NORMAL OPERATING HOURS, SECURITY. The Normal Operating Hours of the Building are 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding days which are legal or statutory holidays in the jurisdiction in which the Building is located. Outside of such Normal Operating Hours, the Occupant, its agents, employees and invitees may be required to present identification and comply with Equitable's security requirements with respect to the Building. Equitable shall be entitled to exclude or eject from the Building any person who does not comply with Equitable's security requirements outside of Normal Operating Hours, and consistent disregard of Equitable's security requirements by the Occupant or its agents and employees shall be grounds for termination of this Occupancy Agreement.
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  • Vessels Each Vessel is

  • Debt Service Coverage The Company will not, and will not permit any Subsidiary to, incur any Debt (including, without limitation, Acquired Debt) other than Intercompany Debt, if the ratio of Consolidated Income Available for Debt Service to the Annual Debt Service Charge for the period consisting of the four consecutive fiscal quarters most recently ended prior to the date on which such additional Debt is to be incurred is less than 1.5 to 1.0, on a pro forma basis after giving effect to the incurrence of such Debt and the application of the proceeds therefrom, and calculated on the assumption that (i) such Debt and any other Debt (including, without limitation, Acquired Debt) incurred by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries since the first day of such four-quarter period and the application of the proceeds therefrom (including to refinance other Debt since the first day of such four-quarter period) had occurred on the first day of such period, (ii) the repayment or retirement of any other Debt of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries since the first day of such four-quarter period had occurred on the first day of such period (except that, in making such computation, the amount of Debt under any revolving credit facility, line of credit or similar facility shall be computed based upon the average daily balance of such Debt during such period), and (iii) in the case of any acquisition or disposition by the Company or any Subsidiary of any asset or group of assets since the first day of such four-quarter period, including, without limitation, by merger, stock purchase or sale, or asset purchase or sale or otherwise, such acquisition or disposition had occurred on the first day of such period with the appropriate adjustments with respect to such acquisition or disposition being included in such pro forma calculation. If the Debt giving rise to the need to make the foregoing calculation or any other Debt incurred after the first day of the relevant four-quarter period bears interest at a floating rate then, for purposes of calculating the Annual Debt Service Charge, the interest rate on such Debt shall be computed on a pro forma basis as if the average interest rate which would have been in effect during the entire such four-quarter period had been the applicable rate for the entire such period.

  • Construction Period The term “Construction Period” shall mean the period from the date of this Lease to the date that Landlord completes construction of the Landlord’s Work (including any “Additional Base Building Items”, as defined in Section 3(f) of the Tenant Work Letter), and Common Areas, regardless of the occurrence of any Tenant Delay and without regard to the effect of any provision of this Lease pursuant to which the Premises are deemed to be Ready for Occupancy in advance of its actual occurrence. Notwithstanding any provision of this Lease to the contrary (including Exhibit B), during the Construction Period only, the following provisions shall be applicable:

  • Annual Physical The Executive may, if the Executive so elects, within the twelve (12) months following the Date of Termination, receive an annual physical at the Company’s expense consistent with the physical provided under, and subject to the requirements of, the Company’s annual physical program as in effect immediately prior to the Date of Termination.

  • Janitorial Service Landlord shall not be obligated to provide any janitorial services to the Premises or replace any light bulbs, lamps, starters and ballasts for lighting fixtures within the Premises. Tenant shall be solely responsible, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, for (i) performing all janitorial services, trash removal and other cleaning of the Premises, and (ii) replacement of all light bulbs, lamps, starters and ballasts for lighting fixtures within the Premises, all as appropriate to maintain the Premises in a first-class manner consistent with the first-class nature of the Building and Project. Such services to be provided by Tenant shall be performed by contractors and pursuant to service contracts approved by Landlord. Tenant shall deposit trash as reasonably required in the area designated by Landlord from time to time. All trash containers must be covered and stored in a manner to prevent the emanation of odors into the Premises or the Project. Landlord shall have the right to inspect the Premises upon reasonable notice to Tenant and to require Tenant to provide additional cleaning, if necessary. In the event Tenant shall fail to provide any of the services described in this Section 6.6 to be performed by Tenant within five (5) days after notice from Landlord, which notice shall not be required in the event of an emergency, Landlord shall have the right to provide such services and any charge or cost incurred by Landlord in connection therewith shall be deemed Additional Rent due and payable by Tenant upon receipt by Tenant of a written statement of cost from Landlord.

  • Electrical Service Subject to the limitation of this Paragraph 4, furnish electrical service to the Premises, including providing and installing all Building standard replacement lighting tubes. If Tenant uses more electrical power than Landlord in good faith considers reasonable or normal for office use, Tenant will pay Landlord on a monthly basis the cost of such excess power consumed by Tenant. Consumption will be determined, at Landlord’s election, either (a) by a survey performed by a reputable consultant selected by Landlord, or (b) through separate meters or submeters installed, maintained and read by Landlord at Tenant’s cost. For purposes of this Paragraph 4 only, “month” and “monthly” shall mean any billing period used by the utility or other power provider supplying electricity. All installations of electrical futures, appliances and equipment within the Premises shall be subject to Landlord’s prior approval, and if they affect the temperature or humidity otherwise maintained, Landlord may, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense (to be paid within (30) days after delivery of written demand supported by invoices or other reasonably satisfactory evidence), install supplemental air conditioning units. Tenant’s use of electricity shall never exceed Tenant’s share of the capacity of existing feeders to the Building or of the risers, wiring installations and transformers serving the floor(s) containing the Premises. Landlord shall provide up to 3.5 xxxxx per usable square foot (demand) of riser and floor panel electrical capacity averaged over the floor being serviced. EXHIBIT C Tenant shall be allocated an approximate 2.0 xxxxx per usable square foot for power and 1.5 xxxxx per usable square foot for lighting. Any risers or wiring necessary to meet Tenant’s excess electrical requirements will be installed by Landlord on Tenant’s request, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense (to be paid in advance), but only if in Landlord’s reasonable good faith belief they are necessary and will not cause damage to the Building or a dangerous condition, entail excessive or unreasonable alterations, repairs or expense, or disturb other occupants.

  • Minimum Debt Service Coverage The Borrower will not at any time permit the outstanding principal amount of the Unsecured Indebtedness to exceed an amount such that: (a) the Unencumbered Net Operating Income, divided by (b) Pro Forma Unsecured Debt Service Charges would be less than 1.5 for any Fiscal Quarter.

  • Hours 4.1 The Executive will comply with the Company’s normal hours of work and will also work any additional hours which may be reasonably necessary to perform his duties to the satisfaction of the Board. He will not receive any further remuneration for any hours worked in addition to the normal working hours.

  • Minimum Monthly Rent 3.1.1 Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord a Minimum Monthly Rent, initially in the amount set forth in the Basic Provisions, during each month of the Term of this Lease. Minimum Monthly Rent for a period constituting less than a full month shall be prorated on the basis of a thirty (30)-day month.

  • Debt Service Coverage Ratio Not permit the Debt Service Coverage Ratio on the last day of each Fiscal Quarter to be less than 3.50 to 1.00.

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