FIRM DISCOUNT AND PRICING STRUCTURE Contractor guarantees that prices quoted are equal to or less than prices quoted to any other local, State or Federal government entity for services of equal or lesser scope. Contractor agrees that no price increases shall be passed along to the County du ring the term of this Contract not otherwise specified and provided for within this Contract.
JOC Pricing of Itemized List of Means Non-Prepriced Items” based on the information herein. This Addendum is only to correct a misstatement on the original optional attachment entitled “PART 2 JOC Pricing of Itemized List of Means Non-Prepriced Items.” The attachment mistakenly provided for and discussed “Attribute 39.” Specifically, any erroneous reference to “Attribute 39” on the specified attachment should be considered immediately replaced with “the Attribute Question asking for Pricing for Markup of Non- Prepriced Items in RS Means Unit Price Book.” Please disregard any reference to Attribute 39 on this optional form and consider it to be referencing the Attribute Question asking for “Pricing for Markup of Non-Prepriced Items in RS Means Unit Price Book” instead.
PRODUCT AND PRICING CHANGE REQUESTS Supplier may request Equipment, Product, or Service changes, additions, or deletions at any time. All requests must be made in writing by submitting a signed Sourcewell Price and Product Change Request Form to the assigned Sourcewell Supplier Development Administrator. This approved form is available from the assigned Sourcewell Supplier Development Administrator. At a minimum, the request must: • Identify the applicable Sourcewell contract number; • Clearly specify the requested change; • Provide sufficient detail to justify the requested change; • Individually list all Equipment, Products, or Services affected by the requested change, along with the requested change (e.g., addition, deletion, price change); and • Include a complete restatement of pricing documentation in Microsoft Excel with the effective date of the modified pricing, or product addition or deletion. The new pricing restatement must include all Equipment, Products, and Services offered, even for those items where pricing remains unchanged. A fully executed Sourcewell Price and Product Change Request Form will become an amendment to this Contract and will be incorporated by reference.
Rent Increases The Rent payable shall not be increased or otherwise modified during the Term of this Lease. Any increase in Rent shall only take effect after the expiration of the Term provided in this Lease. Any increase in Rent to take effect upon renewal or extension of the Term of this Lease must be preceded by a - day notice of the same from the Landlord to the Tenant.
Permanent Schedule Changes Employees’ workweeks and work schedules may be permanently changed with prior notice from the Employer. Overtime-eligible employees will receive ten (10) calendar days’ written notice of a permanent schedule change. The day notification is given is considered the first day of notice. Notice will normally be given to the affected employees during their scheduled working hours. If an affected employee is on extended leave, notice may be sent to the employee’s last known address.
TIPS Pricing Vendor agrees and understands that for each TIPS Contract that it holds, Vendor submitted, agreed to, and received TIPS’ approval for specific pricing, discounts, and other pricing terms and incentives which make up Vendor’s TIPS Pricing for that TIPS Contract (“TIPS Pricing”). Vendor confirms that Vendor will not add the TIPS Administration Fee as a charge or line-item in a TIPS Sale. Vendor hereby certifies that Vendor shall only offer goods and services through this TIPS Contract if those goods and services are included in or added to Vendor’s TIPS Pricing and approved by TIPS. TIPS reserves the right to review Vendor’s pricing update requests as specifically as line-item by line-item to determine compliance. However, Vendor contractually agrees that all submitted pricing updates shall be within the original terms of the Vendor’s TIPS Pricing (scope, proposed discounts, price increase limitations, and other pricing terms and incentives originally proposed by Vendor) such that TIPS may accept Vendors price increase requests as submitted without additional vetting at TIPS discretion. Any pricing quoted by Vendor to a TIPS Member or on a TIPS Quote shall never exceed Vendor’s TIPS Pricing for any good or service offered through TIPS. TIPS Pricing price increases and modifications, if permitted, will be honored according to the terms of the solicitation and Vendor’s proposal, incorporated herein by reference.
CONTRACT EXHIBIT I PREFERRED PRICING AFFIDAVIT This preferred-pricing affidavit is entered into in accordance with section 216.0113, F.S., and as required by Contract No. 80101507-21-STC-ITSA (“Contract”) between (“Contractor”) and the Department of Management Services. As the person authorized by Contractor to sign this affidavit, I attest that the Contractor is in full compliance with the preferred-pricing clause of the Contract. Contractor’s Name: By: Signature Printed Name/Title Date: STATE OF COUNTY OF Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this day of , by Vendor Name: FEIN# Vendor’s Authorized Representative Name and Title: Address: City, State, and Zip code: Phone Number: ( ) - E-mail: CORPORATE SEAL (IF APPLICABLE) (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) [Check One] Personally Known OR Produced the following I.D.
Schedule Changes (a) If, in the course of a posted schedule, the Employer: (i) changes Employees’ scheduled days off without giving 14 days’ notice of the change, they shall be paid 2X their Basic Rate of Pay for all hours worked on what would otherwise have been their off-duty days. (ii) changes Employees’ scheduled Shift, but not their scheduled days off, without giving 14 days’ notice of the change, they shall be paid 2X their Basic Rate of Pay for all hours worked during the first Shift of the changed schedule. (b) Employees shall be notified of such changes in their schedule and such changes shall be recorded on the Shift schedule. (c) An Employee or the Employer may, during the course of a posted schedule, ask to amend scheduled Shifts. Such Employee requests shall be granted where operationally possible without additional cost. Where mutually agreed, the requirements for 14 days’ notice of change and the resultant penalty pay as described in Article 7.04(a) shall not apply. Employees or the Employer should make such requests as far in advance as possible in order to maximize the ability to accommodate the request. Any Shift changes made by mutual agreement shall not violate the scheduling provisions of this Article.
Step Increases (a) The following is the method used to determine service credit, since the last date of hire, for purposes of positioning on the salary range: i) all continuous service shall be retained and transferred with the employee if she/he changes her/his status from full-time to part- time and vice versa. ii) a part-time employee who changes status to full-time will be given credit on the basis of fifteen hundred (1500) paid hours of part- time being equivalent to one (1) year of full-time service and vice versa. iii) in addition, an employee who is so transferred will be given credit for paid hours accumulated since the date of last advancement. (b) Annual increments for full-time employees shall be paid on their anniversary date. (c) Annual increments for part-time employees shall be paid on the completion of each fifteen hundred (1500) hours worked.
RENT INCREASE 6.1 The Landlord is entitled to increase the Rent payable under this tenancy, either during the Tenancy Term or any subsequent renewal or periodic term, on each anniversary of the start date of this tenancy (“The Rent Increase Date”). The increase will be a minimum 5% in addition to the current Rent payable. Should the Landlord elect to do so they will first serve written notice on the Tenant in accordance with these Tenancy Terms and Conditions of at least one calendar month prior to the Rent Increase Date (“the Rent Increase Notice”). 6.2 If the Landlord chooses not to increase the Rent on the Rent Increase Date they may defer doing so to any date thereafter provided they shall at any time thereafter be entitled to serve a Rent Increase Notice and the said rent increase shall take effect on the expiry of such notice – the Landlord will not be entitled to then increase the rent in this way for another 12 months.