OPPORTUNI TY FOR EMPLOYEE REVI EW. To t he ext ent poss i bl e under Ci vil Ser vi ce Rul es , empl oyees s houl d not l os e t hei r s eni or it y cr edit under t hi s ar ti cl e becaus e cl ass es have been r e- vi sed, es t abli shed, aboli shed or r etitl ed. empl oyees s hall be pr ovi ded an oppor t unit y, t hr ough t hei r empl oyi ng depar t ment . t o r evi ew t he r ecor d of s er vi ce f or whi ch t hey have been gi ven s eni or it y cr edit . Such r ecor ds of s er vi ce s hall be made avail abl e t o t he r equest . but no mor e t han once year . Empl oyees s hall be pr ovi ded an oppor t unit y t o s ubmit i nf or mati on suppor ti ng a di ff er i ng concl us i on. Det er mi nati on of cr edit f or pr i or ser- vi ce f or r evi sed, es t abli shed, aboli shed or r etitl ed cl asses may be ap- peal ed t o t he Per sonnel Di r ect or . The f i ndi ngs of t he Per s onnel shall be f i nal and not subj ect t o f ur t her r evi ew.
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  • Compensation for Employees Employees shall receive compensation at the biweekly or hourly rate for the range and step or flat rate assigned to the class in which they are employed.

  • SALARY DETERMINATION FOR EMPLOYEES IN ADULT EDUCATION PCA Article B.3 does not apply in School District No. 34 (Abbotsford).

  • Holiday Pay for Employees Laid Off An employee who is laid off at the close of business the day before a holiday who has worked not less than five (5) previous consecutive work days shall be paid for the holiday.

  • Maintaining Eligibility for Employer Contribution The employer's contribution continues as long as the employee remains on the payroll in an insurance eligible position. Employees who complete their regular school year assignment shall receive coverage through August 31.

  • RESPONSIBILITY FOR EMPLOYEES To the extent that the Contract involves the provision of the Services to UNDP by the Contractor’s officials, employees, agents, servants, subcontractors and other representatives (collectively, the Contractor’s “personnel”), the following provisions shall apply:

  • Eligibility for Employer Contribution This section describes eligibility for an Employer Contribution toward the cost of coverage.

  • Returning Employee Rights Employees returning from authorized leave without pay will be employed in the same position or in another position in the same job classification, as determined by the Employer, provided that such reemployment is not in conflict with other articles in this Agreement. The employee and the Employer may enter into a written agreement regarding return rights at the commencement of the leave.

  • Transportation for Employees Transportation will be provided to employees who are required to work other than their normal working hours, and who must travel to or from their home during the hours between 11:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. and when convenient public transportation or other transportation facilities are not available. An employee shall be reimbursed for the cost of commercial transportation within their headquarters area, upon presentation of receipts.

  • Promoted Employees 1. An employee who has served one-half (1/2) or more of the time required to be considered for their next step increase, shall upon promotion to a position in a higher wage range in the Bargaining Unit, be placed at Step A of the higher range or such other step as will provide an increase of two

  • Materials for Employee Choice Each year prior to open enrollment, the Appointing Authority will give eligible employees the information necessary to make open enrollment selections. Employees will be provided a statement of their current coverage each year of the contract.

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