NATIONAL DATA SYSTEM. The parties will: » continue to develop and enhance the utilization of a national data system and structure that supports the needs of WPS teams, leadership and operations; » design an enterprise-wide safety hazard and follow-up reporting system and establish an oversight and escalation process through existing safety committees. Follow-up should address learnings from incident analyses and preventive measures beyond specific event and location. This work is to be completed as soon as practical, but not later than December 2017 and implemented across KP by December 2018; and » establish a national KP library of effective WPS practices and educate labor, staff and managers in safer practices. Develop and implement a plan to spread these effective practices across the program.
NATIONAL DATA SYSTEM. The parties will continue to develop and enhance the utilization of a national data system and structure that supports the needs of WPS teams, leadership and operations.
NATIONAL DATA SYSTEM. The Agency’s recent work with grantees to develop new enforcement performance measures highlighted the need to develop a national data system that collects detailed enforcement data on a national level from states and tribes in order to better target pesticide violations and to explain the performance of the national program to a variety of audiences. The Agency plans to develop a National Data System for reporting grantee end-of-year information. Grantees conduct inspections but may not report the results of the inspections in a manner that provides the most informative data to the EPA and each other for identifying trends in noncompliance and for showing the performance of the National Enforcement Program. A National Data System will provide the national program with better tools to target compliance inspections, and will better illustrate the benefit of our efforts to enforce pesticide laws to the public.
NATIONAL DATA SYSTEM. The parties will: » continue to develop and enhance the utilization of a national data system and structure that supports the needs of WPS teams, leadership and operations; Note: This contract is complete with the exception of the UFCW Local 3000 pension language. The table of contents, pagination, and indexing may change once the UFCW Local 3000 pension language is resolved. XXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXX | 47 » design an enterprise-wide safety hazard and follow-up reporting system and establish an oversight and escalation process through existing safety committees. Follow-up should address learnings from incident analyses and preventive measures beyond specific event and location. This work is to be completed as soon as practical, but not later than December 2017 and implemented across KP by December 2018; and » establish a national KP library of effective WPS practices and educate labor, staff and managers in safer practices. Develop and implement a plan to spread these effective practices across the program.


  • International Data Transfers The Company and the Stock Plan Administrator are based in the United States. The Participant should note that the Participant’s country of residence may have enacted data privacy laws that are different from the United States. The Company’s legal basis for the transfer of the Participant's Personal Information to the United States is the Participant’s consent.

  • Data Storage Where required by applicable law, Student Data shall be stored within the United States. Upon request of the LEA, Provider will provide a list of the locations where Student Data is stored.

  • Network PHARMACY is a retail, mail order or specialty pharmacy that has a contract to accept our pharmacy allowance for prescription drugs and diabetic equipment or supplies covered under this plan. NETWORK PROVIDER is a provider that has entered into a contract with us or other Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. For pediatric dental care services, network provider is a dentist that has entered into a contract with us or participates in the Dental Coast to Coast Network. For pediatric vision hardware services, a network provider is a provider that has entered into a contract with EyeMed, our vision care service manager.

  • Data Services In lieu of any other rates or discounts, the Customer will receive a discount equal to 20% for the following Data Services: Access: Standard VBS3Guide local loop charges for DS-0, DS-1 and DS-3 Access Service.

  • Processing of Customer Personal Data 3.1 UKG will: 3.1.1 comply with all applicable Data Protection Laws in the Processing of Customer Personal Data; and 3.1.2 not Process Customer Personal Data other than for the purpose, and in accordance with, the relevant Customer’s instructions as documented in the Agreement and this DPA, unless Processing is required by the Data Protection Laws to which the relevant UKG Processor is subject, in which case UKG to the extent permitted by the Data Protection Laws, will inform Customer of that legal requirement before the Processing of that Customer Personal Data. 3.2 Customer hereby: 3.2.1 instructs UKG (and authorizes UKG to instruct each Subprocessor) to: (a) Process Customer Personal Data; and (b) in particular, transfer Customer Personal Data to any country or territory subject to the provisions of this DPA, in each case as reasonably necessary for the provision of the Services and consistent with the Agreement. 3.2.2 warrants and represents that it is and will at all relevant times remain duly and effectively authorized to give the instructions set out in Section 3.2.1 on behalf of each relevant Customer Affiliate; and 3.2.3 warrants and represents that it has all necessary rights in relation to the Customer Personal Data and/or has collected all necessary consents from Data Subjects to Process Customer Personal Data to the extent required by Applicable Law. 3.3 Schedule 1 to this DPA sets out certain information regarding UKG’s Processing of Customer Personal Data as required by Article 28(3) of the GDPR (and equivalent requirements of other Data Protection Laws).

  • Personal Data Processing 2.1 The Processor shall process Personal Data only on the basis of corresponding recorded orders from the Controller. 2.2 By way of exception, in particular in urgent cases, processing orders from the Data Controller may also be made orally. In this case, the Data Controller shall confirm as soon as possible and in writing, by any appropriate means, the instructions given orally. 2.3 Where the processing concerns the transmission of Personal Data to a third country outside the European Union or to an international organization, the Data Processor shall also comply with the relevant instructions of the Data Controller, unless different legal requirements exist under European Union laws or the laws of the Member State to which the Data Processor is subject. In such a case, the Data Processor shall inform the Data Controller before processing of the legal requirement in question, unless the said law prohibits this kind of information for reasons of substantial public interest. 2.4 The transmission of Personal Data to a third country outside the European Union is prohibited unless the Data Controller has given prior explicit approval to that end, and one of the following conditions is met: • the European Commission has resolved that an adequate level of protection of personal data is ensured in the country the Personal Data is to be transmitted; • the transmission is to be made to the U.S.A.; and the recipient of the Personal Data has acceded to and abides by the Privacy Shield Framework; • the transmission will be governed by the standard data protection clauses issued by the European Commission. 2.5 The Data Processor shall inform the Data Controller immediately upon receipt of the order or as soon as possible if he / she determines that the content of a particular processing order violates the Regulation and / or national law and / or the law of another Member State of the European Union (EU), and / or other provisions of EU law on the protection of Personal Data. 2.6 The Data Processor acknowledges that the Data Controller has full control over her Personal Data and determines any particular feature of the processing to which the Personal Data will be submitted. If the Data Processor ignores the instructions of the Data Controller and determines alone the scope, the means and generally any other matter concerning the processing of Personal Data, she shall render herself the Data Controller for the purposes of implementing the Regulation and the legal framework on the protection of Personal Data. The practical consequence of this is that, in addition to the full responsibility of the Processor towards the Controller, she shall carry the same level of responsibility vis-à-vis the independent supervisory authority (and any other competent state authority) as well as the Natural Persons - Data Subjects of the data being processed.

  • Online Payments may be made online from the Money Matters tab in the Licensee’s Cal Poly Portal or at xxxx:// Online payments can be made with either eCheck (with no added convenience fee) or credit card (with an added 2.75% convenience fee). Online payments received after 5:00 pm will be recorded as paid the following business day. If there are any problems making a payment online, contact the University Student Accounts Office at (000) 000-0000 or by email to

  • Use of Verizon Telecommunications Services 2.1 Verizon Telecommunications Services may be purchased by PNG under this Resale Attachment only for the purpose of resale by PNG as a Telecommunications Carrier. Verizon Telecommunications Services to be purchased by PNG for other purposes (including, but not limited to, PNG’s own use) must be purchased by PNG pursuant to other applicable Attachments to this Agreement (if any), or separate written agreements, including, but not limited to, applicable Verizon Tariffs. 2.2 PNG shall not resell: 2.2.1 Residential service to persons not eligible to subscribe to such service from Verizon (including, but not limited to, business or other nonresidential Customers); 2.2.2 Lifeline, Link Up America, or other means-tested service offerings, to persons not eligible to subscribe to such service offerings from Verizon; 2.2.3 Grandfathered or discontinued service offerings to persons not eligible to subscribe to such service offerings from Verizon; or 2.2.4 Any other Verizon service in violation of a restriction stated in this Agreement (including, but not limited to, a Verizon Tariff) that is not prohibited by Applicable Law. 2.2.5 In addition to any other actions taken by PNG to comply with this Section 2.2, PNG shall take those actions required by Applicable Law to determine the eligibility of PNG Customers to purchase a service, including, but not limited to, obtaining any proof or certification of eligibility to purchase Lifeline, Link Up America, or other means-tested services, required by Applicable Law. PNG shall indemnify Verizon from any Claims resulting from PNG’s failure to take such actions required by Applicable Law. 2.2.6 Verizon may perform audits to confirm PNG’s conformity to the provisions of this Section 2.2. Such audits may be performed twice per calendar year and shall be performed in accordance with Section 7 of the General Terms and Conditions. 2.3 PNG shall be subject to the same limitations that Verizon’s Customers are subject to with respect to any Telecommunications Service that Verizon grandfathers or discontinues offering. Without limiting the foregoing, except to the extent that Verizon follows a different practice for Verizon Customers in regard to a grandfathered Telecommunications Service, such grandfathered Telecommunications Service: (a) shall be available only to a Customer that already has such Telecommunications Service; (b) may not be moved to a new service location; and (c) will be furnished only to the extent that facilities continue to be available to provide such Telecommunications Service. 2.4 PNG shall not be eligible to participate in any Verizon plan or program under which Verizon Customers may obtain products or services, which are not Verizon Telecommunications Services, in return for trying, agreeing to purchase, purchasing, or using Verizon Telecommunications Services. 2.5 In accordance with 47 CFR § 51.617(b), Verizon shall be entitled to all charges for Verizon Exchange Access services used by interexchange carriers to provide service to PNG Customers.

  • Processing of Personal Data 1.1. With regard to the Processing of Personal Data, You are the controller and determine the purposes and means of Processing of Personal Data You provide to Us (“Controller”) and You appoint Us as a processor (“Processor”) to process such Personal Data (hereinafter, “Data”) on Your behalf (hereinafter, “Processing”). 1.2. The details of the type and purpose of Processing are defined in the Exhibits attached hereto. Except where the DPA stipulates obligations beyond the Term of the Agreement, the duration of this DPA shall be the same as the Agreement Term. 1.3. You shall be solely responsible for compliance with Your obligations under the applicable Data Protection Laws, including, but not limited to, the lawful disclosure and transfer of Personal Data to Us by upload of source data into the Cloud Service or otherwise. 1.4. Processing shall include all activities detailed in this Agreement and the instructions issued by You. You may, in writing, modify, amend, or replace such instructions by issuing such further instructions to the point of contact designated by Us. Instructions not foreseen in or covered by the Agreement shall be treated as requests for changes. You shall, without undue delay, confirm in writing any instruction issued orally. Where We believe that an instruction would be in breach of applicable law, We shall notify You of such belief without undue delay. We shall be entitled to suspend performance on such instruction until You confirm or modify such instruction. 1.5. We shall ensure that all personnel involved in Processing of Customer Data and other such persons as may be involved in Processing shall only do so within the scope of the instructions. We shall ensure that any person Processing Customer Data is subject to confidentiality obligations similar to the confidentiality terms of the Agreement. All such confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination or expiration of such Processing.

  • Personal Data Registry Operator shall (i) notify each ICANN-­‐accredited registrar that is a party to the registry-­‐registrar agreement for the TLD of the purposes for which data about any identified or identifiable natural person (“Personal Data”) submitted to Registry Operator by such registrar is collected and used under this Agreement or otherwise and the intended recipients (or categories of recipients) of such Personal Data, and (ii) require such registrar to obtain the consent of each registrant in the TLD for such collection and use of Personal Data. Registry Operator shall take reasonable steps to protect Personal Data collected from such registrar from loss, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction. Registry Operator shall not use or authorize the use of Personal Data in a way that is incompatible with the notice provided to registrars.