CLOUD SERVICE The Cloud Service offering, is described below and is specified in an Order Document for the selected entitled offerings. The Order Document will consist of the Quotation that is provided and the Proof of Entitlement (XxX) you will receive confirming the start date and term of the Cloud Services and when invoicing will commence.
Video Display Terminals The Employer shall ensure that any new office equipment or facility required for use in conjunction with VDTs shall meet the standards recommended by the Workers' Compensation Board.
Shift Rotation Routine shift rotation is not an approach to staffing endorsed by the Employer. Except for emergency situations where it may be necessary to provide safe patient care, shift rotation will not be utilized without mutual consent. If such an occasion should ever occur, volunteers will be sought first. If no one volunteers, the Employer will rotate shifts on an inverse seniority basis until the staff vacancies are filled.
Programming Processor is not responsible for programming or reprogramming of fuel dispensers.
Users There is no limit to the number of users who can access the Software. You can invite any person You wish to access the Software.
Catalog Information about Hawthorn University is published in a school catalog that contains a description of certain policies, procedures, and other information about the school. Hawthorn University reserves the right to change any provision of the catalog at any time. Notice of changes will be communicated in a revised catalog, an addendum or supplement to the catalog, or other written format. Students are expected to read and be familiar with the information contained in the school catalog, in any revisions, supplements and addenda to the catalog, and with all school policies. By enrolling in Hawthorn University, the student agrees to abide by the terms stated in the catalog and all school policies.
Flextime (a) For the purpose of this agreement, flextime means the hours worked by an employee, or group of employees, who are given authority by the Employer to: (1) choose their starting and finishing times; and (2) choose their length of workday within a stated maximum number of hours, subject to meeting the required annual hours of work in accordance with this agreement, through a specified averaging period. (b) The full-time employee on flextime who has a day of absence, whether with or without pay, will be deemed to be absent for the agreed upon hours, providing at least the agreed upon hours are required to complete the averaging period. If less than the agreed upon hours are required to complete the averaging period, such number of hours will be deemed to be the hours of absence. (c) The averaging period for employees on flextime will be two pay periods. (d) The workday for those employees on flextime will not exceed 10 hours.
Reducing Text Messaging While Driving Pursuant to Executive Order 13513, 74 FR 51225 (Oct. 6, 2009), Recipient should encourage its employees, subrecipients, and contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving, and Recipient should establish workplace safety policies to decrease accidents caused by distracted drivers.
Provider Network The Panel of health service Providers with which the Contractor contracts for the provision of covered services to Members and Out-of-network Providers administering services to Members.
Purchased Services During the term of this Collective Agreement, no regular employee will be declared surplus in his/her position as a result of the use of purchased services to perform the work normally performed by that employee.