July 2018 Sample Clauses
July 2018. BETWEEN:
July 2018. Farm‐in Agreement means the Xxxxxxx Farm‐in Agreement dated on or around 1 May 2017 entered into between the Joint Venture Parties.
July 2018. Bidders shall pay a non-refundable fee of Indian Rupees 5,000/- (Rupees five Thousand) only, in the form of demand draft issued by any scheduled Indian Bank or a Foreign Bank located in India, in favor of Executive Engineer, World Bank Division No.1, UP PWD, payable at Lucknow (U.P., India). The scanned copy of the demand draft shall be uploaded at the time of bid submission and original shall be handed over in person to UPPWD office. Bids without this payment and proof of payment shall be rejected. • The bidders have to upload their proposal electronically in folders: A, B, and C under one envelope on the website xxxx://xxxxxxx.xx.xxx.xx
July 2018. All provisions of this agreement shall, unless otherwise stated, be effective from the date of the signing of this agreement. After 31 July 2018, this agreement shall be automatically renewed thereafter for successive periods of twelve
July 2018. This Schedule of Terms describes the material features of the Participant’s Restricted Stock Unit Award (the “RSU Award” or the “Award”) granted under the United Technologies Corporation 2018 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “LTIP”) subject to this Schedule of Terms, the Award Agreement and the terms and conditions set forth in the LTIP. The LTIP Prospectus contains further information about the LTIP and this Award.
July 2018. The parties have agreed to convene a working party to develop a policy and processes around Domestic Violence, to be completed by 31 July 2018.
July 2018. Following the Calls for Expression of Interest for SGA2 (non-MIP related), four new beneficiaries joined the HBP consortium: • P119: UKB (Universitätsklinikum Bonn); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Comparative single cell analyses of principal neurons and Interneurons in mice and humans”. • P120: BRFAA (BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION, ACADEMY OF ATHENS) winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Modelling allosteric drugs” for CDP6 in SP8. • P121: CONVELOP (convelop cooperative knowledge design gmbh); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Coordination of gender equality activities”. • P122: CHARITE (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Co- designing the HBP digital infrastructure for advancing the understanding of multilevel brain organisation” for CDP8. Several existing beneficiaries have new teams joining, following the Calls for Expression of Interest for SGA2 (non-MIP related). One new beneficiary joined due to the move of a Principle Investigator • P123: EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) inclusion as of 1 July 2018 due to the move of a Principal Investigator (PI) from the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Universität Heidelberg (P47 UHEI) to EMBL. A new Director General has been nominated. Following the MIP Calls for Expression of Interest for SGA2, six new beneficiaries joined the HBP consortium: • P124: SICHH (Swiss Integrative Center for Human Health); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Testing pathophysiological models of brain diseases”. • P125: UGA (Universite Grenoble Alpes); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Federated analysis of human intracerebral stimulation and recording data”. • P126: CHUGA (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble Alpes); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Federated analysis of human intracerebral stimulation and recording data”. • P127: (UKLFR Epilepsiezentrum, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, University Medical Center); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Federated analysis of human intracerebral stimulation and recording data”. • P128: XXXXX (ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda Ca’Xxxxxx); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Federated analysis of human intracerebral stimulation and recording data”. • P129: UMG (Medical University Greifswald); winning Proposal of the CEoI on “Testing pathophysiological models of brain diseases”. Several existing beneficiaries have new teams joining, following the MIP Calls for Expression of Interest for SGA2: P12 CNR, P22 FG, P38 KCL, P73 UKAACHEN, P78 AMU, P108 UCBL, P122 CHARI...
July 2018 whereas Europe and Iraq are linked by thousands of years of mutual cultural influences and a common history;
July 2018. Post Office Ltd This new National Agreement for a Collective Engagement Framework arises from negotiations between the Post Office and the Communication Workers Union. The new framework fully reflects the joint aims of both parties to create and operate a harmonious and productive Industrial Relations climate over the coming years and is specifically designed to rebuild confidence and trust between all parties. Post Office and CWU have a common interest and purpose in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between employees and managers. We share a commitment to providing a consistently professional service to our customers by encouraging an environment where the Post Office can be successful and flourish and crucially where all employees feel there is concern for their wellbeing and recognition for their value and contribution. The business and the union recognise the importance of maintaining these shared values by the establishment of well understood and observed procedures to ensure both parties can work together constructively. We have a joint responsibility to make sure this agreement works in practice and we have agreed the requirements, responsibilities and processes as the basis for a positive industrial relations environment. The agreement sets out how collective engagement and industrial relations in the Post Office should be conducted by both parties. We encourage all managers and union representatives to embrace this agreement and to adopt the constructive approach to collective engagement and industrial relations which it promotes. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx Employee Relations and Policy Director Post Office Assistant Secretary, Postal Post Office Ltd CWU
July 2018. If no agreement is reached at the expiration of this Contract and negotiations are continued, the Agreement shall remain in force up to the time an agreement is reached or until negotiations are discontinued by either Party.