NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the said Sale Agreement and in consideration of the said sum of Rs. /= (Rupees ) only of the lawful money of the Union of India well and truly paid by the Purchaser to the Vendors as and by way of Sale Price for acquiring the said Flat which amount includes the cost of undivided proportionate share in the land as also the cost of construction (the receipt whereof the Vendors do hereby as also by the memo hereunder written admit and acknowledge to have received) the Vendors with the consent and concurrence of the Developer do hereby sell convey transfer assure and assign unto and in favour of the Purchaser ALL THAT the said Flat morefully and particularly described in the THIRD SCHEDULE hereunder written together with the proportionate right title and interest in common areas portions and parts as comprised in the said building and also the right of free ingress in and egress out from the said Flat without any obstruction whatsoever or howsoever and is morefully and particularly described in the FOURTH SCHEDULE hereunder written (hereinafter for the sake of brevity collectively referred to as the said FLAT) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Purchaser herein absolutely and forever free from all encumbrances, trusts, liens, lispendens and attachments SUBJECT NEVERTHELESS to the applicable easements or quasi easements and other stipulations and provisions in this connection with the beneficial use and enjoyment of the said Flat mentioned in the FIFTH SCHEDULE hereunder written excepting and reserving unto and the Vendor and/or other person or persons deriving title under and/or through the Vendor such easements and quasi easements and the rights and privileges as are mentioned in the SIXTH SCHEDULE hereunder written and subject to such restrictions contained in the SEVENTH SCHEDULE hereunder written and subject to payment of such common expenses mentioned in the EIGHT SCHEDULE hereunder written AND it is hereby recorded and confirmed that the Vendor do hereby release relinquish and disclaim and transfer and assign all their respective right title interest claim or demand whatsoever or howsoever over and in respect of the said Flat unto and in favour of the Purchaser herein.
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NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the Agreement for Sale in favour of the Purchaser AND in consideration of the payments made by the Purchaser to the Promoter and as more fully mentioned in the FOURTH SCHEDULE herein. (the receipt whereof the Promoter do hereby admit and acknowledge and of and from the payment of the same, forever release, discharge and acquit the Purchaser and the Said Apartment and the rights and properties appurtenant thereto) the Promoter doth hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assign and assure unto the Purchaser ALL THAT the Said Apartment (along with rights appurtenant thereto) as more fully described in SECOND SCHEDULE hereunder written (hereinbefore as also hereinafter referred
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the Agreement for Sale in favour of the Purchaser AND in consideration of the payments made by the Purchaser to the Promoter and as more fully mentioned in the FOURTH SCHEDULE herein. (the receipt whereof the Promoter do hereby admit and acknowledge and of and from the payment of the same, forever release, discharge and acquit the Purchaser and the Said Apartment and the rights and properties appurtenant thereto) the Promoter doth hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assign and assure unto the Purchaser ALL THAT the Said Apartment (along with rights appurtenant thereto) as more fully described in SECOND SCHEDULE hereunder written (hereinbefore as also hereinafter referred to as the “SAID APARTMENT”) and in consideration of the receipt of their respective entitlements (under the Said Agreement Dated ), by the Promoter herein, the Promoter doth hereby, grant, sell, convey, transfer, assign and assure unto the Purchaser ALL THAT the undivided proportionate share as also the right to use the Common Areas, (morefully described in the THIRD SCHEDULE in common along with other occupants and maintenance staff etc of the project (all of such share/rights being morefully described in SECOND SCHEDULE hereunder written being collectively referred hereinafter as the “COMMON AREA SHARE AND USER RIGHTS”)
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the Agreement for Sale in favour of the Purchaser AND in consideration of the payments made by the Purchaser to the Promoter, as more fully mentioned in the FIFTH SCHEDULE herein. (the receipt whereof the Promoter do hereby admit and acknowledge and of and from the payment of the same, forever release, discharge and acquit the Purchaser and the Said Apartment and the rights and properties appurtenant thereto) the Promoter doth hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assign and assure (and
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the Agreement for Sale AND in consideration of the payments made by the Purchaser to the Developer, as more fully mentioned in the FIFTH SCHEDULE herein (the receipt whereof the Developer do hereby admit and acknowledge and of and from the payment of the same, forever release, discharge and acquit the Purchaser and the Said Unit and the rights
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the Agreement for Sale in favour of the Purchaser AND in consideration
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the Provisional Allotment Letter in favour of the Purchaser AND in consideration of the payments made by the Purchaser to the Promoter, as more fully mentioned in the FIFTH SCHEDULE herein. (the receipt whereof the Promoter do hereby admit and acknowledge and of and from the payment of the same, forever release, discharge and acquit the Purchaser and the Said Unit and the
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NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the Agreement and in consideration of the payments made by the Purchaser to the Owner, as more fully mentioned in the EIGHTH SCHEDULE hereunder written (all of which payments have been made to the Owner in terms of the Agreement dated , and the receipt whereof the Owner doth hereby as also by the Memo hereunder written admit and acknowledge to have received and of and from the payment of the same, forever release, discharge and acquit the Purchaser and the Said Apartment), the Owner doth hereby grant, sell, convey, transfer, assign and assure unto the Purchaser ALL THAT the Flat, the Parking Spaces, the Said Share, the Common Areas and the Rights to the extent and within the scope of the applicable law(s) as per details given in PART – I, PART - II, PART III, PART IV and PART V respectively, of the SIXTH SCHEDULE hereunder (herein before as also hereinafter, collectively,
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT. In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of Rs. ……………………… (Rupees …………………………………….) only paid by the Purchaser to the Promoter at or before the execution of these presents (the receipt whereof the Vendors and Promoter do hereby as also by the receipt hereunder written admit and acknowledge and of and from the payment of the same and every part thereof doth hereby acquit, release and discharge the Purchasers and the said Apartment hereby intended to be sold and transferred), the Vendors do and each of them doth hereby grant transfer convey assure and assign unto and in favour of the Purchasers ALL THAT the Apartment No. …….. containing a carpet area of …………. Sq. ft be the same a little more or less corresponding built-up area of ……………. Sq.ft. be the same a little more or less and super built-up area of …………


  • NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in the premises aforesaid and in consideration of the sum of Rs. /- (Rupees only) by the Purchasers to the Builder paid at or before the execution hereof (the receipt whereof the Builder doth hereby as also by the receipt and memo of consideration hereunder written admit and acknowledge and of and from the payment of the same and every part thereof doth hereby acquit release and forever discharge the Purchasers and the Said Unit being hereby conveyed) the Vendors and the Builder do and each of them doth hereby grant convey sell transfer release assign and assure unto and in favour of the Purchasers ALL THAT the Flat, being Flat No. on the Floor admeasuring an area of sq.ft. ( sqm) Carpet Area/Saleable area as more fully and particularly mentioned and described in PART – I of the SECOND SCHEDULE hereunder written, TOGETHER WITH proportionate undivided share in the Land comprised in the Premises, as more fully mentioned and described in the FIRST SCHEDULE hereunder written and attributable to the Said Unit, TOGETHER AND WITH like proportionate undivided share in the Common Portions, fully mentioned and described in the THIRD SCHEDULE hereunder written and attributable to the Said Unit, AND TOGETHER WITH the right to park one car in Car Parking Space No. , in the as allotted in the Said Vehicle Parking Space at the Premises, if so categorically sold and purchased under these presents and as more fully mentioned in PART – II of the within mentioned SECOND SCHEDULE, (all hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Said Unit”), AND TOGETHER ALSO WITH the right to use and enjoy the Common Portions in common with the other Unit Owners of the Building AND reversion or reversions remainder or remainders and the rents issues and profits of and in connection with the Said Unit AND all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of the Vendors and/or the Builder into or upon the Said Unit AND TOGETHER WITH all easements or quasi-easements and other stipulations and provisions in connection with the beneficial use and enjoyment of the Said Unit TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Said Unit and every part thereof unto and to the use of the Purchasers absolutely and forever SUBJECT NEVERTHELESS TO the Purchasers’ covenants and agreements hereunder contained and on the part of the Purchasers to be observed fulfilled and performed (including the restrictions terms conditions covenants and obligations set forth in the FIFTH SCHEDULE hereunder written and the Said Sale Agreement) AND ALSO SUBJECT to the Purchasers paying and discharging all municipal and other rates taxes and impositions on the Said Unit wholly, and the Common Expenses, as more fully and particularly mentioned and described in the FOURTH SCHEDULE hereunder written proportionately, and all other outgoings in connection with the Said Unit wholly and the Premises and in particular the Common Portions proportionately.

  • NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH 1. Subject to the context the words and expressions used in this Agreement have the same meanings respectively as they have in and for the purpose of the Principal Agreement.

  • NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that, in consideration of the mutual covenants and provisos herein contained, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS:


  • NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH as follows The Transferor hereby transfers unto the Transferee with full title guarantee all right, title, interest, benefit and obligation (both present and future) of the mortgagee in and under the Mortgages which do not relate to registered land including for the avoidance of doubt:

  • NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS 1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.

  • NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH The parties hereby agree as follows:


  • WITNESSETH That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

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