Cost Estimates If this Agreement pertains to the design of a public works project, CONSULTANT shall submit estimates of probable construction costs at each phase of design submittal. If the total estimated construction cost at any submittal exceeds ten percent (10%) of CITY’s stated construction budget, CONSULTANT shall make recommendations to CITY for aligning the PROJECT design with the budget, incorporate CITY approved recommendations, and revise the design to meet the Project budget, at no additional cost to CITY.
Cost Estimate The cost estimate shall set out the estimated costs for the proposed Change Order in such a way that a fair evaluation can be made. It shall include a breakdown for labor, materials, equipment and markups for overhead and profit, unless TxDOT agrees otherwise. If the work is to be performed by Subcontractors and if the work is sufficiently defined to obtain Subcontractor quotes, DB Contractor shall obtain quotes (with breakdowns showing cost of labor, materials, equipment and markups for overhead and profit) on the Subcontractor’s stationery and shall include such quotes as back-up for DB Contractor’s estimate. No markup shall be allowed in excess of the amounts allowed under Section 10.6. DB Contractor shall identify all conditions with respect to prices or other aspects of the cost estimate, such as pricing contingent on firm orders being made by a certain date or the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event.
Estimates and Reconciliation of Estimates Where estimated expenditures are used to determine the amount of the drawdown, the State will indicate in the terms of the State unique funding technique how the estimated amount is determined and when and how the State will reconcile the difference between the estimate and the State's actual expenditures.
Estimates User shall pay to Tenant, in advance on a monthly basis, an amount equal to the estimated Rent for each year of the Use Period or part thereof divided by the number of months therein. Attached as Exhibit B is an budget for the Project prepared by Tenant and approved by User, which reflects a good faith estimate of Rent. Based on Exhibit B, the parties have agreed that User will pay to Tenant the monthly sum allocated to User on Exhibit B, in advance, as Tenant’s initial estimate of Rent. From time to time, Tenant may estimate and re-estimate the amount of Rent to be due and deliver a copy of the estimate or re-estimate to User. Thereafter, the monthly installments of Rent shall be appropriately adjusted in accordance with the estimations so that, by the end of the calendar year in question, User shall have paid all of Rent estimated by Tenant for such calendar year. Any amounts paid based on such an estimate shall be subject to adjustment as herein provided when the actual amount of Rent is available for each calendar year or fraction thereof (in the instance of any partial calendar year). (a) On or before January 31 of each calendar year during the term (and within 180 days of the Use Expiration Date), Tenant shall furnish to User a statement of Rent for the previous year (the “Rent Statement”). If Tenant fails to issue a Rent Statement, User will send a written request for Tenant to issue a Rent Statement. Within 30 days of receipt of the request for Rent Statement, Tenant will then issue a Rent Statement. If User’s estimated payments of Rent for the year covered by the Rent Statement exceeded the actual Rent due as indicated in the Rent Statement, then Tenant shall promptly credit or reimburse User for such excess; likewise, if User’s estimated payments of Rent for such year were less than the actual Rent due as indicated in the Rent Statement, then User shall promptly pay Tenant such deficiency. All true up obligations contained in this Agreement shall survive the Use Period. (b) To minimize the administrative burden on each party, Tenant’s books and records with regard to Rent are available for inspection by User at Tenant’s offices during Tenant’s regular business hours for 30 days after the date of issuance of each Rent Statement. The parties agree to work in good faith to address any questions relating to the Rent Statement.
Non-Escalation Unless otherwise specified within the RFP documents, the unit prices reflected on the contract shall remain firm with no provision for price increases during the term of the contract.
Pre-Estimate The parties agree that if Market Quotation applies an amount recoverable under this Section 6(e) is a reasonable pre-estimate of loss and not a penalty. Such amount is payable for the loss of bargain and the loss of protection against future risks and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement neither party will be entitled to recover any additional damages as a consequence of such losses.
Benefit Level The primary care clinics available through each plan administrator are assigned a Benefit Level. The Benefit Levels are outlined in the benefit chart below. Primary care clinics may be in different Benefit Levels for different plan administrators. Family members may be enrolled in clinics that are in different Benefits Levels. Employees and their dependents may change to clinics in different Benefit Levels during the annual open enrollment. Employees and their dependents may also elect to move to a clinic in a different Benefit Level within the same plan administrator up to two (2) additional times during the plan year. Unless the individual has a referral from his/her primary care clinic, there are no benefits for services received from providers in Benefit Levels that are different from that of the primary care clinic in which the individual has enrolled.
Tax Delinquency Contractor must provide notice to the JBE immediately if Contractor has reason to believe it may be placed on either (i) the California Franchise Tax Board’s list of 500 largest state income tax delinquencies, or (ii) the California Board of Equalization’s list of 500 largest delinquent sales and use tax accounts. The JBE may terminate this Agreement immediately “for cause” pursuant to Section 7.2 below if (i) Contractor fails to provide the notice required above, or (ii) Contractor is included on either list mentioned above.
Performance Assessment 6.1 The Performance Plan (Annexure A) to this Agreement sets out key performance indicators and competencies that needs to be evaluated in terms of – 6.1.1 The standards and procedures for evaluating the Employee’s performance; and 6.1.2 During the intervals for the evaluation of the Employee’s performance. 6.2 Despite the establishment of agreed intervals for evaluation, the Employer may in addition review the Employee’s performance at any stage while the contract of employment remains in force; 6.3 Personal growth and development needs identified during any performance review discussion must be documented in a Personal Development Plan as well as the actions agreed to and implementation must take place within set time frames; 6.4 The Employee’s performance will also be measured in terms of contributions to the goals and strategies set out in the Employer’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) as described in 6.6 – 6.13 below; 6.5 The Employee will submit quarterly performance reports (SDBIP) and a comprehensive annual performance report at least one week prior to the performance assessment meetings to the Evaluation Panel Chairperson for distribution to the panel members for preparation purposes; 6.6 Assessment of the achievement of results as outlined in the performance plan: 6.6.1 Each KPI or group of KPIs shall be assessed according to the extent to which the specified standards or performance targets have been met (qualitative and quantitative) and with due regard to ad-hoc tasks that had to be performed under the KPI; 6.6.2 A rating on the five-point scale described in 6.9 below shall be provided for each KPI or group of KPIs which will then be multiplied by the weighting to calculate the final score; 6.6.3 The Employee will submit his self-evaluation to the Employer prior to the formal assessment; 6.6.4 In the instance where the employee could not perform due to reasons outside the control of the employer and employee, the KPI will not be considered during the evaluation. The employee should provide sufficient evidence in such instances; and 6.6.5 An overall score will be calculated based on the total of the individual scores calculated above.
Present Value Present Value shall be based only on the interest and mortality rates specified in the Adoption Agreement.