JOB Sample Clauses
JOB. The Company shall post notices of all job vacancies or new jobs. The notices will be posted on the main clock bulletin boards, at Saltfleet Warehouse and in the department concerned for five (5) consecutive days. A copy of all vacancy shall be given to the Local President at the time of posting. The employees interested in the vacancies will apply in writing to the Human Resources Department for such jobs within the five (5) consecutive days during which the notices are posted. In filling vacancies, the most senior employee in the department will be given the job, providing the employee has the ability to perform the duties required after a suitable trial period with proper instruction. If the job is not filled from within the department the Company will act in accordance with the procedure described in the above paragraph, however, plant-wide seniority will be used. The Company shall not be confined to the applicants in filling job vacancies if they are not suitable or qualified for the job concerned. Jobs that are normally of a day time nature, labour or otherwise, will be posted and filled in accordance with the provisions of this Article. The skilled trades trainee may not be assigned shift work until completing the training period. It is understood that the junior skilled tradesperson on day shift shall go on shift work until the trainee is qualified; following completion of the training program the trainee will be assigned shift work. Nothing in this Article shall prevent a trainee from being designated a skilledtradesperson, if, in the opinion of Management, the trainee is qualified in the trade prior to the expiration of the six (6 )months training period and the employee shall receive classification rate. The name of the successful applicant will be posted immediatelyon the departmentand main clock bulletin boards. Where an applicant does not receivethe position applied for, upon request to the Human ResourcesDepartment, the employee will be given reasons in writing why the application was not successful. Job vacancies or new classifications not filled within thirty (30) consecutivedays from the closing date of the final postingshallbe treated as a new vacancy and will be posted again by following the same procedure. No employeeshall be to bid again on any job within three (3) months of the date the employee successfully bid under the posting provisions. Employees on temporary job or who have been on temporary jobs, may apply for permanent jobs. I...
JOB. Share participants shall be re-employed as part-time unit members at the percentage of a full-time equivalency that they worked in their job share position.
JOB. When a new classification (which is covered by the terms of this Collective Agreement) is established by the the Hospital shall determine the rate of pay for such new classification and notify the local Union of the same. If the local Union challenges the rate, it shall have the right to request a meeting with the Hospital to endeavour to negotiate a mutually satisfactory rate. Such request will be made within ten days after the receipt of notice from the Hospital of such new occupational classification and rate. Any change mutually agreed to resulting from such meeting shall be retroactive to the date that notice of the new rate was given by the Hospital. If the parties are unable to agree, the dispute concerning the new rase may be submitted to as provided in the Agreement within fifteen (15) days of such meeting, The decision of the Board of Arbitration (or arbitrator as the case may be) shall be based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit having regard to the requirements of such When the Hospital makes a substantial change in the job content of an existing classification which in causes such classification to become a new classification, the Hospital agrees to meet with the Union if requested to permit the Union to make representation with respect to the appropriate rate of If the matter is not resolved following meeting with the the matter may be to Arbitration as provided Agreement within fifteen (15) days such meeting. decision the Board of (or arbitrator as the case may be) be based on the relationship by comparison the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit regard to the of such The parties further agree that any change agreed to or awarded as a result arbitration be retroactive only to the date that Union raised the issue with the Hospital. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if as a result of illness or injury by an employee is unable to carry out the regular functions of her position, the Hospital may, subject to its operational requirements, establish a special classification and salary in an endeavour to provide the employee with an opportunity of continued employment. provision shall not be construed as a guarantee that such special will be made available or continued. An employee is promoted to a rated classification within the bargaining unit will be placed in the range of the higher rated classification so that he shall receive no less an increase in wage ...
JOB. The Employer undertakes the responsibility of informing employees of all forty (40) hour posting job vacancies as they occur. Such notices shall remain in effect for a period of seven (7) days before the job is filled and such notices shall include the qualifications, classification rate and geographical area. The Employer agrees to provide the Chief Xxxxxxx with a copy of each job posting. The Employer is free to temporarily fill a vacancy as it sees fit during the posting period and up to the time an appointment is made; and no grievance may be filed concerning such temporary arrangements until a selection has been made. Where vacancies are posted for forty (40) hour positions and no applicants within the forty (40) hour employee group are successful in obtaining the positions, applications submitted for such posting from employees working less than forty (40) hours will be considered, prior to appointment of external applicants. In the event one (1) or more less than hours employees apply, the Employer shall consider the qualifications, experience and ability of the applicants. Where these factors are relatively equal, the applicant with the greatest seniority shall fill the vacancy provided she can perform the work.
JOB. Where a permanent vacancy occurs in a classification within the bargaining unit, or a new position within..the bargaining unit is established by the Employer, or a temporary vacancy which is expected to exceed three (3) months in duration occurs within the bargaining unit, such vacancy shall be posted by the Employer for a period of five days excluding Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. The posting shall stipulate the qualifications, classification, rate of pay, department and shift and a copy shall be provided to the Chief Xxxxxxx. All applications are to be made in writing within the posting period. A vacancy created by the filling of an initial permanent vacancy will be posted for a period of three (3) consecutive days, excluding Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Such posting shall stipulate the same information as is set out above, and all applications are to be made in writing within the posting period. Vacancies created by the filling of a posted vacancy under Article need not be posted, however consideration for such subsequent vacancies will be given to employees in this bargaining unit who have a request for transfer on file. Such requests will be considered as applications for posted vacancies as well as subsequent vacancies. The maximum number of positions to which an employee may request a transfer at any one time is four (4). Requests for transfer shall become active upon receipt and must be renewed during the month of January of each year to remain so. Employees shall be selected for positions under either Article or on the basis of their ability, experience and qualifications. Where these factors are relatively equal amongst the employees considered, seniority shall govern providing the successful applicant, if any, is qualified to perform the available work. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin board and unsuccessful applicants be notified. Where there are no successful applicants from within this bargaining unit for positions referred to in Article and employees in other service bargaining units at the Employer will be considered for such positions prior to considering persons not employed by the Employer. The employees eligible for consideration shall be limited to those employees who have applied for the position in accordance with Article and and selection shall be made in accordance with Article above. Vacancies which are not to exceed three (3) months will not be posted and may be filled at the discretion of t...
JOB. When a job vacancy occurs in or a new job vacancy is created within the bargaining unit, the Company agrees to post such job vacancy detailing the duties and setting forth the pri- xxxx operation of the job vacancy. Each job vacancy shall be posted on all plant Bulletin Boards for a period of five (5) consecutive working days. Each job posting notice will be numbered and a copy showing the successful applicant sent to the Recording The Company agrees at the time of posting a job vacancy not to transfer, move, rotate existing employees in the job classification. The suc- cessful applicant will initially be moved to the primary operation listed in the job posting. However, the Union recognizes that it is the exclusive right of the Company to assign employees to any within their clas- sification at any time. When a job becomes available the company will post for the required classification on the assignment originally vacated. For example, if a person working on were to leave the plant, then the job posting would be for an extrusion operator with a starting assign- ment of machine This is in no way to be interpreted as machine seniority. A worker owns a classifi- cation and not the right to work only on a particular machine. The Union recognizes the management right to transfer and assign people to jobs, etc., as per Article Only the original job vacancy and any job vacan- cy created by the filling of the original job cy will be posted, however, an additional job posting will be made if the remainingjob vacan- cy is a straight day job as listed in Article or if the remaining vacancy is at Pay Group or above, or if the Company’s source of own choos- ing is a current bargaining unit member. The Company will attempt to move successful appli- cant as soon as possible. Any employee in the bargaining unit, after dis- cussing all operations of the job with the Supervisor, may make written application to fill the job vacancy as posted, within the five (5) working day period referred to herein. It is understood that any application filed under sec- tion of this Article may not be withdrawn. The Company will not be required to post job vacancies that employees are laid off from and have recall rights. All other job vacancies includ- ing straight day jobs as listed in Article to be posted as per Article If at the conclusion of the five (5) working day period no applications have been received from employees in the bargaining unit, the Company will fill the vacancy from ...
JOB of the current job description for a bargaining unit position shall be made available to the Union upon request. When a new classification which is covered by terms of this collective agreement created, a copy of the job description shall be forwarded to the Union at the time that the Hospital notifies the local Union of the rate of pay pursuant to article (a) above, Where the Hospital revises the job content of an existing classification in such a manner that duties of another classification are assigned to is, the following shall apply:
JOB. When a vacancy occurs in any job which is likely to remain open for over four work weeks (or such longer period as the parties may mutually agree) notice of such vacancy shall be posted within eighteen working days of the vacancy arising and shall remain posted for five working days on the bulletin board or boards provided on the premises for that purpose. The Company shall provide the Union with a copy of each vacancy posted. All notices of vacancies shall designate the classification of the job vacant The of pay shall be determined from the schedule of wages herein. The Company will provide the Union with the name and employee number of the persons who applied for the job. If an employee applies for a posting and is named the successful applicant, he will be required to accept the position. A probationary period of sixty calendar days shall apply to promotions. If no applications are made, the Company shall then be free to choose an employee who did not apply for such job and is willing to accept it. Where the senior employee has relatively equal ability and qualifications for the vacancy in relation to other applicants, he shall receive the promotion. For the purposes of this paragraph, the senior employee shall mean the employee with the most continuous length of service within the bargaining unit. When the senior employee does not have relatively equal ability and qualifications for the vacancy in relation to other applicants and a less senior employee is chosen, the Company will make its choice known to the Union before announcing name of the successful applicant. Should the Union wish to make representations to the Company concerning the Company’s choice, the Union must do so within five working days and the Union and the Company agree to meet to discuss the Company’s choice. If thereafter this question is unresolved, it may be made the subject of a grievance. Any employee who applied for the job and was not chosen may within five working days after the Successful applicant has been declared, register a protest to the Union in writing. In the event that the protest is brought to the Company’s attention, the Company agrees to discuss with the Union and the employee the question of the and qualifications with a view to improving the employee’s opportunity for future postings. If thereafter this question is unresolved, it may be made the subject of a grievance. Company agrees to offer job training opportunities for posted positions to interested full-t...
JOB a) When a new job classification in the bargaining unit is added or additional employees are required or a vacancy arises in any of the job classifications within the bargain- ing unit, the Company will post a notice of a vacancy for a period of three (3) consecutive days on a bulletin board. The notice will specify the classification, the wage scale and the qualifications required for the position. An employee who wishes to be considered for the position so posted must do so within the three (3) days period by signing the posting and using the form supplied by the Company. All shall show the position, the route number, the normal hours of work and days off, and expected duration of the position (if applicable). There will be a designated location in the depot for Prior to posting the vacancy: Tractor Trailer drivers shall be given preference (by seniority) for vacancies in their own classification.