Repayment Schedule The Semiannual Loan Payment shall be computed based upon the principal amount of the Loan plus the estimated Loan Service Fee and the principle of level debt service. The Semiannual Loan Payment amount may be adjusted, by amendment of this Agreement, based upon revised information. After the final disbursement of Loan proceeds, the Semiannual Loan Payment shall be based upon the actual Project costs, the actual Loan Service Fee and Loan Service Fee capitalized interest, if any, and actual dates and amounts of disbursements, taking into consideration any previous payments. Actual Project costs shall be established after the Department's inspection of the completed Project and associated records. The Department will deduct the Loan Service Fee and any associated interest from the first available repayments following the final amendment. Each Semiannual Loan Payment shall be in the amount of $82,812 until the payment amount is adjusted by amendment. The interest and Grant Allocation Assessment portions of each Semiannual Loan Payment shall be computed, using their respective rates, on the unpaid balance of the principal amount of the Loan, which includes Capitalized Interest. Interest (at the Financing Rate) also shall be computed on the estimated Loan Service Fee. The interest and Grant Allocation Assessment on the unpaid balance shall be computed as of the due date of each Semiannual Loan Payment. Semiannual Loan Payments shall be received by the Department beginning on March 15, 2019 and semiannually thereafter on September 15 and March 15 of each year until all amounts due hereunder have been fully paid. Funds transfer shall be made by electronic means. The Semiannual Loan Payment amount is based on the total amount owed of $3,312,465, which consists of the Loan principal and the estimated Loan Service Fee.
Payment Schedule The purchase price for timber sold under this contract shall be paid in advance as follows: The first payment shall be paid within 30 days of the notification of high bid or before operating, whichever occurs first. The first payment shall be 10 percent of the total estimated bid value. The total estimated bid value shall be the sum obtained by multiplying the estimated timber volumes by the prices given in Section 44 less the amount of the project work. Cash bid deposits shall be applied to the initial payment. Subsequent payments shall be made in advance of timber removal when log hauling begins. Each payment shall be made before the value of timber removed equals one-half an advance payment or within the time period stated on the billing if PURCHASER is more than one-half of a payment in advance. The amount of each advance payment shall be calculated by dividing the total estimated bid value less the initial payment by 9; with the total estimated bid value being the sum obtained by multiplying the estimated timber volumes by the prices given in Section 44 less the amount of the project work. STATE may accept partial payment, upon written request, if logging is inactive. However, the full amount of advance payment is paid before logging resumes. Partial payment must be sufficient to maintain a payment deposit equal to one-half of a regular advance payment. The total purchase price shall be calculated after all log scale is reported by multiplying prices in Section 44 by the scaled volume. STATE shall refund any advance payment in excess of the total price, or PURCHASER shall pay any deficit within 30 days of notice. PURCHASER's deposit account shall not accrue interest payable to PURCHASER.
Payment Calculation District shall pay Contractor at a rate of $ per . District shall pay Contractor as described in attached Exhibit A
Prompt Payment Schedule Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation or in Sections 504.4 and 504.5 of this Exhibit, the Date of Payment by NYSERDA of an amount properly due and owing under this Agreement shall be no later than thirty (30) calendar days, excluding legal holidays, after Receipt of a Proper Invoice.
Payment – Invoicing Instructions The Contractor will provide an invoice on the Contractor’s letterhead for goods delivered and/or services rendered. In the case of goods, the Contractor will leave an invoice with each delivery. Each invoice will have a number and will include the following information: A. Contractor’s name and address B. Contractor’s remittance address, if different from A above C. Contractor’s Taxpayer ID Number
Recovery Schedule If the initial schedule or any current updates fail to reflect the Work’s actual plan or method of operation, or a contractual milestone date is more than fifteen (15) days behind, Owner may require that a recovery schedule for completion of the remaining Work be submitted. The Recovery Schedule must be submitted within seven (7) calendar days of Owner’s request. The Recovery Schedule shall describe in detail Construction Contractor’s plan to complete the remaining Work by the required Contract milestone date. The Recovery Schedule submitted shall meet the same requirements as the original Construction Schedule. The narrative submitted with the Recovery Schedule should describe in detail all changes that have been made to meet the Contract milestone dates.
Final Invoice Within six months after completion of the construction of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and the System Upgrade Facilities and System Deliverability Upgrades, Connecting Transmission Owner shall provide an invoice of the final cost of the construction of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities and the System Upgrade Facilities and System Deliverability Upgrades, determined in accordance with Attachment S to the ISO OATT, and shall set forth such costs in sufficient detail to enable Developer to compare the actual costs with the estimates and to ascertain deviations, if any, from the cost estimates. Connecting Transmission Owner shall refund to Developer any amount by which the actual payment by Developer for estimated costs exceeds the actual costs of construction within thirty (30) Calendar Days of the issuance of such final construction invoice.
Delivery Schedule The Goods specified in the List of Goods are required to be delivered within the acceptable time range (after the earliest and before the final date, both dates inclusive) specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements. No credit will be given to deliveries before the earliest date, and Tenders offering delivery after the final date shall be treated as non-responsive. Within this acceptable period, an adjustment of [insert the adjustment factor], will be added, for evaluation purposes only, to the Tender price of Tenders offering deliveries later than the “Earliest Delivery Date” specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements.
Auction Schedule The Auction Agent shall conduct Auctions in accordance with the schedule set forth below. Such schedule may be changed by the Auction Agent with the consent of the Company, which consent shall not be withheld unreasonably. The Auction Agent shall give notice of any such change to each Broker-Dealer. Such notice shall be received prior to the first Auction Date on which any such change shall be effective. Time Event ---- ----- By 9:30 A.M. Auction Agent advises the Company and the Broker-Dealers of the Reference Rate and the Maximum Applicable Rate as set forth in Section 2.2(e)(i) hereof.
Shift Schedule The words "shift schedule" when used in this Agreement shall mean a timetable of the shifts and off days assigned to a position or group of positions which commences at the beginning of a pay period and includes one complete rotation of said shifts.