November 2017. No UNTS volume number has yet been determined for this record. The Text(s) reproduced below, if attached, are the authentic texts of the agreement /action attachment as submitted for registration and publication to the Secretariat. For ease of reference they were sequentially paginated. Translations, if attached, are not final and are provided for information only. *Aucun numéro de volume n'a encore été attribué à ce dossier. Les textes disponibles qui sont reproduits ci-dessous sont les textes originaux de l'accord ou de l'action tels que soumis pour enregistrement. Par souci de clarté, leurs pages ont été numérotées. Les traductions qui accompagnent ces textes ne sont pas définitives et sont fournies uniquement à titre d'information.
November 2017 as well. The LICENSEE shall have also the right to grant permission for use of said WORK, or any portion thereof, in advertising materials, journals or periodicals, or to grant permission for including the said WORK in any database. (Hereinafter altogether called „LICENCE“).
November 2017. Nadobúdateľ má aj právo udeliť súhlas na použitie diela, alebo akejkoľvek jeho časti, v propagačných materiáloch, časopisoch alebo denníkoch alebo udeliť súhlas na zaradenie diela do akejkoľvek databázy. (ďalej všetko spolu len „licencia“)
III. The LICENSEE agrees to assume the expense of publishing. All matters of sale and promotion shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the LICENSEE. III. Nadobúdateľ sa zaväzuje uhradiť všetky výdavky spojené s publikovaním diela. Podmienky predaja a propagácie diela stanovuje nadobúdateľ.
IV. Royalties for the LICENCE shall not be paid IV. Licencia sa poskytuje bezodplatne.
V. The LICENSEE agrees to give the LICENSOR 1 (one) free copy of the said WORK every time when it is published, but not for resale.
November 2017. Nadobúdateľ má aj právo udeliť súhlas na použitie diela, alebo akejkoľvek jeho časti, v propagačných materiáloch, časopisoch alebo denníkoch alebo udeliť súhlas na zaradenie diela do akejkoľvek databázy. (ďalej všetko spolu len „licencia“)
III. The LICENSEE agrees to assume the expense of publishing. All matters of sale and promotion shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the LICENSEE. III. Nadobúdateľ sa zaväzuje uhradiť všetky výdavky spojené s publikovaním diela. Podmienky predaja a propagácie diela stanovuje nadobúdateľ.
IV. Royalties for the LICENCE shall not be paid to the LICENSOR.
November 2017. Parties:
November 2017. You authorise SCM and it shall have full discretion to act or refrain from acting on any corporate action. Except where the Custody Terms and Conditions say otherwise and until Hubwise receives Instructions to the contrary, Hubwise will:
November 2017. December 2019) The interventions will be made upon the public space features that influences pedestrian traffic, including accessibility to PT stops. Several categories will be considered, such as functional aspects, aesthetic aspects, safety and security aspects and practical aspects.
November 2017. Parties : Xxxxxxxx Development (as the client)
November 2017. In contemplation of the expiry of the Previous Sales Framework Agreement on 6 November 2020, the Board announces that on 6 November 2020, BPTHL and the JV Partner entered into the Sales Framework Agreement to renew the Previous Sales Framework Agreement, in relation to the sale of the Products by BPTHL Group to Brandix Group for a term of three years from 6 November 2020 to 5 November 2023. As at the date of this announcement, the JV Company is held as to 75% by BPSL (Pannala) and as to 25% by the JV Partner. Accordingly, members of Brandix Group (including the JV Partner) are connected persons of the Company at the subsidiary level under Rule 14A.06(9) of the Listing Rules, and the transactions contemplated under the Sales Framework Agreement constitute continuing connected transactions for the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. As (i) the Board has approved the Sales Framework Agreement; and (ii) the independent non-executive Directors have confirmed that the terms of the Sales Framework Agreement are fair and reasonable, on normal commercial terms and in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole, the Sales Framework Agreement is subject to the reporting, announcement and annual review requirements, but exempt from the circular, independent financial advice and independent shareholders’ approval requirements pursuant to Rule 14A.101 of the Listing Rules.
November 2017. In contemplation of the expiry of the Previous Sales Framework Agreement on 6 November 2020, the Board announces that on 6 November 2020, BPTHL and the JV Partner entered into the Sales Framework Agreement to renew the Previous Sales Framework Agreement, in relation to the sale of the Products by BPTHL Group to Brandix Group for a term of three years from 6 November 2020 to 5 November 2023. Principal terms of the Sales Framework Agreement are summarised below. Date : 6 November 2020 Parties : (i) BPTHL