Pay and Benefits. 4.1 薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之聘僱起始起薪日始得起薪。甲方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣5萬元。 Pay (Meal fees included): Party B’s salary shall commence from the Employment/Pay Start Date as specified in Article 2 of this contract. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of NT$50,000 for his/her duties and labor services provided. 4.2 修習證照補助:甲方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照費用。 Reimbursement for Taking Certificate Class: Party A will reimburse Party B up to NT$55,000 per academic year for the actual cost of Party B’s taking TESOL, TEFL or CELTA classes during the employment period. 倘乙方已取得上開任一證照或曾參加教育部合作單位辦理之上開課程者或 所修習之上開證照課程不符「各級學校申請外國教師聘僱許可及管理辦法」所訂資格者,非屬本項補助之適用對象,另本項補助以請領一次為限。 Party B is not eligible for this grant if he/she has already obtained any of the above- mentioned licenses, or has participated in the above-mentioned courses organized by units cooperating with the Ministry of Education, or has completed a course for the abovementioned licenses that do not meet the qualifications outlined in the “Regulations Governing Educational Institutions at All Levels Applying for Work Permits for Foreign Teachers and Their Administration.” The reimbursement is limited to one application per individual. 4.3 交通補助:甲方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次。 Flight Reimbursement: Party A will reimburse Party B one economy class airfare for coming to Taiwan from the nearest airport from his/her location in the passport-issuing country, city where he/she worked at or his/her family is residing and one ticket for returning to the foregoing location. 若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,甲方則不予補助乙方回程機票。 If Party B fulfills all duties and obligations as stated in the Contract, Party A shall pay the expense of the return trip for Party B. If Party B terminates the Contract within 6 months after the Employment Start date, Party A will not pay for the return trip of Party B. 來程及回程機票補助額度上限均為每次新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於聘僱起始起薪日起至受聘僱終止日起2個月內,檢具購票證明(國際線航空機票購票證明單或旅行業代收轉付收據或其他足資證明支付票款之文件等擇一提供)、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件 等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據。 The reimbursement limit for round-trip airfare is NT$40,000 per trip and will be made based on actual expenses with supporting documents, including purchase receipts (such as international airline ticket receipts, travel agency remittance receipts, or other documents proving payment of the fare), proof of itinerary (such as airline ticket stubs, electronic tickets, or other proof of travel), and proof of boarding (such as boarding passes, passport photocopies with entry and exit stamps, or proof of travel issued by the airline) shall be submitted within two months from the Employment/Pay Start Date to the end of the employment period. The exchange rate for the subsidized airfare shall be based on the spot selling rate of the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan on the date of purchase (as shown on the receipt or proof of purchase), or the cash rate if there is no spot selling rate for the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan. 倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一 日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執 行本契約所定工作;前述規定乙方應於受聘僱終止日前60日內向甲方提出,並經雙方同意後始得變更聘僱期間及辦理聘僱許可展延。 If Party B does not request the reimbursement for return airfare during the current academic year and is not employed until the last day of the current academic year, Party B may extend its employment for a maximum of 1 month during the current academic year and shall perform the work specified in the Contract during the extended employment period. The aforementioned provision requires Party B to submit a request to Party A at least 60 days before the end of the employment period, and the extension of the employment period and the processing of the employment permit extension can only proceed upon mutual agreement. 甲方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支。 Party A shall reimburse Party B on transportation based on his/ her actual expenses at a maximum of NT$ 3,000 every school year. 甲方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支。 Party A shall pick up Party B for his/her travelling from the airports in Taiwan and quarantine location or the location for orientation training to the schools. If the school cannot assist, Party B shall subsidize the actual transportation expenses to Party B to the school in accordance with “Directions of the Domestic Travel Allowance Disbursement.” 4.4 租屋補助:甲方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元租屋補助(乙方須提供相關證明予甲方審核,如租賃契約等)。 Housing Rental Reimbursement: Party A shall grant Party B a housing rental reimbursement with a maximum of NT$26,000 each school year. (Party B shall provide relevant proof to Party A for review, e.g., lease agreement). 如乙方居住於甲方免費提供之宿舍,或乙方居住於其本人或眷屬在臺持有之房屋,則不予補助。 The housing rental reimbursement is not applicable if Party B’s accommodation is provided for free by Party A, or if Party B lives in a property in Taiwan owned by himself/herself, his/her spouse, or his/her direct relatives. 若乙方及其同住配偶或直系親屬同屬教育部所屬計畫所引進之外籍教學顧問、外籍英語教師或全時外籍英語教學助理,應以1人申請租屋補助為限,不得分別請領。 If Party B and his/her cohabiting spouse or direct relatives are also foreign teaching advisers, foreign English teachers or full-time foreign English teaching assistants introduced by the Ministry of Education’s program, only one individual may apply for housing rental reimbursement. Separate applications are not allowed. 4.5 保險:乙方應依規定投保全民健康保險及勞工、職災保險,並應負擔全民健康保險30%之保費及勞工保險20%之保費。保費之額度依據乙方薪資及當年度勞健保費率規定扣除。 Insurance: Party B shall insure the National Health Insurance (NHI), Labor Insurance (LI) and work accident insurance as required by law and contribute 30% and 20% of the NHI and LI premiums respectively. The premium of NHI and LI shall be partially deducted with respect to Party B’s salary according to laws and regulations currently in practice. 另甲方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣200萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故時,甲方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金。 Party A shall provide Party B with work-related accident insurance with a minimum amount of NT$2,000,000 as compensation, regardless of whether the accident occurred during or beyond working hours. 4.6 退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條適用對象,或外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條所定適用勞工退休金條例之對象,則依勞工退休金條例相關規定辦理提繳及請領退休金。 Pension: If Party B qualifies under Article 7 of the “Labor Pension Act” or Article 22 of the “Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals,” the pension contributions and claims shall be processed by the provisions of the Labor Pension Act.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Contract for Foreign English Teaching Assistant
Pay and Benefits. 4.1 薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之聘僱起始起薪日始得起薪。甲方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣5萬元薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之受聘僱起始日始得起薪。甲方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣4萬8,000元。 Pay (Meal fees Reimbursement for meal included): Party B’s salary shall commence from hours worked starts counting on the Employment/Pay Employment Start Date as specified stated in Article 2 of this contract2. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of NT$50,000 for his/her duties and labor services providedservices. The total monthly salary shall be NT$ 48,000.
4.2 修習證照補助:甲方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照費用修習證照補助:甲方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照 費用。 Reimbursement for Taking Certificate Class: Party A will reimburse Party B up to NT$55,000 per academic year for the actual cost of Party B’s taking TESOL, TEFL or CELTA classes during the employment period. 倘乙方已取得上開任一證照或曾參加教育部合作單位辦理之上開課程者或 所修習之上開證照課程不符「各級學校申請外國教師聘僱許可及管理辦法」所訂資格者,非屬本項補助之適用對象,另本項補助以請領一次為限倘乙方已取得上開任一證照或曾參加教育部合作單位辦理之上開課程者,非屬本項補助之適用對象,另本項補助以請領一次為限。 Party B is not eligible for this grant if he/she has already obtained any one of the above- mentioned licenses, licenses or has participated in the above-mentioned courses organized by units cooperating with the Ministry of Education, or has completed a course for the abovementioned licenses that do not meet the qualifications outlined in the “Regulations Governing Educational Institutions at All Levels Applying for Work Permits for Foreign Teachers and Their Administration.” . The reimbursement is limited to one application per individualapplication.
4.3 交通補助:甲方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次。 Flight Reimbursement: Party A will reimburse Party B one economy class airfare for coming to Taiwan from the nearest airport from his/her location in the passport-passport issuing country, city where he/she worked at or his/her family is residing and one ticket for returning to the foregoing location. 若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,甲方則不予補助乙方回程機票。 If Party B fulfills all duties and obligations as stated in the Contract, Party A shall pay the expense of the return trip for Party B. If Party B terminates the Contract within 6 months after the Employment Start date, Party A will not pay for the return trip of Party B. 來程及回程機票補助額度上限均為每次新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於聘僱起始起薪日起至受聘僱終止日起2個月內,檢具購票證明(國際線航空機票購票證明單或旅行業代收轉付收據或其他足資證明支付票款之文件等擇一提供)、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件 等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據來程及回程機票每次補助額度上限均為新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於事實發生日起2個月內,檢具購票證明、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明 入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據。 The reimbursement limit for round-trip airfare is NT$40,000 per trip and will be made based on actual expenses with supporting documents, including purchase receipts (such as international airline ticket receipts, travel agency remittance receipts, or other documents proving payment of the fare), proof of itinerary (such as airline ticket stubs, electronic tickets, or other proof of travel), and proof of boarding (such as boarding passes, passport photocopies with entry and exit stamps, or proof of travel issued by the airline) shall be submitted for verification within two months from the Employment/Pay Start Date to the end date of the employment periodtravel. The exchange rate for the subsidized airfare shall be based on the spot selling rate of the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan on the date of purchase (as shown on the receipt or proof of purchase), or the cash rate if there is no spot selling rate for the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan. 倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一 日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執 行本契約所定工作;前述規定乙方應於受聘僱終止日前60日內向甲方提出,並經雙方同意後始得變更聘僱期間及辦理聘僱許可展延倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執行本契約所定工作;倘乙方屬持永久居留證或依親居留證之外國人,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月,並須於延長聘僱期間內執行本契約所定工作。 If Party B does not request the reimbursement for return airfare during the current academic year and is not employed until the last day of the current academic year, Party B may extend its employment for a maximum of 1 month during the current academic year and shall perform the work specified in the Contract during the extended employment period. The aforementioned provision requires If Party B to submit a request to Party A at least 60 days before is an Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) or Alien Resident Certificate (purpose of residence: dependent) holder and is not employed until the end last day of the current academic year, Party B may extend its employment for a maximum of 1 month during the current academic year and shall perform the work specified in the Contract during the extended employment period, and the extension of the employment period and the processing of the employment permit extension can only proceed upon mutual agreement. 甲方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支。 Party A shall reimburse Party B on transportation based on his/ her actual expenses at a maximum of NT$ 3,000 every school year. 甲方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支。 Party A shall pick up Party B for his/her travelling from the airports in Taiwan and quarantine location or the location for orientation training to the schools. If the school cannot assist, Party B shall subsidize the actual transportation expenses to Party B to the school in accordance with “Directions of the Domestic Travel Allowance Disbursement.”” 倘乙方屬持永久居留證或依親居留證之外國人,皆非屬交通補助適用對象。 If Party B is a foreigner with an Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) or an Alien Resident Certificate (purpose of residence: dependent) in Taiwan are not eligible for airfare reimbursement.
4.4 租屋補助:甲方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元租屋補助(乙方須提供相關證明予甲方審核,如租賃契約等)。 Housing Rental Reimbursement: Party A shall grant Party B a housing rental reimbursement with a maximum of NT$26,000 each school year. (Party B shall provide relevant proof to Party A for review, e.g., lease agreement). 如乙方居住於甲方免費提供之宿舍,或乙方居住於其本人或眷屬在臺持有之房屋,則不予補助。 The housing rental reimbursement is not applicable if Party B’s accommodation is provided for free by Party A, or if Party B lives live in a property in Taiwan owned by himself/herself, his/her spouse, Party B or his/her direct relativesParty B’s family own-acquired property. 若乙方及其同住配偶或直系親屬同屬教育部所屬計畫所引進之外籍教學顧問、外籍英語教師或全時外籍英語教學助理,應以1人申請租屋補助為限,不得分別請領倘乙方屬持永久居留證或依親居留證之外國人,皆非屬交通補助適用對象。 If Party B and his/her cohabiting spouse is a foreigner with an Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) or direct relatives are also foreign teaching advisers, foreign English teachers or full-time foreign English teaching assistants introduced by the Ministry an Alien Resident Certificate (purpose of Education’s program, only one individual may apply for housing rental reimbursement. Separate applications residence: dependent) in Taiwan are not allowedeligible for airfare reimbursement.
4.5 保險:乙方應依規定投保全民健康保險及勞工、職災保險,並應負擔全民健康保險30%之保費及勞工保險20%之保費。保費之額度依據乙方薪資及當年度勞健保費率規定扣除。 Insurance: Party B shall insure the National Health Insurance (NHI), Labor Insurance (LI) and work accident insurance as required by law and contribute 30% and 20% of the NHI and LI premiums respectively. The premium of NHI and LI shall be partially deducted with respect to Party B’s salary according to laws and regulations currently in practice. 另甲方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣200萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故時,甲方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金。 Party A shall provide Party B with work-related accident insurance with a minimum amount of NT$2,000,000 as compensation, regardless of whether the accident occurred during or beyond working hours.
4.6 退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條適用對象,或外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條所定適用勞工退休金條例之對象,則依勞工退休金條例相關規定辦理提繳及請領退休金退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條規定之適用對象,則甲方需依勞工退休金條例之規定按月提繳退休金。 Pension: If Party B qualifies under is qualified for the labor pension as stated in Article 7 of the “Labor Pension Act” or , Party A and Party C shall contribute to the labor pension of Party B on a monthly basis according to the Labor Pension Act. 若乙方為外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條規定之適用對象,受聘僱從事專業工作且取得永久居留之外國專業人才,自107年2月8日起適用勞工退休金條例之退休金制度 (勞退新制),則甲方應依法按月為是類人員提繳不低於其每月工資6%之退休金,儲存於勞保局設立之勞工退休金個人專戶。 If Party B is a foreign professional hired to engage in professional work and approved for permanent residence according to Article 22 of the “Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals,” and eligible for the pension contributions and claims shall be processed by the provisions of the “Labor Pension Act” (LPA scheme, or New Labor Pension Scheme) as of February 8, 2018, Party A and Party C shall contribute no less than 6% of Party B’s monthly salary to his/her personal pension account at the Bureau for Labor Insurance on a monthly basis.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Contract for Foreign English Teaching Assistant
Pay and Benefits. 4.1 薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之聘僱起始起薪日始得起薪。甲方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣5萬元。 薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之聘僱起始起薪日始得起薪。甲方及丙方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣5萬元,薪資由 Pay (Meal fees included): Party B’s salary shall commence from the Employment/Pay Start Date as specified in Article 2 of this contract. Party A and Party C shall pay Party B a monthly salary of NT$50,000 for his/her duties and labor services providedservices. The total monthly salary shall be NT$50,000, and the salary shall be paid from .
4.2 修習證照補助:甲方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照費用修習證照補助:甲方及丙方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或 CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照費用。 Reimbursement for Taking Certificate Class: Party A and Party C will reimburse Party B up to NT$55,000 per academic year for the actual cost of Party B’s taking TESOL, TEFL or CELTA classes during the employment period. 倘乙方已取得上開任一證照或曾參加教育部合作單位辦理之上開課程者或 所修習之上開證照課程不符「各級學校申請外國教師聘僱許可及管理辦法」所訂資格者,非屬本項補助之適用對象,另本項補助以請領一次為限。 Party B is not eligible for this grant if he/she has already obtained any of the above- mentioned licenses, or has participated in the above-mentioned courses organized by units cooperating with the Ministry of Education, or has completed a course for the abovementioned licenses that do not meet the qualifications outlined in the “Regulations Governing Educational Institutions at All Levels Applying for Work Permits for Foreign Teachers and Their Administration.” The reimbursement is limited to one application per individual.
4.3 交通補助:甲方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次交通補助:甲方或丙方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次。 Flight Reimbursement: Party A or Party C will reimburse Party B one economy class airfare for coming to Taiwan from the nearest airport from his/her location in the passport-issuing country, city where he/she worked at or his/her family is residing and one ticket for returning to the foregoing location. 若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,甲方則不予補助乙方回程機票若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方或丙方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,則不予補助乙方回程機票。 If Party B fulfills all duties and obligations as stated in the Contract, Party A shall pay the expense of the return trip for Party B. If Party B terminates the Contract within 6 months after the Employment Start date, Party A or Party C will not pay for the return trip of Party B. 來程及回程機票補助額度上限均為每次新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於聘僱起始起薪日起至受聘僱終止日起2個月內,檢具購票證明(國際線航空機票購票證明單或旅行業代收轉付收據或其他足資證明支付票款之文件等擇一提供)、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件 等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據來程及回程機票補助額度上限均為每次新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於聘僱起始起薪日起至受聘僱終止日起2個月內,檢具購票證明(國際線航空機票購票證明單或旅行業代收轉付收據或其他足資證明支付票款之文件等擇 一提供)、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據。 The reimbursement limit for round-trip airfare is NT$40,000 per trip and will be made based on actual expenses with supporting documents, including purchase receipts (such as international airline ticket receipts, travel agency remittance receipts, or other documents proving payment of the fare), proof of itinerary (such as airline ticket stubs, electronic tickets, or other proof of travel), and proof of boarding (such as boarding passes, passport photocopies with entry and exit stamps, or proof of travel issued by the airline) shall be submitted within two months from the Employment/Pay Start Date to the end of the employment period. The exchange rate for the subsidized airfare shall be based on the spot selling rate of the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan on the date of purchase (as shown on the receipt or proof of purchase), or the cash rate if there is no spot selling rate for the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan. 倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一 日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執 行本契約所定工作;前述規定乙方應於受聘僱終止日前60日內向甲方提出,並經雙方同意後始得變更聘僱期間及辦理聘僱許可展延倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執行本契約所定工作;前述規定乙方應於受聘僱終止日前60日內向甲方及丙方提出,並經雙方同意後始得變更聘僱期間及辦理聘僱許可展延。 If Party B does not request the reimbursement for return airfare during the current academic year and is not employed until the last day of the current academic year, Party B may extend its employment for a maximum of 1 month during the current academic year and shall perform the work specified in the Contract during the extended employment period. The aforementioned provision requires Party B to submit a request to Party A and Party C at least 60 days before the end of the employment period, and the extension of the employment period and the processing of the employment permit extension can only proceed upon mutual agreement. 甲方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支甲方或丙方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支。 Party A or Party C shall reimburse Party B on transportation based on his/ her actual expenses at a maximum of NT$ 3,000 every school year. 甲方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支甲方及丙方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支。 Party A and Party C shall pick up Party B for his/her travelling from the airports in Taiwan and quarantine location or the location for orientation training to the schools. If the school cannot assist, Party B shall subsidize the actual transportation expenses to Party B to the school in accordance with “Directions of the Domestic Travel Allowance Disbursement.”
4.4 租屋補助:甲方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元租屋補助(乙方須提供相關證明予甲方審核,如租賃契約等租屋補助:甲方或丙方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元租屋補助(乙方須提供相關證明予甲方或丙方審核,如租賃契約等)。 Housing Rental Reimbursement: Party A or Party C shall grant Party B a housing rental reimbursement with a maximum of NT$26,000 each school year. (Party B shall provide relevant proof to Party A or Party C for review, e.g., lease agreement). 如乙方居住於甲方免費提供之宿舍,或乙方居住於其本人或眷屬在臺持有之房屋,則不予補助如乙方居住於甲方或丙方免費提供之宿舍,或乙方居住於其本人或眷屬在臺持有之房屋,則不予補助。 The housing rental reimbursement is not applicable if Party B’s accommodation is provided for free by Party AA or Party C, or if Party B lives in a property in Taiwan owned by himself/herself, his/her spouse, or his/her direct relatives. 若乙方及其同住配偶或直系親屬同屬教育部所屬計畫所引進之外籍教學顧問、外籍英語教師或全時外籍英語教學助理,應以1人申請租屋補助為限,不得分別請領。 If Party B and his/her cohabiting spouse or direct relatives are also foreign teaching advisers, foreign English teachers or full-time foreign English teaching assistants introduced by the Ministry of Education’s program, only one individual may apply for housing rental reimbursement. Separate applications are not allowed.
4.5 保險:乙方應依規定投保全民健康保險及勞工、職災保險,並應負擔全民健康保險30%之保費及勞工保險20%之保費。保費之額度依據乙方薪資及當年度勞健保費率規定扣除。 Insurance: Party B shall insure the National Health Insurance (NHI), Labor Insurance (LI) and work accident insurance as required by law and contribute 30% and 20% of the NHI and LI premiums respectively. The premium of NHI and LI shall be partially deducted with respect to Party B’s salary according to laws and regulations currently in practice. 另甲方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣200萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故時,甲方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金另甲方或丙方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣200萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故時,甲方或丙方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金。 Party A or Party C shall provide Party B with work-related accident insurance with a minimum amount of NT$2,000,000 as compensation, regardless of whether the accident occurred during or beyond working hours.
4.6 退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條適用對象,或外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條所定適用勞工退休金條例之對象,則依勞工退休金條例相關規定辦理提繳及請領退休金。 Pension: If Party B qualifies under Article 7 of the “Labor Pension Act” or Article 22 of the “Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals,” the pension contributions and claims shall be processed by the provisions of the Labor Pension Act.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Contract for Full Time Foreign English Teaching Assistant
Pay and Benefits. 4.1 薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之聘僱起始起薪日始得起薪。甲方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣5萬元薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之受聘僱起始日始得起薪。甲方及丙方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣合計4萬8,000元。 Pay (Meal fees Reimbursement for meal included): Party B’s salary shall commence from hours worked starts counting on the Employment/Pay Employment Start Date as specified stated in Article 2 of this contract2. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of NT$50,000 for his/her duties and labor services providedservices. The total monthly salary shall be NT$ 48,000.
4.2 修習證照補助:甲方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照費用修習證照津貼:乙方修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照,每月補助新臺幣5千元津貼,由甲方或丙方併同薪資給付。 Reimbursement for Taking Certificate Class: Party A will or Party C shall reimburse Party B up to NT$55,000 per academic year for the actual cost expenses of Party B’s taking TESOL, TEFL or CELTA classes during the employment period. 倘乙方已取得上開任一證照或曾參加教育部合作單位辦理之上開課程者或 所修習之上開證照課程不符「各級學校申請外國教師聘僱許可及管理辦法」所訂資格者,非屬本項補助之適用對象,另本項補助以請領一次為限。 Party B is not eligible for this grant if he/she has already obtained any at a maximum of the above- mentioned licenses, or has participated in the above-mentioned courses organized by units cooperating with the Ministry NT$ 5,000 per month as a part of Education, or has completed a course for the abovementioned licenses that do not meet the qualifications outlined in the “Regulations Governing Educational Institutions at All Levels Applying for Work Permits for Foreign Teachers and Their Administration.” The reimbursement is limited to one application per individualtotal month salary.
4.3 交通補助:甲方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次交通津貼:甲方或丙方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次。 Flight Reimbursement: Party A or Party C will reimburse subsidize Party B one economy class airfare ticket for coming to Taiwan from the nearest airport from his/her location in the passport-passport issuing country, city where he/she worked at or his/her family is residing and one ticket for returning to the foregoing location. 若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,甲方則不予補助乙方回程機票若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方或丙方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,則不予補助乙方回程機票。 If Party B fulfills all duties and obligations as stated in the Contract, Party A shall pay the expense of the return trip for Party B. If Party B terminates the Contract within 6 months after the Employment Start date, Party A or Party C will not pay for the return trip of Party B. 來程及回程機票補助額度上限均為每次新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於聘僱起始起薪日起至受聘僱終止日起2個月內,檢具購票證明(國際線航空機票購票證明單或旅行業代收轉付收據或其他足資證明支付票款之文件等擇一提供)、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件 等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據來程及回程機票每次補助額度上限均為新臺幣4萬元,並依購票證明、機票票根、登機證及護照入境章戳影本核實報支。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出即期貨幣之參考匯率為準。 The reimbursement limit maximum amount of subsidy for round-the single/return trips of flight tickets shall be NT$40,000 each trip airfare is NT$40,000 per trip and will be made based on actual expenses with supporting documents, including purchase receipts (such as international airline ticket receipts, travel agency remittance receipts, or other documents proving payment of the fare), amount spent. The proof of itinerary (such as airline purchase, ticket stubsstub, electronic tickets, or other proof boarding pass and a copy of travel), and proof of boarding (such as boarding passes, passport photocopies with entry and exit stamps, or proof of travel issued by the airline) stamp shall be submitted within two months from provided for the Employment/Pay Start Date to the end of the employment periodreimbursement. The foreign exchange rate for the subsidized airfare flight ticket subsidy shall be based on subject to the spot selling exchange rate of the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan for selling Party B’s targeted currency on the date of day ticket purchase (the date as shown indicated on the purchase receipt or proof of purchase), or the cash rate if there is no spot selling rate for the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan. 倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一 日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執 行本契約所定工作;前述規定乙方應於受聘僱終止日前60日內向甲方提出,並經雙方同意後始得變更聘僱期間及辦理聘僱許可展延。 If Party B does not request the reimbursement for return airfare during the current academic year and is not employed until the last day of the current academic year, Party B may extend its employment for a maximum of 1 month during the current academic year and shall perform the work specified in the Contract during the extended employment period. The aforementioned provision requires Party B to submit a request to Party A at least 60 days before the end of the employment period, and the extension of the employment period and the processing of the employment permit extension can only proceed upon mutual agreement. 甲方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支甲方或丙方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支。 Party A or Party C shall reimburse Party B on transportation based on the his/ her actual expenses actually expense at a maximum of NT$ 3,000 every school year. 甲方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支甲方及丙方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支。 Party A and Party C shall pick up Party B for his/her travelling from the airports in Taiwan and quarantine location or the location for orientation training to the schools. If the school cannot assist, Party B shall subsidize the actual transportation expenses to Party B to the school in accordance with “Directions of the Domestic Travel Allowance Disbursement.”
4.4 租屋補助:甲方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元租屋補助(乙方須提供相關證明予甲方審核,如租賃契約等)住宿津貼:甲方或丙方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元住宿津貼。 Housing Rental ReimbursementAllowance: Party A shall grant Party B a housing rental reimbursement allowance with a maximum of NT$26,000 each school year. (Party B shall provide relevant proof to Party A for review, e.g., lease agreement). 如乙方居住於甲方免費提供之宿舍,或乙方居住於其本人或眷屬在臺持有之房屋,則不予補助如乙方居住甲方或丙方免費提供之宿舍或自行購屋,則不予補助。 The housing rental reimbursement allowance is not applicable if Party B’s accommodation is provided for free by Party A, A or if Party B lives in a property in Taiwan owned by himself/herself, his/her spouse, or his/her direct relatives. 若乙方及其同住配偶或直系親屬同屬教育部所屬計畫所引進之外籍教學顧問、外籍英語教師或全時外籍英語教學助理,應以1人申請租屋補助為限,不得分別請領。 If Party B and his/her cohabiting spouse or direct relatives are also foreign teaching advisers, foreign English teachers or fullown-time foreign English teaching assistants introduced by the Ministry of Education’s program, only one individual may apply for housing rental reimbursement. Separate applications are not allowedacquired property.
4.5 保險:乙方應依規定投保全民健康保險及勞工、職災保險,並應負擔全民健康保險30%之保費及勞工保險20%之保費。保費之額度依據乙方薪資及當年度勞健保費率規定扣除。 Insurance: Party B shall insure the National Health Insurance (NHI), Labor Insurance (LI) and work accident insurance as required by law and contribute 30% and 20% of the NHI and LI premiums respectively. The premium of NHI and LI shall be partially deducted with respect to Party B’s salary according to laws and regulations currently in practice. 另甲方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣200萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故時,甲方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金另甲方或丙方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣30萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故(含死亡或重病、重傷)時,甲方或丙方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金,以及協助將乙方遺體及私人財物送返原護照國所生之相關費用。 Party A or Party C shall provide Party B with work-related work accident insurance to Party B with a minimum an amount of NT$2,000,000 as at least NT$300,000 to cover the cost of accidents including death, serious illness or injury; compensation, regardless of whether and the accident occurred during or beyond working hoursexpenses for delivering Party B’s remains (if deceased) and personal belongings to the his/her passport issuing country.
4.6 退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條適用對象,或外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條所定適用勞工退休金條例之對象,則依勞工退休金條例相關規定辦理提繳及請領退休金退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條規定之適用對象,則甲方及丙方應依勞工退休金條例之規定按月提繳退休金。 Pension: If Party B qualifies under is qualified for the labor pension as stated in Article 7 of the “Labor Pension Act” or , Party A and Party C shall contribute to the labor pension of Party B on a monthly basis according to the Labor Pension Act. 若乙方為外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條規定之適用對象,受聘僱從事專業工作且取得永久居留之外國專業人才,自 107 年 2 月 8 日起適用勞工退休金條例之退休金制度 (勞退新制),則甲方及丙方應依法按月為是類人員提繳不低於其每月工資6%之退休金,儲存於勞保局設立之勞工退休金個人專戶。 If Party B is a foreign professional hired to engage in professional work and approved for permanent residence according to Article 22 of the “Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals,” and eligible for the pension contributions and claims shall be processed by the provisions of the “Labor Pension Act” (LPA scheme, or New Labor Pension Scheme) as of February 8, 2018, Party A and Party C shall contribute no less than 6% of Party B’s monthly salary to his/her personal pension account at the Bureau for Labor Insurance on a monthly basis.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Contract for Full Time Foreign English Teaching Assistant
Pay and Benefits. 4.1 薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之聘僱起始起薪日始得起薪。甲方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣5萬元薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之受聘僱起始日始得起薪。甲方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣4萬8,000元。 Pay (Meal fees Reimbursement for meal included): Party B’s salary shall commence from hours worked starts counting on the Employment/Pay Employment Start Date as specified stated in Article 2 of this contract2. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of NT$50,000 for his/her duties and labor services providedservices. The total monthly salary shall be NT$ 48,000.
4.2 修習證照補助:甲方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照費用修習證照津貼:乙方修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照,每月補助新臺幣5千元津貼。 Reimbursement for Taking Certificate Class: Party A will shall reimburse Party B up to NT$55,000 per academic year for the actual cost expenses of Party B’s taking TESOL, TEFL or CELTA classes during the employment period. 倘乙方已取得上開任一證照或曾參加教育部合作單位辦理之上開課程者或 所修習之上開證照課程不符「各級學校申請外國教師聘僱許可及管理辦法」所訂資格者,非屬本項補助之適用對象,另本項補助以請領一次為限。 Party B is not eligible for this grant if he/she has already obtained any at a maximum of the above- mentioned licenses, or has participated in the above-mentioned courses organized by units cooperating with the Ministry NT$ 5,000 per month as a part of Education, or has completed a course for the abovementioned licenses that do not meet the qualifications outlined in the “Regulations Governing Educational Institutions at All Levels Applying for Work Permits for Foreign Teachers and Their Administration.” The reimbursement is limited to one application per individualtotal month salary.
4.3 交通補助:甲方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次交通津貼:甲方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次。 Flight Reimbursement: Party A will reimburse subsidize Party B one economy class airfare ticket for coming to Taiwan from the nearest airport from his/her location in the passport-passport issuing country, city where he/she worked at or his/her family is residing and one ticket for returning to the foregoing location. 若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,甲方則不予補助乙方回程機票。 If Party B fulfills all duties and obligations as stated in the Contract, Party A shall pay the expense of the return trip for Party B. If Party B terminates the Contract within 6 months after the Employment Start date, Party A will not pay for the return trip of Party B. 來程及回程機票補助額度上限均為每次新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於聘僱起始起薪日起至受聘僱終止日起2個月內,檢具購票證明(國際線航空機票購票證明單或旅行業代收轉付收據或其他足資證明支付票款之文件等擇一提供)、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件 等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據來程及回程機票每次補助額度上限均為新臺幣4萬元,並依購票證明、機票票根、登機證及護照入境章戳影本核實報支。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出即期貨幣之參考匯率為準。 The reimbursement limit maximum amount of subsidy for round-the single/return trips of flight tickets shall be NT$40,000 each trip airfare is NT$40,000 per trip and will be made based on actual expenses with supporting documents, including purchase receipts (such as international airline ticket receipts, travel agency remittance receipts, or other documents proving payment of the fare), amount spent. The proof of itinerary (such as airline purchase, ticket stubsstub, electronic tickets, or other proof boarding pass and a copy of travel), and proof of boarding (such as boarding passes, passport photocopies with entry and exit stamps, or proof of travel issued by the airline) stamp shall be submitted within two months from provided for the Employment/Pay Start Date to the end of the employment periodreimbursement. The foreign exchange rate for the subsidized airfare flight ticket subsidy shall be based on subject to the spot selling exchange rate of the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan for selling Party B’s targeted currency on the date of day ticket purchase (the date as shown indicated on the purchase receipt or proof of purchase), or the cash rate if there is no spot selling rate for the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan. 倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一 日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執 行本契約所定工作;前述規定乙方應於受聘僱終止日前60日內向甲方提出,並經雙方同意後始得變更聘僱期間及辦理聘僱許可展延。 If Party B does not request the reimbursement for return airfare during the current academic year and is not employed until the last day of the current academic year, Party B may extend its employment for a maximum of 1 month during the current academic year and shall perform the work specified in the Contract during the extended employment period. The aforementioned provision requires Party B to submit a request to Party A at least 60 days before the end of the employment period, and the extension of the employment period and the processing of the employment permit extension can only proceed upon mutual agreement. 甲方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支。 Party A shall reimburse Party B on transportation based on the his/ her actual expenses actually expense at a maximum of NT$ 3,000 every school year. 甲方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支甲方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校 無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支。 Party A shall pick up Party B for his/her travelling from the airports in Taiwan and quarantine location or the location for orientation training to the schools. If the school cannot assist, Party B shall subsidize the actual transportation expenses to Party B to the school in accordance with “Directions of the Domestic Travel Allowance Disbursement.”
4.4 租屋補助:甲方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元租屋補助(乙方須提供相關證明予甲方審核,如租賃契約等)住宿津貼:甲方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元住宿津貼。 Housing Rental ReimbursementAllowance: Party A shall grant Party B a housing rental reimbursement allowance with a maximum of NT$26,000 each school year. (Party B shall provide relevant proof to Party A for review, e.g., lease agreement). 如乙方居住於甲方免費提供之宿舍,或乙方居住於其本人或眷屬在臺持有之房屋,則不予補助如乙方居住甲方免費提供之宿舍或自行購屋,則不予補助。 The housing rental reimbursement allowance is not applicable if Party B’s accommodation is provided for free by Party A, A or if Party B lives in a property in Taiwan owned by himself/herself, his/her spouse, or his/her direct relatives. 若乙方及其同住配偶或直系親屬同屬教育部所屬計畫所引進之外籍教學顧問、外籍英語教師或全時外籍英語教學助理,應以1人申請租屋補助為限,不得分別請領。 If Party B and his/her cohabiting spouse or direct relatives are also foreign teaching advisers, foreign English teachers or fullown-time foreign English teaching assistants introduced by the Ministry of Education’s program, only one individual may apply for housing rental reimbursement. Separate applications are not allowedacquired property.
4.5 保險:乙方應依規定投保全民健康保險及勞工、職災保險,並應負擔全民健康保險30%之保費及勞工保險20%之保費。保費之額度依據乙方薪資及當年度勞健保費率規定扣除。 Insurance: Party B shall insure the National Health Insurance (NHI), Labor Insurance (LI) and work accident insurance as required by law and contribute 30% and 20% of the NHI and LI premiums respectively. The premium of NHI and LI shall be partially deducted with respect to Party B’s salary according to laws and regulations currently in practice. 另甲方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣200萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故時,甲方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金另甲方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣30萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故(含死亡或重病、重傷)時,甲方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金,以及協助將乙方遺體及私人財物送返原護照國所生之相關費用。 Party A shall provide Party B with work-related work accident insurance to Party B with a minimum an amount of NT$2,000,000 as at least NT$300,000 to cover the cost of accidents including death, serious illness or injury; compensation, regardless of whether and the accident occurred during or beyond working hoursexpenses for delivering Party B’s remains (if deceased) and personal belongings to the his/her passport issuing country.
4.6 退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條適用對象,或外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條所定適用勞工退休金條例之對象,則依勞工退休金條例相關規定辦理提繳及請領退休金退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條規定之適用對象,則甲方需依勞工 退休金條例之規定按月提繳退休金。 Pension: If Party B qualifies under is qualified for the labor pension as stated in Article 7 of the “Labor Pension Act” or , Party A and Party C shall contribute to the labor pension of Party B on a monthly basis according to the Labor Pension Act. 若乙方為外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條規定之適用對象,受聘僱從事專業工作且取得永久居留之外國專業人才,自107年2月8日起適用勞工退休金條例之退休金制度 (勞退新制),則甲方應依法按月為是類人員提繳不低於其每月工資6%之退休金,儲存於勞保局設立之勞工退休金個人專戶。 If Party B is a foreign professional hired to engage in professional work and approved for permanent residence according to Article 22 of the “Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals,” and eligible for the pension contributions and claims shall be processed by the provisions of the “Labor Pension Act” (LPA scheme, or New Labor Pension Scheme) as of February 8, 2018, Party A and Party C shall contribute no less than 6% of Party B’s monthly salary to his/her personal pension account at the Bureau for Labor Insurance on a monthly basis.
4.7 其他費用:甲方應補助乙方來臺任教所辦理之簽證、護照、健康檢查、強制保險、居留證及其他必要文件所生費用。 Other expenses: Party A shall subsidize Party B’s expenses on work visa, passport, health examination, compulsory insurance, residence permit and other documents required for the employment.
4.8 給薪:乙方當月之薪資及住宿津貼給付日為次月【5】日(下稱「給薪日」),前揭薪資及住宿津貼將於給薪日轉帳至乙方在臺灣之金融機構帳號。甲方應於給薪日前將付款明細交予乙方,乙方應於給薪日前1天確認付款明細。請假扣薪部分,則於次月薪資扣除。 Payment of Salary: Party B’s salary and housing allowance of the month shall be paid on the fifth (5) day of the next month (hereinafter called the "Payment Date"). The said salary and housing allowance shall be transferred to Party B’s bank account in Taiwan. Party A shall deliver to Party B the statement of payments prior to the Payment Date, and Party B shall confirm the statement of payments one day before the Payment Date. The salary deduction for leave will be deducted from the salary of the next month.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Contract for Foreign English Teaching Assistant
Pay and Benefits. 4.1 薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之聘僱起始起薪日始得起薪。甲方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣5萬元薪資(含膳費):乙方於本契約第2條規定之受聘僱起始日始得起薪。甲方及丙 方應依乙方之職務及所提供之勞務,每月支付薪資新臺幣合計4萬8,000元,薪資由 給付。 Pay (Meal fees Reimbursement for meal included): Party B’s salary shall commence from hours worked starts counting on the Employment/Pay Employment Start Date as specified stated in Article 2 of this contract2. Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of NT$50,000 for his/her duties and labor services providedservices. The total monthly salary shall be NT$ 48,000, and the salary shall be paid from .
4.2 修習證照補助:甲方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照費用修習證照補助:甲方及丙方於聘僱期間依乙方實際修習TESOL、TEFL或 CELTA英語教師證照所需費用核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣5萬5千元修習證照費用。 Reimbursement for Taking Certificate Class: Party A and Party C will reimburse Party B up to NT$55,000 per academic year for the actual cost of Party B’s taking TESOL, TEFL or CELTA classes during the employment period. 倘乙方已取得上開任一證照或曾參加教育部合作單位辦理之上開課程者或 所修習之上開證照課程不符「各級學校申請外國教師聘僱許可及管理辦法」所訂資格者,非屬本項補助之適用對象,另本項補助以請領一次為限倘乙方已取得上開任一證照或曾參加教育部合作單位辦理之上開課程者,非屬本項補助之適用對象,另本項補助以請領一次為限。 Party B is not eligible for this grant if he/she has already obtained any one of the above- mentioned licenses, licenses or has participated in the above-mentioned courses organized by units cooperating with the Ministry of Education, or has completed a course for the abovementioned licenses that do not meet the qualifications outlined in the “Regulations Governing Educational Institutions at All Levels Applying for Work Permits for Foreign Teachers and Their Administration.” . The reimbursement is limited to one application per individualapplication.
4.3 交通補助:甲方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次交通補助:甲方或丙方補助乙方自護照國居住地、前工作地或家人所在地之最近機場來臺及離臺經濟艙機票各1次。 Flight Reimbursement: Party A or Party C will reimburse Party B one economy class airfare for coming to Taiwan from the nearest airport from his/her location in the passport-passport issuing country, city where he/she worked at or his/her family is residing and one ticket for returning to the foregoing location. 若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,甲方則不予補助乙方回程機票若乙方履行契約內所有責任與義務,無論聘僱期間是否達6個月,甲方或丙方應補助乙方回程機票;若乙方因故提前終止契約,且服務未滿6個月,則不予補助乙方回程機票。 If Party B fulfills all duties and obligations as stated in the Contract, Party A shall pay the expense of the return trip for Party B. If Party B terminates the Contract within 6 months after the Employment Start date, Party A or Party C will not pay for the return trip of Party B. 來程及回程機票補助額度上限均為每次新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於聘僱起始起薪日起至受聘僱終止日起2個月內,檢具購票證明(國際線航空機票購票證明單或旅行業代收轉付收據或其他足資證明支付票款之文件等擇一提供)、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件 等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據來程及回程機票每次補助額度上限均為新臺幣4萬元且核實報支,並應於事實發生日起2個月內,檢具購票證明、行程證明(如機票票根、電子機票或其他足資證明行程之文件等擇一提供)、搭機證明(如登機證、足資證明入出境事實之護照影本或航空公司所開立之搭機證明等擇一提供)等辦理 核銷相關事宜。補助機票之匯率,以乙方購票當日(收據或購票證明所載購票日期)臺灣銀行公告賣出該貨幣即期匯價為依據,倘無臺灣銀行賣出該貨幣即期匯價者,得以現金匯價為依據。 The reimbursement limit for round-trip airfare is NT$40,000 per trip and will be made based on actual expenses with supporting documents, including purchase receipts (such as international airline ticket receipts, travel agency remittance receipts, or other documents proving payment of the fare), proof of itinerary (such as airline ticket stubs, electronic tickets, or other proof of travel), and proof of boarding (such as boarding passes, passport photocopies with entry and exit stamps, or proof of travel issued by the airline) shall be submitted for verification within two months from the Employment/Pay Start Date to the end date of the employment periodtravel. The exchange rate for the subsidized airfare shall be based on the spot selling rate of the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan on the date of purchase (as shown on the receipt or proof of purchase), or the cash rate if there is no spot selling rate for the currency announced by the Bank of Taiwan. 倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一 日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執 行本契約所定工作;前述規定乙方應於受聘僱終止日前60日內向甲方提出,並經雙方同意後始得變更聘僱期間及辦理聘僱許可展延倘乙方未於當學年度使用回程機票,且聘僱期間未聘僱至當學年度最後一日,得於當學年度內延長聘期至多1個月為上限,並須於延長聘僱期間內執行本契約所定工作。 If Party B does not request the reimbursement for return airfare during the current academic year and is not employed until the last day of the current academic year, Party B may extend its employment for a maximum of 1 month during the current academic year and shall perform the work specified in the Contract during the extended employment period. The aforementioned provision requires Party B to submit a request to Party A at least 60 days before the end of the employment period, and the extension of the employment period and the processing of the employment permit extension can only proceed upon mutual agreement. 甲方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支甲方或丙方每學年最高補助乙方3千元交通津貼,並採核實報支。 Party A or Party C shall reimburse Party B on transportation based on his/ her actual expenses at a maximum of NT$ 3,000 every school year. 甲方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支甲方及丙方應協助乙方由機場、檢疫地點或辦理教育訓練場地前往學校,若學校無法派員協助,應補助乙方前往學校之交通費,交通費則依據「國內出差旅費報支要點」核實報支。 Party A and Party C shall pick up Party B for his/her travelling from the airports in Taiwan and quarantine location or the location for orientation training to the schools. If the school cannot assist, Party B shall subsidize the actual transportation expenses to Party B to the school in accordance with “Directions of the Domestic Travel Allowance Disbursement.”
4.4 租屋補助:甲方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元租屋補助(乙方須提供相關證明予甲方審核,如租賃契約等租屋補助:甲方或丙方依乙方實際租屋需求核實補助乙方每學年最高新臺幣2萬6千元租屋補助(乙方須提供相關證明予甲方或丙方審核,如租賃契約等)。 Housing Rental Reimbursement: Party A or Party C shall grant Party B a housing rental reimbursement with a maximum of NT$26,000 each school year. (Party B shall provide relevant proof to Party A or Party C for review, e.g., lease agreement). 如乙方居住於甲方免費提供之宿舍,或乙方居住於其本人或眷屬在臺持有之房屋,則不予補助如乙方居住於甲方或丙方免費提供之宿舍,或乙方居住於其本人或眷屬在臺持有之房屋,則不予補助。 The housing rental reimbursement is not applicable if Party B’s accommodation is provided for free by Party AA or Party C, or if Party B lives live in a property in Taiwan owned by himself/herself, his/her spouse, or his/her direct relatives. 若乙方及其同住配偶或直系親屬同屬教育部所屬計畫所引進之外籍教學顧問、外籍英語教師或全時外籍英語教學助理,應以1人申請租屋補助為限,不得分別請領。 If Party B and his/her cohabiting spouse or direct relatives are also foreign teaching advisers, foreign English teachers or fullParty B’s family own-time foreign English teaching assistants introduced by the Ministry of Education’s program, only one individual may apply for housing rental reimbursement. Separate applications are not allowedacquired property.
4.5 保險:乙方應依規定投保全民健康保險及勞工、職災保險,並應負擔全民健康保險30%之保費及勞工保險20%之保費。保費之額度依據乙方薪資及當年度勞健保費率規定扣除。 Insurance: Party B shall insure the National Health Insurance (NHI), Labor Insurance (LI) and work accident insurance as required by law and contribute 30% and 20% of the NHI and LI premiums respectively. The premium of NHI and LI shall be partially deducted with respect to Party B’s salary according to laws and regulations currently in practice. 另甲方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣200萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故時,甲方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金另甲方或丙方應提供乙方保額至少新臺幣200萬元之意外事故保險,做為乙方發生意外事故時,甲方或丙方提供乙方之事故賠償及道義補償金。 Party A or Party C shall provide Party B with work-related accident insurance with a minimum amount of NT$2,000,000 as compensation, regardless of whether the accident occurred during or beyond working hours.
4.6 退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條適用對象,或外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條所定適用勞工退休金條例之對象,則依勞工退休金條例相關規定辦理提繳及請領退休金退休金:若乙方為勞工退休金條例第7條規定之適用對象,則甲方及丙方應依勞工退休金條例之規定按月提繳退休金。 Pension: If Party B qualifies under is qualified for the labor pension as stated in Article 7 of the “Labor Pension Act” or , Party A and Party C shall contribute to the labor pension of Party B on a monthly basis according to the Labor Pension Act. 若乙方為外國專業人才延攬及僱用法第22條規定之適用對象,受聘僱從事專業工作且取得永久居留之外國專業人才,自 107 年 2 月 8 日起適用勞工退休金條例之退休金制度 (勞退新制),則甲方及丙方應依法按月為是類人員提繳不低於其每月工資6%之退休金,儲存於勞保局設立之勞工退休金個人專戶。 If Party B is a foreign professional hired to engage in professional work and approved for permanent residence according to Article 22 of the “Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals,” and eligible for the pension contributions and claims shall be processed by the provisions of the “Labor Pension Act” (LPA scheme, or New Labor Pension Scheme) as of February 8, 2018, Party A and Party C shall contribute no less than 6% of Party B’s monthly salary to his/her personal pension account at the Bureau for Labor Insurance on a monthly basis.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Employment Contract for Full Time Foreign English Teaching Assistant