Prototal AB and Prototal PDS AB. All the Properties are well suited for, and of key importance to each of the Tenants. For more information regarding the Tenants, please refer to section 9 (The Tenants). The buildings in the Portfolio have a total lettable area amounting to approximately 104,500 sqm with a remaining lease term average of 14.2 years. In the following sections, the Portfolio is described in more detail. The assets are located alongside Swedish key transportation routes Source: the Company
Prototal AB and Prototal PDS AB. Prototal is a spin-off from Electrolux that develops customized prototypes in plastic and metal. The methods for plastic production include vacuum casting and 3D printing and the metal division comprises techniques such as flex forming, hydraulic pressing and laser cutting. Prototal enjoys a strong market position within the field of customized plastic and metal prototypes thanks to its wide range of products compared to its competitors. Prototal PDS AB (Lidköping and Götene) is a subsidiary to Prototal AB (Jönköping) and manufactures customized plastic prototypes both in large and small volumes and long and short production cycles. The large and standardized production in Götene, and the small and customized production in Lidköping. Examples of productions; specialized/standardized prostheses and pedals/panels for the automotive industry etc. The management intends to optimize the synergies between Prototals’ sites as well as the plastic and steel division.