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MASTER CONTRACT. This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, 2014, between Westlake Charter Schools (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and CARE Educational Services (hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR”) for the purpose of providing special education and/or related services to LEA students with exceptional needs under the authorization of California Education Code sections 56157, 56361 and 56365 et seq. and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 3000 et seq., AB490 (Chapter 862, Statutes of 2003) and AB1858 (Chapter 914, Statutes of 2004). It is understood that this agreement does not commit LEA to pay for special education and/or related services provided to any LEA student, or CONTRACTOR to provide such special education and/or related services, unless and until an authorized LEA representative approves the provision of special education and/or related services by CONTRACTOR. Upon acceptance of a LEA student, CONTRACTOR shall submit to LEA an Individual Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “ISA”) and a Nonpublic Services Student Enrollment form as specified in the LEA Procedures. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these forms shall acknowledge CONTRACTOR’s obligation to provide all services specified in the student’s Individualized Education Plan (hereinafter referred to as “IEP”). The ISA shall be executed within ninety (90) days of an LEA student’s enrollment. XXX and CONTRACTOR shall enter into an ISA for each LEA student served by CONTRACTOR. As available and appropriate, the LEA shall make available access to any electronic IEP system and /or electronic data base for ISA developing including invoicing. Unless placement is made pursuant to an Office of Administrative Hearings (hereinafter referred to as “OAH”) order, a lawfully executed agreement between LEA and parent or authorized by XXX for a transfer student pursuant to California Education Code section 56325, XXX is not responsible for the costs associated with nonpublic agency placement until the date on which an IEP team meeting is convened, the IEP team determines that a nonpublic agency placement is appropriate, and the IEP is signed by the LEA student’s parent.
MASTER CONTRACT. This document, including all attachments and appendices, which constitutes the Centralized Contract between Contractor and the State of New York for Recycling and Trash Removal Services. May also be referred to simply as the Contract.
MASTER CONTRACT. The master contract hereunder is A . A. The creditor and the debtor Springpower Technology (Shenzhen) Company Limited entered into this contract of maximum amount comprehensive credit line whose number is SX 162617000498, and has or will enter into the separate facility business contract, as well as amendments and supplements. B. The creditor and the debtor , from year month day to year month day , entered into the contracts of loans, bank acceptance drafts, trade financing, letter of guarantee, funds business, and other agreement, as well as amendments and supplements.
MASTER CONTRACT. This Master Contract is entered into this day of, between the Mt. Diablo Unified School District (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and Progressus Therapy (hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR”) for the purpose of providing special education and/or related services to LEA pupils with exceptional needs under the authorization of California Education Code sections 56157, 56361 and 56365 et seq. and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 3000 et seq., AB490 (Chapter 862, Statutes of 2003) and AB1858 (Chapter 914, Statutes of 2004). It is understood that this Master Contract does not commit LEA to pay for special education and/or related services provided to any LEA pupil, or CONTRACTOR to provide such special education and/or related services, unless and until an authorized LEA representative approves the provision of special education and/or related services by CONTRACTOR pursuant to an Individualized Education Plan (hereinafter referred to as “IEP”), Individual Family Service Plan (hereinafter referred to as IFSP) or Rehabilitation Act Section 504 plan.
MASTER CONTRACT. This Master Contract made February 16, 2021 by and between the BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF THE RIVER FOREST COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to as the "Board", and the ESP ASSOCIATION OF RIVER FOREST, an affiliate of the Indiana State Teachers Association, hereinafter referred to as the "Association". It is the intent and purpose of this Master Contract to promote and improve employee relations between the Board and its employees; aid toward the economical and efficient operation of the schools; accomplish and maintain the highest efficiency and quality of work performance; provide methods for a prompt and peaceful adjustment of grievances; strengthen good will, mutual respect and cooperation; and to reach agreement covering wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment set forth in this Master Contract to be observed between the parties to this Master Contract.
MASTER CONTRACTThis contract is an individual contract of “Basic Facility Credit Contract” No. 10417199-081204 (i.e. the Master Contract), with credit facility equivalent to XXX 00 million only, and credit is valid from December 4, 2008 to December 3, 2009. The amount of loan borrowed this time is charged to credit facility provided by Lender.
MASTER CONTRACT. VI.D 20 MASTER CONTRACT, COPIES OF .......................................................VI.D 20 MASTER CONTRACT, LEGAL MODIFICATIONS................................... II.D 9 MASTER CONTRACT, TERM ........................................................... XVIII 57
MASTER CONTRACT. This Master Contract is entered into this 1st day of July, between the SELPA (hereinafter referred to as “LEA”) and School/Agency (hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR”) for the purpose of providing special education and/or related services to LEA students with exceptional needs under the authorization of California Education Code sections 56157, 56361 and 56365 et seq. and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 3000 et seq., AB490 (Chapter 862, Statutes of 2003) and AB1858 (Chapter 914, Statutes of 2004). It is understood that this Master Contract does not commit LEA to pay for special education and/or related services provided to any LEA student, or CONTRACTOR to provide such special education and/or related services, unless and until an authorized LEA representative approves the provision of special education and/or related services by CONTRACTOR pursuant to an Individualized Education Program (hereinafter referred to as “IEP”), and/or Individual Family Service Plan (hereinafter referred to as IFSP) The Collaborative: The Bay Area Collaborative represents fourteen (14) SELPAs and member nonpublic schools (NPS) and nonpublic agencies (NPA (Collectively NPS/A) (see xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/governance/bac for a complete listing and contact information). NPS/A that are contracting within one of the participating SELPAs agree to participate in this collaborative process to establish a uniform contract for identified services and standards. The established system provides NPS/As with an opportunity to have input to the development of the process, contract issues, etc., and a simplified, standard process for rate negotiation with the participating SELPAs. Issues listed on the Rate Schedule portion of this Master Contract may be reviewed on an annual basis upon request of the CONTRACTOR using the established Bay Area SELPA Collaborative system. XXXXXXXXXX agrees that the rates set forth in this Master Contract will remain unchanged from July 1 through June 30 of the term of contract, with no changes in the services provided, unless changed in a duly executed amendment to this Master Contract signed by both parties. Increases in rates will be considered on an annual basis and remain unchanged for the term of the contract from July 1 through June 30, with no changes in level of service provided without written approval by both parties. NPA/Ss that are not a member of the Bay Area Collaborative should negotiate rates with their geographic...
MASTER CONTRACTFully executed Master Contract.
MASTER CONTRACT. 1.1 This Master Contract is entered into on [July 1, 2022] between COMPASS CHARTER SCHOOLS, hereafter referred to as the LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY (“LEA”), a member of the El Dorado Charter SELPA, and [Amplio Learning], a nonpublic, nonsectarian school/agency, hereafter referred to as NPA or “CONTRACTOR” for the purpose of providing special education and/or related services to students with exceptional needs under the authorization of California Education Code sections 56157, 56361 and 56365 et seq. and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 3000 et seq. It is understood that this Master Contract does not commit LEA to pay for special education and/or related services provided to any student, or CONTRACTOR to provide such special education and/or related services for any student, unless and until an authorized XXX representative approves the provision of special education and/or related services by CONTRACTOR on a student-by-student basis. 1.2 Upon acceptance of a student, XXX shall submit to CONTRACTOR an Individual Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “ISA”). The ISA shall specify CONTRACTOR’s obligation to provide all or selected service(s) specified within the Student’s IEP. The ISA shall be executed within ninety (90) days of a student’s acceptance by the CONTRACTOR. XXX and CONTRACTOR shall enter into a separate ISA for each student served by CONTRACTOR. As available and appropriate, the LEA shall make available access to Student’s IEPs and any other documentation and electronic database necessary to implement and document Student’s ISA. The ISA shall require CONTRACTOR to maintain the confidentiality of the Student’s educational records in accordance with the Families Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 2001 (“FERPA”) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g) and this Master Contract.