of this Protocol. For the purpose of subsequent verification of certificates of origin, copies of the certificates as well as any export documents referring to them shall be kept for at least two years by the competent Ukrainian authorities.
of this Protocol. Where the cumulation provisions of Article 1 or 2 are applied, the customs authorities of the Member States of the Community or of Hungary may issue movement certificates EUR.1 under the conditions laid down in this Protocol if the goods to be exported can be considered as originating products within the meaning of this Protocol and provided that the goods covered by the movement certificates EUR.1 are in the Community or in Hungary. In these cases movement certificates EUR.1 shall be issued subject to the presentation of the proof of origin previously issued or made out. This proof of origin must be kept for at least two years by the customs authorities of the exporting State.
of this Protocol. The movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of Bulgaria if the goods to be exported can be considered as products originating in Bulgaria within the meaning of Article 1 (2) of this Protocol.
of this Protocol. To this end, they shall hold consultations whenever one of the Parties so requests and determine, on a case-by-case basis, relevant new resources, conditions and other parameters.
of this Protocol. It is understood income is actually taxed when it is actually included in the taxable base by reference to which the tax is computed. Income is not actually taxed when, being subject to tax treatment normally applicable to such income, it is either not taxable or exempt from tax.
of this Protocol. For the purpose of subsequent verification of certificates of origin, copies of the certificates as well as any export documents referring to them shall be kept for at least two years by the competent Belarussian authorities.
of this Protocol. The movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of Poland if the goods to be exported can be considered as products originating in Poland within the meaning of Article 1 (2)
of this Protocol. For the purpose of subsequent verification of certificates of origin, copies of the certificates as well as any export documents referring to them shall be kept for at least three years by the competent Lao authorities.
of this Protocol. The movement certificate EUR.1 shall be issued by the customs authorities of Hungary if the goods to be exported can be considered as products originating in Hungary within the meaning of Article 1 (2)
of this Protocol. For the purpose of subsequent verification of certificates of origin, copies of the certificates as well as any export documents referring to them shall be kept for at least two years by the competent Lithuanian authorities. 6. Recourse to the random verification procedure specified in this Article must not constitute an obstacle to the release for home use of the products in question. Article