SUB-CONTRACTING. 34.1. The Purchaser approves the appointment of the sub-contractors specified in Schedule 5.6 (Approved Sub-contractors) in respect of the obligations specified in that Schedule. 34.2. The Service Provider may not sub-contract its obligations under the Contract to other sub-contractors without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. Sub-contracting of any part of the Contract shall not relieve the Service Provider of any obligation or duty attributable to the Service Provider under the Contract. The Service Provider shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its sub-contractors as though they are its own. 34.3. Where the Service Provider enters into a sub-contract the Service Provider must ensure that a provision is included which: 34.3.1. requires payment to be made of all sums due by the Service Provider to the sub- contractor within a specified period not exceeding 30 days from the receipt of a valid invoice as defined by the sub-contract requirements and provides that, where the Purchaser has made payment to the Service Provider in respect of Services and the sub-contractor’s invoice relates to such Services then, to that extent, the invoice must be treated as valid and, provided the Service Provider is not exercising a right of retention or set-off in respect of a breach of contract by the sub-contractor or in respect of a sum otherwise due by the sub-contractor to the Service Provider, payment must be made to the sub-contractor without deduction; 34.3.2. notifies the sub-contractor that the sub-contract forms part of a larger contract for the benefit of the Purchaser and that should the sub-contractor have any difficulty in securing the timely payment of an invoice, that matter may be referred by the sub-contractor to the Purchaser; 34.3.3. requires that all contracts with sub-contractors and suppliers which the sub- contractor intends to procure, and which the sub-contractor has not before the date of this Contract, already planned to award to a particular supplier are advertised through the Public Contracts Scotland procurement portal ( and awarded following a fair, open, transparent and competitive process proportionate to the nature and value of the contract; and 34.3.4. is in the same terms as that set out in this clause 34.3 (including for the avoidance of doubt this clause 34.3.4 subject only to modification to refer to the correct designation of the equivalent party as the Service Provider and su...
SUB-CONTRACTING. No performance of this Contract or any portion thereof may be subcontracted by the Contractor without the express written consent of the County. Any attempt by the Contractor to subcontract any performance of this Contract without the express written consent of the County shall be invalid and shall constitute a breach of this Contract. In the event that the Contractor is authorized by the County to subcontract, this Contract shall take precedence over the terms of the Contract between Contractor and subcontractor, and shall incorporate by reference the terms of this Contract. The County shall look to the Contractor for performance and indemnification and not deal directly with any subcontractor. All work performed by a subcontractor must meet the approval of the County of Orange.
SUB-CONTRACTING. IP may not use the services of sub-contractors unless permission is granted in advance by UNICEF in writing in any particular case. If UNICEF approves a particular sub-contracting of services, the IP shall ensure that IP’s sub-contractors do not use further tiers of sub-contractors, including sub-subcontractors, unless UNICEF has given prior written permission in each particular case. The use by IP of sub-contractors, or of further tiers of sub-contractors in the event that UNICEF has given prior written permission in accordance with the preceding sentence, shall not relieve IP of any of its obligations under this Agreement. The terms of any sub-contract, sub-subcontract and so forth shall be subject to, conform to and give full effect to the provisions of this Agreement. In particular, the IP shall ensure that any sub-contract or further tiers of sub-contracts include provisions substantially the same as Article 14.0.
SUB-CONTRACTING. In the event the Contractor requires the services of sub-contractors, the Contractor shall obtain the prior written approval and clearance of UNDP for all sub-contractors. The approval of UNDP of a sub-contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations under this Contract. The terms of any sub-contract shall be subject to and conform to the provisions of this Contract.
SUB-CONTRACTING. 7.1 Will any portion of the contract be sub-contracted? (Tick applicable box) YES NO 7.1.1 If yes, indicate: i) What percentage of the contract will be subcontracted. % ii) The name of the sub-contractor…………………………………………………….. iii) The B-BBEE status level of the sub-contractor......................................………… iv) Whether the sub-contractor is an EME or QSE YES NO
SUB-CONTRACTING. Notwithstanding any further requirements provided in Annex C, We may subcontract all or part of the Services to a qualified third party. We may also at any time involve any of Our Affiliates and successors in business as sub- contractors under this Agreement. In such event, We will be liable for any sub-contractors used in the performance of Our obligations under the Agreement.
SUB-CONTRACTING. The AGENCY permits subcontracts for those items of SERVICES as shown in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall not subcontract for the performance of any SERVICE under this AGREEMENT without prior written permission of the AGENCY. No permission for subcontracting shall create, between the AGENCY and sub-consultant, any contract or any other relationship. Compensation for this sub-consultant SERVICES shall be based on the cost factors shown on Exhibit “E” attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. The SERVICES of the sub-consultant shall not exceed its maximum amount payable identified in each sub consultant cost estimate unless a prior written approval has been issued by the AGENCY. All reimbursable direct labor, indirect cost rate, direct non-salary costs and fee costs for the sub-consultant shall be negotiated and substantiated in accordance with section VPayment Provisions” herein and shall be memorialized in a final written acknowledgment between the parties All subcontracts shall contain all applicable provisions of this AGREEMENT, and the CONSULTANT shall require each sub-consultant or subcontractor, of any tier, to abide by the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. With respect to sub-consultant payment, the CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable sections of the STATE’s Prompt Payment laws as set forth in RCW 39.04.250 and RCW 39.76.011. The CONSULTANT, sub-recipient, or sub-consultant shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the CONSULTANT to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this AGREEMENT, which may result in the termination of this AGREEMENT or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate.
SUB-CONTRACTING. JHSS may subcontract for the performance hereof, provided, however, that (a) upon engagement of any such subcontractor, and at least annually thereafter, JHSS discloses to the Board the financial terms of such subcontract and a summary of the services provided to the Fund pursuant to such subcontract, and (b) JHSS shall be as fully responsible to the Fund for any acts or omissions of any such subcontractor as JHSS is for its own acts and omissions.
SUB-CONTRACTING. 14.1 The Supplier may not sub-contract the provision of any material part of the Services without the prior written consent of the British Council, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 14.2 Notwithstanding any sub-contracting permitted under clause 14.1, the Supplier shall remain wholly liable and responsible for all acts and omissions (howsoever arising) of its sub- contractors in the performance of the Services and the supply of the Goods. 14.3 Where the Supplier enters into a Sub-Contract, the Supplier shall: 14.3.1 pay any valid invoice received from its subcontractor within 30 days following receipt of the relevant invoice payable under the Sub-Contract; and 14.3.2 include in that Sub-Contract a provision requiring the counterparty to that Sub- Contract to include in any Sub-Contract which it awards provisions having the same effect as clause 14.3.1 of this Agreement. 14.4 In clause 14.3, “Sub-Contract” means a contract between two or more suppliers, at any stage of remoteness from the British Council in a subcontracting chain, made wholly or substantially for the purpose of performing (or contributing to the performance of) the whole or any part of this Agreement.
SUB-CONTRACTING. 7.1 Will any portion of the contract be sub-contracted? (Tick applicable box) YES NO 7.1.1 If yes, indicate: i) What percentage of the contract will be subcontracted. % ii) The name of the sub-contractor………………………………………………………….. iii) The B-BBEE status level of the sub-contractor......................................…………….. iv) Whether the sub-contractor is an EME or QSE YES NO v) Specify, by ticking the appropriate box, if subcontracting with an enterprise in terms of Preferential Procurement Regulations,2017: Black people Black people who are youth Black people who are women Black people with disabilities Black people living in rural or underdeveloped areas or townships Cooperative owned by black people Black people who are military veterans Any EME Any QSE