب وةةقغري نيكةةلا ءلاةةمعلا مزةةتلي ةكرةةةةشلل ةيرورةةةةضلا ليةةةةصافتلا نيةةةةقت نةةةةتلاو ةكرةةةةشلا ةةةةلإ ةةةةةعقوم ةةةةةيطخلا اةةةةميلعتلا اةةسح لايوةةحتلا لت نع ةي اضإ موقر رف نف لطملا رايخلا ةكرشللو نةي عملا دةةةق اةةةناك اìإ لايوةةةحتلا ةةةلت لةةةثم كةةةيف ت نمةةةضت d ةكرةةةشلا ةةةو مةةةلعلا لةةةم نهرا ةةةت اةةةم ماةةيقلل اةةهل ةةةعواتلا ةكةةف ملا ةكرةةشلا رخ ةةتو لةةيمعلا نةةم اةةميلعت ةةلع ءاةة ب افرةةصت يلأ لةةةيوحتلا اكةةةه نةةةع جتةةة ت دةةةق رئاةةةسخ يأ ةكرةةةشلا لةةةمحتت نةةةل فوةةةق هةةةيلعو ن لكةةب .ةدرا لإا نع ةيراخ بالقأ ،اةةفقلإا رعةةق اةةسح اةةهمييقت متةةيو باةةسحلا نةةلا ةةةيلاملا لرا وdا لةةيوحتب لةةيمعلا موةةقي رعةةسو باةةسحلا نةةلا ةةةلوحملا مهةةقdا ،اةةخدإ لةةيمعلا ةةةلير ،اةةح نةةفو ن ادةةيdا لايراةةتب أ نيفرةةطلا نيةةب هةةيلع ةةفتملا نةةمف ادةةيdا لايراةةتب ،اةةفقلإا رعةةق نةةع فةةلتخم ةةةفل ت لةةيمعلل ةةحي dو باةةسحلا نةةلا طةةقف...
MONEY DEPOSIT. Buxxx xxx already deposited in escrow with First American Title Insurance Company (the "Escrow Agent" and sometimes hereafter "Title") the sum of $2,000,000.00, (this sum plus all accrued interest thereon shall be referred to as the "Deposit") which shall be retained by the Escrow Agent for the benefit of Seller and Buyer in accordance with the provisions of this Purchase Agreement. The parties hereby agree to execute such documentation, if any, reasonably required by the Escrow Agent in connection with the disbursement of the Deposit and establishment of said earnest money escrow referencex xxxxx.
MONEY DEPOSITThe Company shall l not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from late/error money transfers, caused by conditions beyond its control. The ﻞــﺒﺎﻘﻤ تﻻ�ــ�ﻌﻟا �ــ�ﻠﻤ ﻲــﻓ ﺔﻠaﻔﻤ ﻲﻫ ﺎ�� ��رﺎx�ﻟاو ﺔﻟ��ﻌﻟا ﺔ��uﻠﻟ ﻞ��ﻌﻟا ﻊﻓcﯿ نأ ﻰــﻠﻋ ﺔــﻟ��ﻌﻟا ةدﺎــ��ﺒ ﺎــﻬﻘ�� ﺔ��ــuﻟا �ﻔ�ــ�ﺘو .ﻞ��ﻌﻠﻟ ﺔ��uﻟا ﺎﻬﻤcﻘﺘ ﻲ�ﻟا تﺎﻤc�ﻟا ن�ــ�ﺘ نأ �ــ��� ﻲ�ﻟاو ﻞ��ﻌﻟا ﺔﻘﻓا��ﻟ ةدﺎ��ﻟا ﻩìﻫ ﻊà�ﺘو .�ﻟìﺒ ﻞ��ﻌﻟا رﺎ�ﺨﺈ� م�ﻘﺘ لواcــ�ﻠﻟ �ــ��ﺒ تﺎﻤcــﺨ ماc��ــﺴا ﻲــﻓ ر�ا ��ــﺴﻻا لﻼــﺨ �ــﻤ ﻞــ��ﻌﻟا �ــﻤ ﺔ���ــﻀ ﺔــﻘﻓا�ﻤ .ةدﺎ��ﻟا �ﻠ�ﺒ ﻩرﺎ�ﺨإ cﻌ� �ــﻓو �ﻫ�ــﻟا ﻲــﻓ ًﻻcــﻋ ﺎــﻬ���ﻌﺘ �ــ��ﻨ ﺔــﻟ��ﻋ ﺔ��ــuﻟا ���ــ�ﺘ :�ﻫuــﻟا ﻲـﻓ لدــﻋ ﺔـﻟ��ﻋ ﺔــــــــ�ì�ﻔ��ﻟا ﺔــــــــ�ﺌﻼﻟا �ــــــــﻤ ﺔ�رﺎ���ــــــــﺴﻻا �ﻓﺎــــــــ��ﻟاو ﺔــــــــ�ﻟﺎ�ﻟا قرا وﻷا �ــــــــﻫر تاء�ا ــــــــﺠإ ﻲــﻓ تﻻ�ــ�ﻌﻟا لوcــﺠ �ــ�ﺤ ةدcــ��ﻟا ﺎﻬ��ــ�ﻨ ب�ــà� ﺔــﻟ��ﻌﻟا ����ﺘو ،"ﺔ��ﻬﻟا"ن�ﻨﺎﻘﻟ �ــ��ﺘو مc��ــ��ﻟا �ــ�ﻏ cــﻘ�ﻟا ﺎــﻬ�ﻟإ ًﺎﻓﺎــàﻤ ﺔــ�ﻟﺎ�ﻟا قرا وﻸــﻟ ﺔــﻟدﺎﻌﻟا وأ ﺔ���ــ�ﻟا ﺔــ���ﻟا ﺔ�ــﺴ ﻞــ� �ــﻤ ���ــ��دو ،�����ــﺴ ،�ــ�ﻨ�ﯿ ،سرﺎــﻤ �ﻬــﺸ ﺔــ�ﺎﻬﻨ ﻲﻓ ًﺎ�ﻠaﻓ �a�ﺘو ًﺎ�ﻤ�ﯿ .ﺔ�ﻔ��ﻠﻟ �cﻘ�ﻟا c�ﺼ�ﻟا �ﻤ ًﺎ�aﺨ دc�ﺘو ،�ﻫ�ﻟا cﻘﻌﻟ ،�����ـــــﺴو ،�ـــــ�ﻨ��و ،سرﺎـــــﻤ �ﻬـــــﺸأ ﺔـــــ�ﺎﻬﻨ) ﻲﻠـــــaﻔﻟا �ـــــa�ﻟا cـــــ�ﻋا�ﻤ �ـــــﻤ ﻰ���ـــــ�� ل�ــﺼأ �ﻓا�ــﺘ مcــﻋ ﺔــﻟﺎﺤ ﺔﻘ�ﺎ�ﻟا ة�ﻘﻔﻟا ﻲﻓ ﺎﻬ�ﻟإ رﺎu�ﻟا (ﺔ�ﻟﺎﻤ ﺔ�ﺴ ﻞ� �ﻤ ،�����دو قﻼــﻏإ ﻞــ��ﻌﻟا ر�ﻗ نأ لﺎﺤ ﻲﻓ وأ ﻞ��ﻌﻟا ﻰﻠﻋ ﺔﻘ����ﻟا ﺔﻟ��ﻌﻟا داc�ﻟ ﻲﻔ�� cﻘﻨ وأ وأ ﺔﻘ��ــ��ﻟا تﻻ�ــ�ﻌﻟا ﺔ��� ��ﺤ وأ �aﺨ ﺔ��uﻠﻟ ز��� تﻻﺎ�ﻟا �ﻠﺘ ﻲﻓ ﺔ�ﻔ��ﻟا .ﺔ�ﻔ��ﻟا ﻰﻠﻋ ��ﺘ ﺔ�ﻠ�ﻋ �ﺨأ �ﻤ تﺎﻘ����ﻟا �ﻤ ﺎﻫ��ﻏ ��ﻠــ��ﺒ �ﻬﺘﺎ�ﺎــ�ﺤ ﻲــﻓ ةد�ــﺠ��ﻟا ﺔــ�ﻟﺎ�ﻟا قرا وﻷا ﻞــ����ﺒ ن�ــ�ﻏ�ﯿ �ﯿìــﻟا ءﻼــ�ﻌﻟا م�ــ�ﻠﯿ ﺔ��ــــuﻠﻟ ﺔ�رو�ــــàﻟا ﻞ�ــــﺼﺎﻔ�ﻟا ��ــــ�ﺘ ﻲــــ�ﻟاو ﺔ��ــــuﻟا ﻰــــﻟإ ﺔــــﻌﻗ�ﻤ ﺔــــ���ﻟا تﺎــــ��ﻠﻌ�ﻟا �ــ�ﺤ تﻼ��ــ��ﻟا �ﻠﺘ �ﻋ ﺔ��ﺎﻀإ م�ﺴر ض�ﻓ ﻲﻓ �ﻠ��ﻟا رﺎ��ﻟا ﺔ��uﻠﻟو ،ﺔ��ﻌ�ﻟا cـــﻗ �ـــﻨﺎ� اذإ تﻼ��ـــ��ﻟا �ـــﻠﺘ ﻞـــ�ﻤ ìـــ�ﻔ�ﺘ ��ـــàﺘ ﻻ ﺔ��ـــuﻟا نﺄـــ� �ـــﻠﻌﻟا ﻊـــﻤ ،ﻩ�ا ـــﺘ ﺎـــﻤ مﺎــ��ﻠﻟ ﺎــﻬﻟ ﺔــﻌ�ﺎ�ﻟا ةìــﻔ��ﻟا ﺔ��ــuﻟا ت�ﺨﺄــﺘو ﻞــ��ﻌﻟا �ــﻤ تﺎــ��ﻠﻌﺘ ﻰــﻠﻋ ءﺎــ�ﺒ �ﻓ�ــaﺘ �ﻷ ﻞـــ����ﻟا اìـــﻫ �ـــﻋ ﺞ�ـــ�ﺘ cـــﻗ �ﺌﺎـــ�ﺨ �أ ﺔ��ـــuﻟا ﻞـــ���ﺘ �ـــﻟ ف�ـــﺴ ﻪـــ�ﻠﻋو ،�ﻟìــﺒ / ة�ﺨﺄــ��ﻟا تﻼ��ــ��ﻟا �ﻋ ﺔ�ﺘﺎﻨ ر�ا ﻀأ وأ ةرﺎ�ﺨ ﺔ�أ �ﻋ ﺔﻟ���ﻤ ﺔ��uﻟا ن��ﺘ �ﻟ Company shall not accept funds from third parties to be deposited in the client's account. The client acknowledges the Company's entitlement to amend the erroneous transaction on his account from third parties or from him without having to obtain his written consent and his signature on this contract is deemed a prior approval from him on that. Also, the c...
MONEY DEPOSITThe Xxxxxxx Money Deposit shall be held in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and shall be applied as a credit to the Purchase Price (as defined in Section 2.2 hereof) due to Seller at the Closing. In the event Buyer fails to timely deposit any portion of the Xxxxxxx Money Deposit as provided above, Seller may, as its sole remedy, terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Buyer at any time prior to payment in full of the respective portion of the Xxxxxxx Money Deposit. Escrow Agent shall deposit the Xxxxxxx Money Deposit in an interest-bearing account at a bank or other FDIC insured financial institution reasonably acceptable to Buyer and Seller and all interest earned and/or accrued thereon shall be deemed part of the Xxxxxxx Money Deposit for all purposes. Provided Buyer has not terminated this Agreement pursuant to the terms of Section 2.5.3, after the Approval Date, the Xxxxxxx Money Deposit shall be non-refundable to Buyer except in the event that (i) Seller defaults under this Agreement, (ii) one or more of the conditions to Buyer’s obligations to close the purchase of the Property set forth in Article 4 of this Agreement is not satisfied or waived as provided therein, or (iii) as otherwise expressly provided herein. Upon execution of this Agreement, Buyer shall provide Escrow Agent with Buyer’s Federal tax identification number for reporting of any earnings on the Xxxxxxx Money Deposit.
MONEY DEPOSIT. When drivers check their cash into the drop safe, the Employer shall see that there is a Supervisor, other employee or a video monitoring device located in the established cash room to verify that each driver has deposited his/her cash in the safe.
MONEY DEPOSIT. The Client agrees to deposit the Client’ s own monies for the purpose solely of making securities investment. The Client further agrees not to deposit or transfer, and ZHANLIN is under no obligation to accept for deposit, into the Client’ s Account any Securities, cheques, bank drafts or other property which are not in the Client’ s name. Should XXXXXXX decides to accept such deposit, the Client shall indemnify ZHANLIN for all loss and liability incurred by XXXXXXX in connection therewith.
MONEY DEPOSIT. When drivers check their cash into the drop safe, he shall record his deposit.