Quality Acceptance. Preserve the plants in a healthy growing condition and keep plants moist, particularly during drought conditions (no rain for any two-week period). The acceptability of the plant material planted and maintained as specified will be determined at the end of an establishment period. The plant establishment period is the period from the last planting specified in Subsection 702.3.05.B until the following October 1. Plant all plants in one planting season unless otherwise approved by Engineer.
Quality Acceptance. General Provisions 101 through 150.
Quality Acceptance. A: Thickness Verification Ensure that the overlay is at least 3/8” (9.5mm) thick as measured from the concrete substrate to the top of the polymer at three random locations for every 1000 yd2 (830 m2) of surface area. Recoat thin areas as described above and re-verify thickness at no additional cost to the Department. This verification may consist of cores, holes, etc., but in all cases repair any areas tested to destruction before final acceptance. In thin areas that have been recoated to obtain the required minimum thickness, the Engineer may require additional adhesion strength tests in accordance with ACI 503R-29 to verify the Contractor’s procedure for recoating existing overlay.
Quality Acceptance. General Provisions 101 through 150. 999.3.07 Contractor Warranty and Maintenance General Provisions 101 through 150. 999.4 Measurement
Quality Acceptance. The Department will determine acceptance and provide PA based on the following:
Quality Acceptance. A. Testing Schedule Submit a testing schedule to the Quality Assurance Branch Chief with the Office of Materials & Testing a minimum of three weeks prior to any testing being conducted on the project. The schedule shall be updated and resubmitted a maximum of every 14 calendar days or sooner if needed.
Quality Acceptance. Before Final Acceptance of the Work, clean drainage structures within the project limits, both existing and newly constructed, and ensure that they are functioning properly. Costs to accomplish this work are incidental and shall be included in the overall bid for the Contract.
Quality Acceptance. Certification from the manufacturer, showing that the carbon fiber installation conforms to their requirements, is required in accordance with Subsection 106.05 of the Specifications. Transfer to the Department the manufacturer's five-year warranty on each installation. In addition to other causes, adhesive failure of the material supplied, delamination of the reinforcing fabric, or material failure due to weathering or UV deterioration are just cause for a warranty claim.
Quality Acceptance. A. Plane the Deck Schedule the ride quality test at least 5 days before needed by contacting the Office of Materials and Tests – Concrete Branch. Ensure that the area to be tested is clean and clear of obstructions. When possible, delay expansion joint installation and temporarily bridge the joint to operate Lightweight Profiler and planing equipment across the joint.
Quality Acceptance. Provide a fine-milled test section of a minimum of 400 feet in length for approval by the Engineer to ensure the fine milling operation provides a surface texture suitable as a temporary riding surface using a fine milling drum with adequate bit spacing and wrap configuration and proper forward cutting speed. Ensure the fine-milling operation produces a uniform pavement texture true to line, grade, and cross section. Fine-mill additional depth to eliminate excessive scabbing of the in place material as directed by the Engineer. Fine-milled pavement surfaces are subject to visual and straightedge inspections. Ensure a 10 ft. straightedge is kept at the fine-milling operation to measure surface irregularities of the milled pavement surface. Ensure the cross slope is uniform and no depressions or slope misalignments greater than 1/4 inch per 12 ft exist when the slope is tested with a straightedge placed perpendicular to the center line. Measurement and Payment Fine Milling will be measured and paid as the actual number of square yards of pavement surface milled in accordance with this Specification. In measuring this quantity, the length will be the actual length milled, measured along the pavement surface. The width will be the width required by the plans or directed, measured along the pavement surface. Such price and payment will be full compensation for furnishing equipment, fine-milling, hauling, stockpiling milled material, and satisfactorily performing the work. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit 1 ½” Fine Milling Square Yard ASPHALT BINDER CONTENT OF ASPHALT PLANT MIXES: (11-21-00) (Rev. 7-17-12) 609 SP6 R15 The approximate asphalt binder content of the asphalt concrete plant mixtures used on this project will be as follows: Asphalt Concrete Base Course Type B 25.0 4.4% Asphalt Concrete Intermediate Course Type I 19.0 4.8% Asphalt Concrete Surface Course Type S 4.75A 6.8% Asphalt Concrete Surface Course Type SA-1 6.8% Asphalt Concrete Surface Course Type SF 9.5A 6.7% Asphalt Concrete Surface Course Type S 9.5 6.0% Asphalt Concrete Surface Course Type S 12.5 5.6% The actual asphalt binder content will be established during construction by the Engineer within the limits established in the 2012 Standard Specifications.