Numbering Plan Sample Clauses

Numbering Plan. Area (NPA) - also sometimes referred to as an area code, is the three digit indicator which is defined by the "A", "B", and "C" digits of each 10-digit telephone number within the NANP. Each NPA contains 800 possible NXX Codes. There are two general categories of NPA, "Geographic NPAs" and "Non-Geographic NPAs". A Geographic NPA is associated with a defined geographic area, and all telephone numbers bearing such NPA are associated with services provided within that geographic area. A Non-Geographic NPA, also known as a "Service Access Code" or "SAC Code" is typically associated with a specialized telecommunications service which may be provided across multiple geographic NPA areas. 800, 900, 700, and 888 are examples of Non-Geographic NPAs.
Numbering Plan. Clause 10. 1. The Concessionaire commits itself to abide by the Numbering Regulation of the Commuted Fixed Telephone Service, assuring to the subscriber of the service the portability of access codes as per the terms of the regulation.
Numbering Plan. The AUTHORIZEE agrees to abide by the Numbering Regulations issued by Anatel and shall guarantee to the user the portability of access codes, in conformity with the regulations. CHAPTER VII BILLING THE USERS CLAUSE 7.1 - The rates, as well as the form of measurement and the criteria for billing the services rendered shall be established by the AUTHORIZEE based on the PMS regulations, in conformity with the provisions under Clause 3.7 of the present Authorization Term.
Numbering Plan. 2.11.1 ILDO has been allocated carrier selection code by the LICENSOR for dynamic selection of carrier for International long distance calls. All calls for which dynamic carrier selection code has been dialed shall be routed accordingly subject to technical feasibility. 2.11.2 All the digits received from calling party including '0' shall be passed across the interface (ROD=1).
Numbering Plan. The Fundamental Technical Numbering Plan published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on June 21, 1996, or any future provision modifying or substituting it, agreed upon by the parties.
Numbering Plan. As provided by regulation, the Concessionaire agrees to obey the Numbering Regulations for Switched, Fixed-line Telephone Service published by ANATEL, and must guarantee subscribers portability of access codes within the timeframe defined in such Regulations.
Numbering Plan. Section 6.1 - Upon compliance with the regulation, the AUTHORIZED PARTY agrees upon complying with the Numbering Regulation issued by ANATEL, and shall ensure to the service subscriber portability of access codes within the terms set forth in the regulation.
Numbering Plan. The Authorizee agrees to abide by the Numbering Regulations issued by Anatel and shall guarantee to the user the portability of access codes, in conformity with the regulations.
Numbering Plan. CLAUSE 9.
Numbering Plan. AUTHORIZED SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to comply with the Numbering Regulations issued by Anatel, and shall ensure service subscribers portability for the access codes, as provided in the regulation. CHAPTER VII