Photometric measurement of lamps. The photometric performance shall be checked:
3.1. For non-replaceable light sources (filament lamps and other): with the light sources present in the lamp, in accordance with the relevant sub-paragraph of paragraph 7.1. of this Regulation.
3.2. For replaceable filament lamps: when equipped with filament lamps at 6.75 V, 13.5 V or 28.0 V, the luminous intensity values produced shall be corrected. The correction factor is the ratio between the reference luminous flux and the mean value of the luminous flux found at the voltage applied (6.75 V, 13.5 V or 28.0 V). The actual luminous fluxes of each filament lamp used shall not deviate more than
Photometric measurement of lamps. For any lamp except those equipped with filament lamp(s) and if not otherwise specified in the individual Regulation, the luminous intensities measured after one minute and after 30 minutes of operation:
Photometric measurement of lamps. The photometric performance shall be checked:
3.1. For non-replaceable light sources (filament lamps and other): with the light sources present in the lamp, in accordance with paragraph 7.1.1. of this Regulation.
3.2. For replaceable filament lamps: when equipped with mass production filament lamps at 6.75 V, 13.5 V or
Photometric measurement of lamps. The photometric performance shall be checked:
3.1. For non-replaceable light sources (filament lamps and other): with the light sources present in the lamp, in accordance with the relevant sub- paragraph of paragraph 7.1. of this Regulation.
3.2. For replaceable filament lamps: when equipped with filament lamps at 6.75 V, 13.5 V or 28.0 V, the luminous intensity values produced shall be corrected. The correction factor is the ratio between the reference luminous flux and the mean value of the luminous flux found at the voltage applied (6.75 V, 13.5 V or 28.0 V). The actual luminous fluxes of each filament lamp used shall not deviate more than ± 5 per cent from the mean value. Alternatively a standard filament lamp may be used in turn, in each of the individual positions, operated at its reference flux, the individual measurements in each position being added together.
3.3. For any direction indicator lamp except those equipped with filament lamp(s), the luminous intensities measured after one minute and after 30 minutes of operation in flashing mode (f = 1.5 Hz, duty factor 50 per cent), shall comply with the minimum and maximum requirements. The luminous intensity distribution after one minute of operation can be calculated by applying at each test point the ratio of luminous intensity measured in HV after one minute and after 30 minutes of operation as above described. Regulation No 6 page 42 Annex 5 COLOUR OF AMBER LIGHTS: TRICHROMATIC CO-ORDINATES Limit towards green : y ≤ x - 0.120 Limit towards red : y ≥ 0.390 Limit towards white : y ≥ 0.790 - 0.670 x For checking these colorimetric characteristics, the test procedure described in paragraph 7. of this Regulation shall be applied. However, for lamps equipped with non-replaceable light sources (filament lamps and other), the colorimetric characteristics should be verified with the light sources present in the lamp, in accordance with the relevant sub-paragraph of paragraph 7.1. of this Regulation.