Pathology. The Customer will only incur the costs of processing the specimens returned by the Service User. For example, if a blood sample is not provided only the costs associated with chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing should be included.
Pathology. The Contracting Authority have not appointed any suppliers to this Framework for Lot 1.8.
Pathology. Histopathological characteristics of each tumor were extracted from the pathology report created at the time of treatment.
Pathology. We included 136 patients: 103 with IDC (76%) and 33 with ILC (24%). The mean patient age was 53.5 years in the IDC group and 55.8 years in the ILC group. In the IDC group 29 patients were treated with a xxx- pectomy and 74 with a mastectomy; and, respectively, 11 and 22 in the ILC group. Table 1 shows the overall distribution of the pathologically evaluated parame- ters. We did not observe differences in the distribution of tumor stages according to the TNM classification between the IDC and the ILC group. Nevertheless, lobular cancers were overall slightly larger than xxx- xxx carcinomas, were more often multifocal and/or multicentric, had a different distribution of tumor grade and had an overall lower mitotic activity index (MAI). Typically, IDC were associated with concurrent ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Some DCIS was seen in 60 of 103 cases, and in 39 cases an extensive DCIS component (that is, DCIS more than focal outside the tumor) was present. Only 9 of 33 ILC were associated with some concurrent DCIS and 3 of cases showed extensive DCIS. ILC were, however, usually accompa- xxxx by lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), which was present in 31 of 33 cases and was extensive in 22. In IDC, LCIS was rare, 21 cases had a small LCIS com- ponent and only 2 showed extensive LCIS. ~ = We did not observe any difference in the distribution of ve; hence, the relative fraction of the extravascular extracellular space does not differ between IDC and ILC. However, the distribution of Ktrans ( permeability surface area) was significantly different between the IDC and ILC groups. The mean Ktrans was higher in the IDC group than in the ILC group (1.2 versus 0.9 min—1, P 0.01), which was mainly caused by focal areas of much higher Ktrans in IDC than in ILC. Table 1 Distribution of Pathology Parameters Characteristic IDC ILC value N 103 (76) 33 (24) Mean patient age 53.5 55.7 0.4 Unifocal 63 (61) 13 (39) 0.03 Multifocal/multicentric 40 (39) 20 (61) Size of largest focus (mean (cm)) 2.2 3.0 0.05 ER— 16 (15) 1 (3) 0.07 ER+ 87 (85) 32 (97) PR— 32 (31) 6 (18) 0.15 PR+ 71 (69) 27 (82) a Her2/Neu— 53 (88) 7 (12) 22 (92) 2 (8) 0.70 Grade Ib 19 (19) 6 (20) 0.02 Grade IIb 35 (35) 20 (67) Grade IIIb 45 (45) 4 (13) MAI (mean) 22.9 7.7 0.03 Her2/Neu+a aMissing in 52 cases: 43 IDC and 9 ILC. bMissing in 7 cases: 4 IDC and 3 ILC. ER = Estrogen Receptor expression, PR = Progesteron Receptor expression MAI = Mitotic Activity Index, Numbers between parenthesis repre- sent percentages....
Pathology. Pathology studies such as biopsies and pap smears will be ordered at Your cost, always in the most economical manner possible. Surgery and Specialist Referrals and Consults. Outside consults will be available at Your cost, requested only in consultation with You, and generally arranged as quickly as possible and in the most economical manner available.
Pathology. A proven case of IA can only be established by demonstrating the fungus in a biopsy taken from the tissue involved. A lung biopsy can have severe side effects and the added benefit of establishing a certain diagnosis must be weighed against the risk of complications such as bleeding and pneumothorax. For this reason, proven cases of IA still make up a small minority, usually less than 5% of patients (9, 13, 25).
Pathology. All tissue removed by minor surgery should be sent routinely for histological examination unless there are exceptional or acceptable reasons for not doing so
Pathology. Although it has long been suggested that morbidity associated with infection is underestimated, the degree of disability ensuing following schistosome infection is a matter of contention (Xxxx et al., 2005; Xxxxxxxxxxx et al., 2008). Symptoms of schistosomal infection vary from mild discomfort to severe disability and pathology is commonly classified as acute or chronic (King et al., 2005). Most of the pathology associated with schistosomiasis is generally attributed to granulomatous response to eggs as opposed to the adult worms (Xxxx et al., 2004). Schistosomiasis is significantly associated with chronic pain, diarrhea, fatigue, impaired growth and development, and exercise intolerance (Xxxx et al., 2005). All forms of schistosomiasis are "firmly associated" with anemia independent of dietary and co-infection factors and, in general, higher infection intensity is associated with more severe anemia (King and Xxxxxxxxxxx- Xxx 2008). Schistosomiasis has been associated with nutritional status, and protein- energy malnutrition possibly due to anorexia, blood loss to parasite consumption, increased physiologic load, and reduced absorption associated with diarrhea (Xxxxxxxxxx, 1993; XxXxxxxx et al., 1996). Even light schistosomiasis infections can cause undernutrition and growth stunting (King and Xxxxxxxxxxx-Xxx, 2008). Less prevalent, but severe sequelae include liver fibrosis, portal hypertension, hepatosplenomegaly, urinary tract obstruction (King and Xxxxxxxxxxx-Xxx, 2008). Severity of schistosomiasis disease is influenced by host genetics, infection intensity, in utero sensitization to schistosome antigens, and co-infection status (Xxxxxx and XxxXxxxxx, 2002). The initial response to cercarial penetration can manifest as a temporary rash commonly referred to as “swimmers’ itch” or cercarial dermatitis. Acute response to schistosome infection (also known as Katayama fever) induces fever as well as myalgia, malaise, and non-productive cough generally occurring several weeks after infection and is commonly seen in individuals from non-endemic areas concurrent with the onset of egg production. Most cases resolve spontaneously, but some continue with increasing severity. Such a response is rare in S. haematobium and S. mansoni endemic areas, but occurs more frequently in S. japonicum endemic setting even in those who have been previously exposed (Xxxxxx and XxxXxxxxx, 2002; Xxxxxxxx et al., 2006). The symptomatology of chronic schistosomiasis varies with the ...
Pathology. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2024 March 01. Author Manuscript Published in final edited form as:
Pathology. Here, the patient’s pathology test results can be viewed in descending date order with abnormal results highlighted.(If integration specified) Here, the patient’s radiology test results can be viewed in descending date order. (If integration specified) VitalPAC ADMINISTRATOR is a web application accessible using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 (or later) on the hospital’s Intranet. It is used for configuring the VitalPAC system. The list of functions is as follows: