MASTER CONTRACT This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, 2014, between Westlake Charter Schools (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and CARE Educational Services (hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR”) for the purpose of providing special education and/or related services to LEA students with exceptional needs under the authorization of California Education Code sections 56157, 56361 and 56365 et seq. and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 3000 et seq., AB490 (Chapter 862, Statutes of 2003) and AB1858 (Chapter 914, Statutes of 2004). It is understood that this agreement does not commit LEA to pay for special education and/or related services provided to any LEA student, or CONTRACTOR to provide such special education and/or related services, unless and until an authorized LEA representative approves the provision of special education and/or related services by CONTRACTOR. Upon acceptance of a LEA student, CONTRACTOR shall submit to LEA an Individual Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “ISA”) and a Nonpublic Services Student Enrollment form as specified in the LEA Procedures. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these forms shall acknowledge CONTRACTOR’s obligation to provide all services specified in the student’s Individualized Education Plan (hereinafter referred to as “IEP”). The ISA shall be executed within ninety (90) days of an LEA student’s enrollment. XXX and CONTRACTOR shall enter into an ISA for each LEA student served by CONTRACTOR. As available and appropriate, the LEA shall make available access to any electronic IEP system and /or electronic data base for ISA developing including invoicing. Unless placement is made pursuant to an Office of Administrative Hearings (hereinafter referred to as “OAH”) order, a lawfully executed agreement between LEA and parent or authorized by XXX for a transfer student pursuant to California Education Code section 56325, XXX is not responsible for the costs associated with nonpublic agency placement until the date on which an IEP team meeting is convened, the IEP team determines that a nonpublic agency placement is appropriate, and the IEP is signed by the LEA student’s parent.
Vendor Contracts (a) THIRD-PARTY ASO CONTRACTS. (i) ATI shall use its Reasonable Efforts to amend each administrative services only contract with a third-party administrator that relates to any of the ATI Health and Welfare Plans (an "ASO Contract") in existence as of the date of this Agreement to permit Water Pik to participate in the terms and conditions of such ASO Contract from Immediately After the Distribution Date until December 31, 2000. ATI shall use its Reasonable Efforts to cause all ASO Contracts into which ATI enters after the date of this Agreement but before the Close of the Distribution Date to allow Water Pik to participate in the terms and conditions thereof effective Immediately After the Distribution Date on the same basis as ATI. (ii) ATI shall have the right to determine, and shall promptly notify Water Pik of, the manner in which Water Pik's participation in the terms and conditions of ASO Contracts as set forth above shall be effectuated. The permissible ways in which Water Pik's participation may be effectuated include automatically making Water Pik a party to the ASO Contracts or obligating the third party to enter into a separate ASO Contract with Water Pik providing for the same terms and conditions as are contained in the ASO Contracts to which ATI is a party (or such other arrangement as to which ATI and Water Pik shall mutually agree). Such terms and conditions shall include the financial and termination provisions, performance standards, methodology, auditing policies, quality measures, reporting requirements and target claims. Water Pik hereby authorizes ATI to act on its behalf to extend to Water Pik the terms and conditions of the ASO Contracts. Water Pik shall fully cooperate with ATI in such efforts, and Water Pik shall not perform any act, including discussing any alternative arrangements with any third party, that would prejudice ATI's efforts.
OGS Centralized Contract Terms and Conditions have been renumbered as depicted in the following chart: Current Amended Section Title 4.25 4.26 Severability 4.26 4.27 Entire Agreement
Major Contracts Neither INT' nor any Material INT' Subsidiary is a party to or subject to: (a) Any union contract, or any employment contract or arrangement in effect (other than "at-will" employment arrangements) providing for future compensation, written or oral, with any officer, consultant, director, or employee; (b) Any plan or contract or arrangement, written or oral, providing for non-standard bonuses, pensions, deferred compensation, retirement payments, profit-sharing or the like; (c) Any joint venture contract or arrangement or any other agreement which has involved or is expected to involve a sharing of profits; (d) Any OEM agreement, reseller or distribution agreement, volume purchase agreement, corporate end user sales or service agreement, reproduction or replication agreement or manufacturing agreement in which the amount involved exceeds annually, or is expected to exceed in the aggregate over the life of the contract, $50,000 or pursuant to which INT' has granted or received manufacturing rights, most favored nation pricing provisions, or exclusive marketing, production, publishing or distribution rights related to any product, group of products or territory; (e) Any agreement, license, franchise, permit, indenture, or authorization which has not been terminated or performed in its entirety and not renewed which may be, by its terms, terminated, impaired, or adversely affected by reason of the execution of this Agreement and all other agreements contemplated hereby, the consummation of the Merger, or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby; (f) Except for trade indebtedness incurred in the ordinary course of business, any instrument evidencing or related in any way to indebtedness incurred in the acquisition of companies or other entities or indebtedness for borrowed money by way of direct loan, sale of debt securities, purchase money obligation, conditional sale, guarantee, or otherwise which individually is in the amount of $50,000 or more; (g) Any license agreement in effect, either as licensor or licensee (excluding nonexclusive hardware and software licenses granted to distributors or end-users and commercially available in-licensed software applications); (h) Any contract or agreement containing covenants purporting to limit INT''s or the Material INT' Subsidiaries' freedom to compete in any line of business in any geographic area; or (i) Any contract or agreement not elsewhere specifically disclosed pursuant to this Agreement, involving the payment or receipt by INT' of more than $250,000 in the aggregate. For purposes of this Section 3.14, a contract, agreement or arrangement shall be considered "in effect" if INT' or any Material Subsidiary shall have any obligations or liabilities pursuant to such contract, agreement or arrangement. All contracts, arrangements, plans, agreements, leases, licenses, franchises, permits, indentures, authorizations, instruments and other commitments which are listed in the INT' Disclosure Schedule pursuant to this Section 3.14 are valid and in full force and effect and neither INT' nor any Material INT' Subsidiary has, nor, to the knowledge of INT' and the Material INT' Subsidiaries, has any other party thereto, breached any material provisions of, or entered into default in any material respect under the terms thereof. INT' has delivered to Parent copies of the contracts or agreements, and descriptions of any verbal agreements or arrangements, referred to in this Section 3.14 as in effect on the Prior Agreement Date.
SUB-CONTRACTING 34.1. The Purchaser approves the appointment of the sub-contractors specified in Schedule 5.6 (Approved Sub-contractors) in respect of the obligations specified in that Schedule. 34.2. The Service Provider may not sub-contract its obligations under the Contract to other sub-contractors without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. Sub-contracting of any part of the Contract shall not relieve the Service Provider of any obligation or duty attributable to the Service Provider under the Contract. The Service Provider shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its sub-contractors as though they are its own. 34.3. Where the Service Provider enters into a sub-contract the Service Provider must ensure that a provision is included which: 34.3.1. requires payment to be made of all sums due by the Service Provider to the sub- contractor within a specified period not exceeding 30 days from the receipt of a valid invoice as defined by the sub-contract requirements and provides that, where the Purchaser has made payment to the Service Provider in respect of Services and the sub-contractor’s invoice relates to such Services then, to that extent, the invoice must be treated as valid and, provided the Service Provider is not exercising a right of retention or set-off in respect of a breach of contract by the sub-contractor or in respect of a sum otherwise due by the sub-contractor to the Service Provider, payment must be made to the sub-contractor without deduction; 34.3.2. notifies the sub-contractor that the sub-contract forms part of a larger contract for the benefit of the Purchaser and that should the sub-contractor have any difficulty in securing the timely payment of an invoice, that matter may be referred by the sub-contractor to the Purchaser; 34.3.3. requires that all contracts with sub-contractors and suppliers which the sub- contractor intends to procure, and which the sub-contractor has not before the date of this Contract, already planned to award to a particular supplier are advertised through the Public Contracts Scotland procurement portal ( and awarded following a fair, open, transparent and competitive process proportionate to the nature and value of the contract; and 34.3.4. is in the same terms as that set out in this clause 34.3 (including for the avoidance of doubt this clause 34.3.4 subject only to modification to refer to the correct designation of the equivalent party as the Service Provider and sub-contractor as the case may be. 34.4. The Service Provider shall also include in every sub-contract: 34.4.1 a right for the Service Provider to terminate that sub-contract if the relevant sub- contractor fails to comply in the performance of its contract with legal obligations in the fields of environmental, social or employment law or if any of the termination events (involving substantial modification of the Contract, contract award despite the existence of exclusion grounds or a serious infringement of EU legal obligations) specified in clause 56.3 occur; and 34.4.2 a requirement that the sub-contractor includes a provision having the same effect as 34.4.1 in any sub-contract which it awards. In this clause 34.4, ‘sub-contract’ means a contract between two or more service providers, at any stage of remoteness from the Purchaser in a sub-contracting chain, made wholly or substantially for the purpose of performing (or contributing to the performance of) the whole or any part of this Contract. 34.5. Where requested by the Purchaser, copies of any sub-contract must be sent by the Service Provider to the Purchaser as soon as reasonably practicable. 34.6. Where the Service Provider proposes to enter into a sub-contract it must: 34.6.1 advertise its intention to do so in at least one trade journal, [at least one newspaper circulating in [refer to locality]] and the Public Contracts Scotland Portal; and 34.6.2 follow a procedure leading to the selection of the sub-contractor which ensures reasonable competition following principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency and which ensures that such procedure is accessible by small and medium enterprises.
Prior Contracts This Contract supersedes and terminates, as of the date hereof, all prior contracts between the Fund and the Custodian relating to the custody of the Fund's assets.
Service Contract The Parties intend this Agreement to be a “service contract” within the meaning of Section 7701(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Purchaser will not take the position on any tax return or in any other filings suggesting that it is anything other than a purchase of electricity from the System.
Cooperative Contract The provisions and pricing of this Contract will be extended to other California local or state governmental entities. Governmental entities wishing to use this Contract will be responsible for issuing their own purchase documents/price agreements, providing for their own acceptance, and making any subsequent payments. Contractor shall be required to include in any Contract entered into with another agency or entity that is entered into as an extension of this Contract a Contract clause that will hold harmless the County of Orange from all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of every kind resulting directly or indirectly, arising out of, or in any way connected with the use of this contract. Failure to do so will be considered a material breach of this Contract and grounds for immediate Contract termination. The cooperative entities are responsible for obtaining all certificates of insurance and bonds required. The Contractor is responsible for providing each cooperative entity a copy of the Contract upon request by the cooperative entity. The County of Orange makes no guarantee of usage by other users of this Contract. The Contractor shall be required to maintain a list of the cooperative entities using this Contract. The list shall report dollar volumes spent annually and shall be provided on an annual basis to the County, at the County’s request.
Direct Contracting Goods and works which the Association agrees meet the requirements for Direct Contracting may be procured in accordance with the provisions of said procurement method.
Covered Contracts and Contractors If the Contract exceeds $100,000 and the Contractor employed more than 40 full-time employees on a single working day during the previous 12 months in Minnesota or in the state where it has its principle place of business, then the Contractor must comply with the requirements of Minnesota Statute § 363A.36 and Minnesota Rule Parts 5000.3400-5000.3600. A Contractor covered by Minnesota Statute § 363A.36 because it employed more than 40 full-time employees in another state and does not have a certificate of compliance, must certify that it is in compliance with federal affirmative action requirements.