Paragraph 3rd Sample Clauses
Paragraph 3rd. The procedure of tariff revision will be concluded in a time period not above 120 (one hundred and twenty) days, except in the hypothesis when it is necessary the prorogation of the same for complementation of the instruction.
Paragraph 3rd. It is up to Anatel to assure the protection of the economic situation of the Concessionaire, as per terms of Chapter XIII of this Contract.
Paragraph 3rd. Anatel will follow permanently the relationship between the providers that make use of the service now being granted and the Concessionaire, so as to restrain conducts that may imply in unfair loss to any one of the parties or that imply in violation to the economic order and to the free competition, communicating, in these hypotheses, such conducts to the Administrative Council of Economic Defense – XXXX, after the exercise of its competence, as per disposition of art. 19, item XIX, of Law No. 9,472 of 1997.
Paragraph 3rd. The right of utilization of radiofrequencies referred to in this clause does not exclude the prerogative granted to Anatel by art. 161 of Law No. 9,472 of 1997.
Paragraph 3rd. In case the value resulting from the calculation of the factor of transference X is negative, it will be adopted for the same, the value 0 (zero).
Paragraph 3rd. The costs relative to the common resources required to the implementation and operation of the portability of access codes will be assumed by the service providers, as per the terms of the regulation.
Paragraph 3rd. The Concessionaire is entirely responsible, at its own risk, for all the constructions, installations and use of equipment for the rendering of the service, being expressly understood that it is up to the Concessionaire the relationship with municipal, state or federal control agencies the use of the soil, buildings and environmental control.
Paragraph 3rd. The hypothesis of takeover being executed, the indemnity that is pertinent to the other cases of extinction in the Contract will be calculated as per the terms of this Chapter and divided by the number of months to which it would still be effective as per the concession, and the first installment should be due after 1 (one) year of the extinction of the Contract.
Paragraph 3rd. The Concessionaire will be entitled to the recomposition of its initial situation of encumbrances and retributions when circumstances of force majeure or calamities affect significantly the exploration of the service, always abiding, as a parameter, by the reflection of these situations on the service providers in the private regimen.
Paragraph 3rd. If there are multiple requests for the same user, the Concessionaire undertakes to providing the resources requested, following the chronological order of requests of the providers.