RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. This amendment will be adding RAC Systems Development funds in the amount of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND EIGHTY-THREE DOLLARS ($124,083.00) to the total amount of the Contract for the performance of RAC Systems Development activities as specified in the Statement of Work. As the RAC Systems Development funding has not yet been secured, no RAC Systems Development activities should be performed and no funding requests should be made until Grantee receives a “Notice To Proceed” from the System Agency. The amount added by this amendment for RAC Systems Development activities represents a not-to-exceed amount and the exact amount of the funding available for RAC Systems Development will be specified in the “Notice To Proceed” and may be less than the amount stated above. If the “Notice To Proceed” has not been issued by September 30, 2019, the RAC Systems Development allocation will not be funded. Grantee will: 1. Perform activities to develop, implement, and monitor a regional EMS and trauma system plan by facilitating trauma and emergency health care system networking within the Grantee’s own TSA or among a group of TSAs throughout Texas; 2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations established at federal and state levels as these regulations now appear or may be amended during the period of this Contract. Standards and guidelines referenced are those in effect at the beginning date of this Contract and include: a. Texas Health and Safety Code §§780.003-6; b. Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 773; c. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code §§ 157.123, 157.130 and 157.131; d. Texas Health and Safety Code §§241.182-185; e. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter J; and f. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter K; 3. Assist DSHS, as requested, in identifying critical evacuation issues for Texas hospitals and EMS providers; 4. Participate in state and regional post-incident review activities as requested; 5. Ensure the RAC Chair, or a RAC Executive Board member, and the person completing the Supporting Documentation Reports submitted to DSHS attend any scheduled meetings with the DSHS Program and CMS staff regarding the review of regional system development activities and contractual requirements. DSHS may require the Grantee to travel to Austin, Texas, to attend a meeting; 6. Support the Perinatal Care Region (PCR) within the Grantee’s TSA for descriptive a. Administratively support PCR; b. Ensure the PCR members have fair and equitable representation on the RAC Board; c. The PCR will consider and facilitate transfer agreements through regional coordination; and d. Annually review the written plan to identify all resources available within the PCR for perinatal care including resources for emergency and disaster preparedness, and submit upon request; 7. Ensure the following requirements are in Xxxxxxx's RAC bylaws and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or comparable document. The document must be submitted to DSHS for review and approval: a. An election process, roles and responsibilities, terms of offices, and process for succession and removal of RAC Executive Board members and RAC officers; b. A clearly defined process where the Grantee’s Executive Director (ED) or equivalent position that is employed by the Grantee and the RAC Board participate in the approval of the spending plan and expenditures that are to be presented to the general membership; c. DSHS meeting attendance requirements for the RAC Chair and/or an Executive Board member to attend the mandatory RAC Chair meetings in February and August. The bylaws must also specifically include a defined process that discloses and addresses the mandatory attendance requirement to ensure compliance and addresses the removal of the RAC Chair and/or Executive Board member from office for failure to attend the mandatory meetings without prior written DSHS approval; d. A defined process that discloses and addresses all possible conflicts of interest for the RAC Executive Board members, RAC officers, and RAC staff with potential vendors; e. Clearly defined participation requirements for designated hospitals and EMS providers that collectively ensure ongoing regional review of resources, processes, DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry-derived (at minimum) outcome data, and system Performance Improvement meetings; f. A requirement to have job descriptions for each staff person, whether contracted or employed by the Grantee; g. An annual evaluation requirement of staff using pre-determined performance standards related to the responsibilities in the respective job descriptions; and h. The establishment and maintenance of a website for public access to include current information, but not be limited to: i. RAC physical address; ii. RAC hours of operation; iii. Executive Board officers, RAC officers, and staff contact information; iv. RAC meetings (general and special); v. Educational opportunities; and vi. Regional system development activities; 8. Adhere to the following programmatic allowable costs: a. The following eligible expenses are considered programmatic costs. These include but are not limited to: i. Supplies/equipment and costs of personnel for EMS and injury prevention and/or education programs; ii. Costs of personnel, supplies and equipment to conduct trauma- related courses (Trauma Nursing Core Course, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Basic Trauma Life Support, etc.); iii. Updating and sharing with the RAC general membership the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan; iv. Education of the public or trauma care providers about the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan; v. Expenditures or grants to entities related to the delivery of trauma patient care and/or expediting the implementation of the Texas EMS/Trauma System; vi. System PI meetings, newsletters, regional registry, regional communication systems; and vii. Associated travel and registration fees for RAC staff to attend meetings/conferences related to EMS/Trauma Systems; 9. Comply with the following funding restrictions: a. Buildings or real property without prior written approval from DSHS. Any costs related to the initial acquisition of the buildings or real property are not allowable without prior written approval; and b. Expenses associated with membership in business, technical, and professional organizations involved in lobbying are not allowable expenses under this Contract; however, if an organization is not involved in lobbying and the Grantee can demonstrate how membership in a professional/technical organization benefits the DSHS program(s), cost of membership may be allowed with prior approval from DSHS; 10. Comply with the following non-allowable costs: a. Food (the cost of meals for RAC staff or RAC board members attending meetings and/or conferences that pertain to carrying out activities under the Contract where there is dissemination of technical information is allowable); b. Land; c. Investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.); and d. No more than 20% of the RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT funds allocated amount may be utilized for administrative costs. Administrative costs are defined as those costs related to the business of the RAC. These include, but may not be limited to: i. Personnel, rent, utilities, office expense (postage, copying, phone), leased office equipment and supplies, mailboxes; ii. Travel to and from required statewide meetings including lodging for the Executive Director (or equivalent) and RAC Executive Board members; iii. Training related to the business functions of the RAC (financial and grant writing, etc.); iv. Professional services (accountant, attorney, auditor); v. Internet access, furniture, and travel for above-mentioned costs; and vi. Costs associated with the administration of the EMS/COUNTY program are allowable expenses under this Contract; 11. Submit Supporting Documentation Reports which capture monthly expenditures (i.e., Personnel, Fringe, Travel, Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other, and Indirect Costs) as well as programmatic and administrative costs, and program income earned from funds directly associated with this program (i.e., fees or co- pays for services performed, income from the sale of items or services, registration fees collected, etc.). Rebates, refunds, discounts, and adjustments/credits should be treated as applicable credits and not as program income. If supporting documentation is incomplete, it may result in a delay in associated payment; 12. Convene at a minimum, three (3) general membership meetings and provide during the meeting a financial report, which includes funds expended, planned expenditures, and remaining balance. Submit a copy of the financial report and agenda to DSHS. The financial report due dates are as listed on the current Deliverables Reporting Calendar. A general membership meeting should be held within the following time frames: a. September 1 to December 31; b. January 1 to April 30; and c. May 1 to August 31; 13. Submit Final Expenditures and Reports to DSHS. The final reports shall consist of the following: a. An Annual Report, on the template provided by DSHS, located at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/emstraumasystems/formsresources.shtm, of the Grantee’s activities to include: i. Evidence of the uses of the most recently completed year regional injury mortality and morbidity data, from the DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry used in developing the annual needs assessment, as well as a copy of the current Regional Trauma System Plan; ii. Documentation of training to enhance trauma care provided to all entities on the Regional Trauma System Plan; iii. Results of the annual needs assessment; and iv. Evidence of ongoing system PI; b. An Annual Participation Report which includes a list of participation on regional local committees for development/maturation of the regional system for the following: i. Designated hospitals and hospitals seeking designation; ii. EMS providers; iii. Recognized First Responder Organizations; and iv. Any other stakeholders; c. A Final Supporting Documentation Report that includes September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2020, expenditures; and d. A Final Narrative describing specifically how the funds were utilized to enhance and improve the delivery of EMS and trauma patient care in the region served; 14. Review DSHS’ Grant Technical Assistance Guide (GTAG) located online at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/contracts/gtag.aspx. Grantee will maintain as part of its accounting records and prepare to submit to DSHS within 14 days upon request, the following source documents to support expenditures identified in the Supporting Documentation Reports: a. A detailed general ledger specific to this program that identifies and reconciles to costs reported in the Supporting Documentation Reports; b. Timesheets or other record of actual hours worked that reflect an after-the- fact distribution of the actual time spent on each activity, or documentation to support compliance with a substitute timekeeping system previously accepted by DSHS; c. A payroll register, or similar report, that reflects 100% of the gross pay for employees charged to the Contract; d. A labor distribution report, or similar document, that reflects the portion of an employee’s gross pay charged to the Contract; e. Vendor invoices for health, dental and similar fringe benefits; quarterly payroll tax reports for Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and unemployment; and any other pertinent information necessary to support fringe benefits charged to the Contract; f. Travel expense reports (including hotel bills and other applicable receipts) and/or mileage logs and the RAC Travel Policy to support travel costs charged to the Contract; g. Purchase orders, invoices, receiving reports, and any other pertinent source documents for expenses charged to the Contract in the Equipment, Supplies, and Other categories; h. Reimbursement requests, vouchers, or invoices to support costs charged to the Contractual category; i. Evidence of programmatic and financial monitoring efforts (i.e., review/analysis of supporting documentation, reconciliation of costs to general xxxxxx, reports, etc.) on reimbursed subgrantees; and j. Records to support the amount of program income earned from funds directly associated with this program; 15. Comply with the reporting requirements on the most recent Deliverables Reporting Calendar, which will be emailed to Grantee no later than thirty (30) days from the start of the Contract term and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Deliverables Reporting Calendar will include deadlines for all deliverables described herein; and 16. Submit all above reports/deliverables to XXXXxx.xxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx and Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Emergency Medical Services (Ems)/County (Co) Regional Advisory Council (Rac) Contract
RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. This amendment will be adding RAC Systems Development funds in the amount of ONE HUNDRED TWENTYTHIRTY-FOUR FIVE THOUSAND EIGHTY-THREE SIX HUNDRED TEN DOLLARS ($124,083.00135,610.00) to the total amount of the Contract for the performance of RAC Systems Development activities as specified in the Statement of Work. As the RAC Systems Development funding has not yet been secured, no RAC Systems Development activities should be performed and no funding requests should be made until Grantee receives a “Notice To Proceed” from the System Agency. The amount added by this amendment for RAC Systems Development activities represents a not-to-exceed amount and the exact amount of the funding available for RAC Systems Development will be specified in the “Notice To Proceed” and may be less than the amount stated above. If the “Notice To Proceed” has not been issued by September 30, 2019, the RAC Systems Development allocation will not be funded. Grantee will:
1. Perform activities to develop, implement, and monitor a regional EMS and trauma system plan by facilitating trauma and emergency health care system networking within the Grantee’s own TSA or among a group of TSAs throughout Texas;
2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations established at federal and state levels as these regulations now appear or may be amended during the period of this Contract. Standards and guidelines referenced are those in effect at the beginning date of this Contract and include:
a. Texas Health and Safety Code §§780.003-6;
b. Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 773;
c. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code §§ 157.123, 157.130 and 157.131;
d. Texas Health and Safety Code §§241.182-185;
e. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter J; and
f. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter K;
3. Assist DSHS, as requested, in identifying critical evacuation issues for Texas hospitals and EMS providers;
4. Participate in state and regional post-incident review activities as requested;
5. Ensure the RAC Chair, or a RAC Executive Board member, and the person completing the Supporting Documentation Reports submitted to DSHS attend any scheduled meetings with the DSHS Program and CMS staff regarding the review of regional system development activities and contractual requirements. DSHS may require the Grantee to travel to Austin, Texas, to attend a meeting;
6. Support the Perinatal Care Region (PCR) within the Grantee’s TSA for descriptive
a. Administratively support PCR;
b. Ensure the PCR members have fair and equitable representation on the RAC Board;
c. The PCR will consider and facilitate transfer agreements through regional coordination; and
d. Annually review the written plan to identify all resources available within the PCR for perinatal care including resources for emergency and disaster preparedness, and submit upon request;
7. Ensure the following requirements are in Xxxxxxx's RAC bylaws and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or comparable document. The document must be submitted to DSHS for review and approval:
a. An election process, roles and responsibilities, terms of offices, and process for succession and removal of RAC Executive Board members and RAC officers;
b. A clearly defined process where the Grantee’s Executive Director (ED) or equivalent position that is employed by the Grantee and the RAC Board participate in the approval of the spending plan and expenditures that are to be presented to the general membership;
c. DSHS meeting attendance requirements for the RAC Chair and/or an Executive Board member to attend the mandatory RAC Chair meetings in February and August. The bylaws must also specifically include a defined process that discloses and addresses the mandatory attendance requirement to ensure compliance and addresses the removal of the RAC Chair and/or Executive Board member from office for failure to attend the mandatory meetings without prior written DSHS approval;
d. A defined process that discloses and addresses all possible conflicts of interest for the RAC Executive Board members, RAC officers, and RAC staff with potential vendors;
e. Clearly defined participation requirements for designated hospitals and EMS providers that collectively ensure ongoing regional review of resources, processes, DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry-derived (at minimum) outcome data, and system Performance Improvement meetings;
f. A requirement to have job descriptions for each staff person, whether contracted or employed by the Grantee;
g. An annual evaluation requirement of staff using pre-determined performance standards related to the responsibilities in the respective job descriptions; and
h. The establishment and maintenance of a website for public access to include current information, but not be limited to:
i. RAC physical address;
ii. RAC hours of operation;
iii. Executive Board officers, RAC officers, and staff contact information;
iv. RAC meetings (general and special);
v. Educational opportunities; and
vi. Regional system development activities;
8. Adhere to the following programmatic allowable costs:
a. The following eligible expenses are considered programmatic costs. These include but are not limited to:
i. Supplies/equipment and costs of personnel for EMS and injury prevention and/or education programs;
ii. Costs of personnel, supplies and equipment to conduct trauma- related courses (Trauma Nursing Core Course, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Basic Trauma Life Support, etc.);
iii. Updating and sharing with the RAC general membership the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
iv. Education of the public or trauma care providers about the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
v. Expenditures or grants to entities related to the delivery of trauma patient care and/or expediting the implementation of the Texas EMS/Trauma System;
vi. System PI meetings, newsletters, regional registry, regional communication systems; and
vii. Associated travel and registration fees for RAC staff to attend meetings/conferences related to EMS/Trauma Systems;
9. Comply with the following funding restrictions:
a. Buildings or real property without prior written approval from DSHS. Any costs related to the initial acquisition of the buildings or real property are not allowable without prior written approval; and
b. Expenses associated with membership in business, technical, and professional organizations involved in lobbying are not allowable expenses under this Contract; however, if an organization is not involved in lobbying and the Grantee can demonstrate how membership in a professional/technical organization benefits the DSHS program(s), cost of membership may be allowed with prior approval from DSHS;
10. Comply with the following non-allowable costs:
a. Food (the cost of meals for RAC staff or RAC board members attending meetings and/or conferences that pertain to carrying out activities under the Contract where there is dissemination of technical information is allowable);
b. Land;
c. Investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.); and
d. No more than 20% of the RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT funds allocated amount may be utilized for administrative costs. Administrative costs are defined as those costs related to the business of the RAC. These include, but may not be limited to:
i. Personnel, rent, utilities, office expense (postage, copying, phone), leased office equipment and supplies, mailboxes;
ii. Travel to and from required statewide meetings including lodging for the Executive Director (or equivalent) and RAC Executive Board members;
iii. Training related to the business functions of the RAC (financial and grant writing, etc.);
iv. Professional services (accountant, attorney, auditor);
v. Internet access, furniture, and travel for above-mentioned costs; and
vi. Costs associated with the administration of the EMS/COUNTY program are allowable expenses under this Contract;
11. Submit Supporting Documentation Reports which capture monthly expenditures (i.e., Personnel, Fringe, Travel, Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other, and Indirect Costs) as well as programmatic and administrative costs, and program income earned from funds directly associated with this program (i.e., fees or co- pays for services performed, income from the sale of items or services, registration fees collected, etc.). Rebates, refunds, discounts, and adjustments/credits should be treated as applicable credits and not as program income. If supporting documentation is incomplete, it may result in a delay in associated payment;
12. Convene at a minimum, three (3) general membership meetings and provide during the meeting a financial report, which includes funds expended, planned expenditures, and remaining balance. Submit a copy of the financial report and agenda to DSHS. The financial report due dates are as listed on the current Deliverables Reporting Calendar. A general membership meeting should be held within the following time frames:
a. September 1 to December 31;
b. January 1 to April 30; and
c. May 1 to August 31;
13. Submit Final Expenditures and Reports to DSHS. The final reports shall consist of the following:
a. An Annual Report, on the template provided by DSHS, located at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/emstraumasystems/formsresources.shtm, of the Grantee’s activities to include:
i. Evidence of the uses of the most recently completed year regional injury mortality and morbidity data, from the DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry used in developing the annual needs assessment, as well as a copy of the current Regional Trauma System Plan;
ii. Documentation of training to enhance trauma care provided to all entities on the Regional Trauma System Plan;
iii. Results of the annual needs assessment; and
iv. Evidence of ongoing system PI;
b. An Annual Participation Report which includes a list of participation on regional local committees for development/maturation of the regional system for the following:
i. Designated hospitals and hospitals seeking designation;
ii. EMS providers;
iii. Recognized First Responder Organizations; and
iv. Any other stakeholders;
c. A Final Supporting Documentation Report that includes September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2020, expenditures; and
d. A Final Narrative describing specifically how the funds were utilized to enhance and improve the delivery of EMS and trauma patient care in the region served;
14. Review DSHS’ Grant Technical Assistance Guide (GTAG) located online at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/contracts/gtag.aspx. Grantee will maintain as part of its accounting records and prepare to submit to DSHS within 14 days upon request, the following source documents to support expenditures identified in the Supporting Documentation Reports:
a. A detailed general ledger specific to this program that identifies and reconciles to costs reported in the Supporting Documentation Reports;
b. Timesheets or other record of actual hours worked that reflect an after-the- fact distribution of the actual time spent on each activity, or documentation to support compliance with a substitute timekeeping system previously accepted by DSHS;
c. A payroll register, or similar report, that reflects 100% of the gross pay for employees charged to the Contract;
d. A labor distribution report, or similar document, that reflects the portion of an employee’s gross pay charged to the Contract;
e. Vendor invoices for health, dental and similar fringe benefits; quarterly payroll tax reports for Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and unemployment; and any other pertinent information necessary to support fringe benefits charged to the Contract;
f. Travel expense reports (including hotel bills and other applicable receipts) and/or mileage logs and the RAC Travel Policy to support travel costs charged to the Contract;
g. Purchase orders, invoices, receiving reports, and any other pertinent source documents for expenses charged to the Contract in the Equipment, Supplies, and Other categories;
h. Reimbursement requests, vouchers, or invoices to support costs charged to the Contractual category;
i. Evidence of programmatic and financial monitoring efforts (i.e., review/analysis of supporting documentation, reconciliation of costs to general xxxxxx, reports, etc.) on reimbursed subgrantees; and
j. Records to support the amount of program income earned from funds directly associated with this program;
15. Comply with the reporting requirements on the most recent Deliverables Reporting Calendar, which will be emailed to Grantee no later than thirty (30) days from the start of the Contract term and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Deliverables Reporting Calendar will include deadlines for all deliverables described herein; and
16. Submit all above reports/deliverables to XXXXxx.xxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx and Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Emergency Medical Services (Ems)/County (Co) Regional Advisory Council (Rac) Contract
RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. This amendment will be adding RAC Systems Development funds in the amount of ONE HUNDRED TWENTYTHIRTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND EIGHTY-THREE SIX DOLLARS ($124,083.00130,496.00) to the total amount of the Contract for the performance of RAC Systems Development activities as specified in the Statement of Work. As the RAC Systems Development funding has not yet been secured, no RAC Systems Development activities should be performed and no funding requests should be made until Grantee receives a “Notice To Proceed” from the System Agency. The amount added by this amendment for RAC Systems Development activities represents a not-to-exceed amount and the exact amount of the funding available for RAC Systems Development will be specified in the “Notice To Proceed” and may be less than the amount stated above. If the “Notice To Proceed” has not been issued by September 30, 2019, the RAC Systems Development allocation will not be funded. Grantee will:
1. Perform activities to develop, implement, and monitor a regional EMS and trauma system plan by facilitating trauma and emergency health care system networking within the Grantee’s own TSA or among a group of TSAs throughout Texas;
2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations established at federal and state levels as these regulations now appear or may be amended during the period of this Contract. Standards and guidelines referenced are those in effect at the beginning date of this Contract and include:
a. Texas Health and Safety Code §§780.003-6;
b. Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 773;
c. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code §§ 157.123, 157.130 and 157.131;
d. Texas Health and Safety Code §§241.182-185;
e. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter J; and
f. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter K;
3. Assist DSHS, as requested, in identifying critical evacuation issues for Texas hospitals and EMS providers;
4. Participate in state and regional post-incident review activities as requested;
5. Ensure the RAC Chair, or a RAC Executive Board member, and the person completing the Supporting Documentation Reports submitted to DSHS attend any scheduled meetings with the DSHS Program and CMS staff regarding the review of regional system development activities and contractual requirements. DSHS may require the Grantee to travel to Austin, Texas, to attend a meeting;
6. Support the Perinatal Care Region (PCR) within the Grantee’s TSA for descriptive
a. Administratively support PCR;
b. Ensure the PCR members have fair and equitable representation on the RAC Board;
c. The PCR will consider and facilitate transfer agreements through regional coordination; and
d. Annually review the written plan to identify all resources available within the PCR for perinatal care including resources for emergency and disaster preparedness, and submit upon request;
7. Ensure the following requirements are in XxxxxxxGrantee's RAC bylaws and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or comparable document. The document must be submitted to DSHS for review and approval:
a. An election process, roles and responsibilities, terms of offices, and process for succession and removal of RAC Executive Board members and RAC officers;
b. A clearly defined process where the Grantee’s Executive Director (ED) or equivalent position that is employed by the Grantee and the RAC Board participate in the approval of the spending plan and expenditures that are to be presented to the general membership;
c. DSHS meeting attendance requirements for the RAC Chair and/or an Executive Board member to attend the mandatory RAC Chair meetings in February and August. The bylaws must also specifically include a defined process that discloses and addresses the mandatory attendance requirement to ensure compliance and addresses the removal of the RAC Chair and/or Executive Board member from office for failure to attend the mandatory meetings without prior written DSHS approval;
d. A defined process that discloses and addresses all possible conflicts of interest for the RAC Executive Board members, RAC officers, and RAC staff with potential vendors;
e. Clearly defined participation requirements for designated hospitals and EMS providers that collectively ensure ongoing regional review of resources, processes, DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry-derived (at minimum) outcome data, and system Performance Improvement meetings;
f. A requirement to have job descriptions for each staff person, whether contracted or employed by the Grantee;
g. An annual evaluation requirement of staff using pre-determined performance standards related to the responsibilities in the respective job descriptions; and
h. The establishment and maintenance of a website for public access to include current information, but not be limited to:
i. RAC physical address;
ii. RAC hours of operation;
iii. Executive Board officers, RAC officers, and staff contact information;
iv. RAC meetings (general and special);
v. Educational opportunities; and
vi. Regional system development activities;
8. Adhere to the following programmatic allowable costs:
a. The following eligible expenses are considered programmatic costs. These include but are not limited to:
i. Supplies/equipment and costs of personnel for EMS and injury prevention and/or education programs;
ii. Costs of personnel, supplies and equipment to conduct trauma- related courses (Trauma Nursing Core Course, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Basic Trauma Life Support, etc.);
iii. Updating and sharing with the RAC general membership the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
iv. Education of the public or trauma care providers about the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
v. Expenditures or grants to entities related to the delivery of trauma patient care and/or expediting the implementation of the Texas EMS/Trauma System;
vi. System PI meetings, newsletters, regional registry, regional communication systems; and
vii. Associated travel and registration fees for RAC staff to attend meetings/conferences related to EMS/Trauma Systems;
9. Comply with the following funding restrictions:
a. Buildings or real property without prior written approval from DSHS. Any costs related to the initial acquisition of the buildings or real property are not allowable without prior written approval; and
b. Expenses associated with membership in business, technical, and professional organizations involved in lobbying are not allowable expenses under this Contract; however, if an organization is not involved in lobbying and the Grantee can demonstrate how membership in a professional/technical organization benefits the DSHS program(s), cost of membership may be allowed with prior approval from DSHS;
10. Comply with the following non-allowable costs:
a. Food (the cost of meals for RAC staff or RAC board members attending meetings and/or conferences that pertain to carrying out activities under the Contract where there is dissemination of technical information is allowable);
b. Land;
c. Investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.); and
d. No more than 20% of the RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT funds allocated amount may be utilized for administrative costs. Administrative costs are defined as those costs related to the business of the RAC. These include, but may not be limited to:
i. Personnel, rent, utilities, office expense (postage, copying, phone), leased office equipment and supplies, mailboxes;
ii. Travel to and from required statewide meetings including lodging for the Executive Director (or equivalent) and RAC Executive Board members;
iii. Training related to the business functions of the RAC (financial and grant writing, etc.);
iv. Professional services (accountant, attorney, auditor);
v. Internet access, furniture, and travel for above-mentioned costs; and
vi. Costs associated with the administration of the EMS/COUNTY program are allowable expenses under this Contract;
11. Submit Supporting Documentation Reports which capture monthly expenditures (i.e., Personnel, Fringe, Travel, Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other, and Indirect Costs) as well as programmatic and administrative costs, and program income earned from funds directly associated with this program (i.e., fees or co- pays for services performed, income from the sale of items or services, registration fees collected, etc.). Rebates, refunds, discounts, and adjustments/credits should be treated as applicable credits and not as program income. If supporting documentation is incomplete, it may result in a delay in associated payment;
12. Convene at a minimum, three (3) general membership meetings and provide during the meeting a financial report, which includes funds expended, planned expenditures, and remaining balance. Submit a copy of the financial report and agenda to DSHS. The financial report due dates are as listed on the current Deliverables Reporting Calendar. A general membership meeting should be held within the following time frames:
a. September 1 to December 31;
b. January 1 to April 30; and
c. May 1 to August 31;
13. Submit Final Expenditures and Reports to DSHS. The final reports shall consist of the following:
a. An Annual Report, on the template provided by DSHS, located at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/emstraumasystems/formsresources.shtm, of the Grantee’s activities to include:
i. Evidence of the uses of the most recently completed year regional injury mortality and morbidity data, from the DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry used in developing the annual needs assessment, as well as a copy of the current Regional Trauma System Plan;
ii. Documentation of training to enhance trauma care provided to all entities on the Regional Trauma System Plan;
iii. Results of the annual needs assessment; and
iv. Evidence of ongoing system PI;
b. An Annual Participation Report which includes a list of participation on regional local committees for development/maturation of the regional system for the following:
i. Designated hospitals and hospitals seeking designation;
ii. EMS providers;
iii. Recognized First Responder Organizations; and
iv. Any other stakeholders;
c. A Final Supporting Documentation Report that includes September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2020, expenditures; and
d. A Final Narrative describing specifically how the funds were utilized to enhance and improve the delivery of EMS and trauma patient care in the region served;
14. Review DSHS’ Grant Technical Assistance Guide (GTAG) located online at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/contracts/gtag.aspx. Grantee will maintain as part of its accounting records and prepare to submit to DSHS within 14 days upon request, the following source documents to support expenditures identified in the Supporting Documentation Reports:
a. A detailed general ledger specific to this program that identifies and reconciles to costs reported in the Supporting Documentation Reports;
b. Timesheets or other record of actual hours worked that reflect an after-the- fact distribution of the actual time spent on each activity, or documentation to support compliance with a substitute timekeeping system previously accepted by DSHS;
c. A payroll register, or similar report, that reflects 100% of the gross pay for employees charged to the Contract;
d. A labor distribution report, or similar document, that reflects the portion of an employee’s gross pay charged to the Contract;
e. Vendor invoices for health, dental and similar fringe benefits; quarterly payroll tax reports for Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and unemployment; and any other pertinent information necessary to support fringe benefits charged to the Contract;
f. Travel expense reports (including hotel bills and other applicable receipts) and/or mileage logs and the RAC Travel Policy to support travel costs charged to the Contract;
g. Purchase orders, invoices, receiving reports, and any other pertinent source documents for expenses charged to the Contract in the Equipment, Supplies, and Other categories;
h. Reimbursement requests, vouchers, or invoices to support costs charged to the Contractual category;
i. Evidence of programmatic and financial monitoring efforts (i.e., review/analysis of supporting documentation, reconciliation of costs to general xxxxxxledger, reports, etc.) on reimbursed subgrantees; and
j. Records to support the amount of program income earned from funds directly associated with this program;
15. Comply with the reporting requirements on the most recent Deliverables Reporting Calendar, which will be emailed to Grantee no later than thirty (30) days from the start of the Contract term and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Deliverables Reporting Calendar will include deadlines for all deliverables described herein; and
16. Submit all above reports/deliverables to XXXXxx.xxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx and Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Emergency Medical Services (Ems)/County (Co) Regional Advisory Council (Rac) Contract
RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. This amendment will be adding RAC Systems Development funds in the amount of ONE HUNDRED TWENTYFIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND EIGHTYTHIRTY-THREE FIVE DOLLARS ($124,083.00) 154,035.00 to the total amount of the Contract for the performance of RAC Systems Development activities as specified in the Statement of Work. As the RAC Systems Development funding has not yet been secured, no RAC Systems Development activities should be performed and no funding requests should be made until Grantee receives you receive a “Notice To Proceed” from the System Agency. The amount added by this amendment for RAC Systems Development activities represents a not-to-exceed amount and the exact amount of the funding available for RAC Systems Development will be specified in the “Notice To Proceed” and may be less than the amount stated above. If the “Notice To Proceed” has not been issued by September 30, 2019, the RAC Systems Development allocation will not be funded. Grantee will:
1. Perform activities to develop, implement, and monitor a regional EMS and trauma system plan by facilitating trauma and emergency health care system networking within the Grantee’s own TSA or among a group of TSAs throughout Texas;
2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations established at federal and state levels as these regulations now appear or may be amended during the period of this Contract. Standards and guidelines referenced are those in effect at the beginning date of this Contract and include:
a. Texas Health and Safety Code §§780.003-6;
b. Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 773;
c. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code §§ 157.123, 157.130 and 157.131;
d. Texas Health and Safety Code §§241.182-185;
e. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter J; and
f. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter K;
3. Assist DSHS, as requested, in identifying critical evacuation issues for Texas hospitals and EMS providers;
4. Participate in state and regional post-incident review activities as requested;
5. Ensure the RAC Chair, or a RAC Executive Board member, and the person completing the Supporting Documentation Reports submitted to DSHS attend any scheduled meetings with the DSHS Program and CMS staff regarding the review of regional system development activities and contractual requirements. DSHS may require the Grantee to travel to Austin, Texas, to attend a meeting;
6. Support the Perinatal Care Region (PCR) within the Grantee’s TSA for descriptivedescriptive and regional planning purposes and not to restrict patient referral:
a. Administratively support PCR;
b. Ensure the PCR members have fair and equitable representation on the RAC Board;
c. The PCR will consider and facilitate transfer agreements through regional coordination; and
d. Annually review the written plan to identify all resources available within the PCR for perinatal care including resources for emergency and disaster preparedness, and submit upon request;
7. Ensure the following requirements are in Xxxxxxx's RAC bylaws and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or comparable document. The document must be submitted to DSHS for review and approval:
a. An election process, roles and responsibilities, terms of offices, and process for succession and removal of RAC Executive Board members and RAC officers;
b. A clearly defined process where the Grantee’s Executive Director (ED) or equivalent position that is employed by the Grantee and the RAC Board participate in the approval of the spending plan and expenditures that are to be presented to the general membership;
c. DSHS meeting attendance requirements for the RAC Chair and/or an Executive Board member to attend the mandatory RAC Chair meetings in February and August. The bylaws must also specifically include a defined process that discloses and addresses the mandatory attendance requirement to ensure compliance and addresses the removal of the RAC Chair and/or Executive Board member from office for failure to attend the mandatory meetings without prior written DSHS approval;
d. A defined process that discloses and addresses all possible conflicts of interest for the RAC Executive Board members, RAC officers, and RAC staff with potential vendors;
e. Clearly defined participation requirements for designated hospitals and EMS providers that collectively ensure ongoing regional review of resources, processes, DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry-derived (at minimum) outcome data, and system Performance Improvement meetings;
f. A requirement to have job descriptions for each staff person, whether contracted or employed by the Grantee;
g. An annual evaluation requirement of staff using pre-determined performance standards related to the responsibilities in the respective job descriptions; and
h. The establishment and maintenance of a website for public access to include current information, but not be limited to:
i. RAC physical address;
ii. RAC hours of operation;
iii. Executive Board officers, RAC officers, and staff contact information;
iv. RAC meetings (general and special);
v. Educational opportunities; and
vi. Regional system development activities;
8. Adhere to the following programmatic allowable costs:
a. The following eligible expenses are considered programmatic costs. These include but are not limited to:
i. Supplies/equipment and costs of personnel for EMS and injury prevention and/or education programs;
ii. Costs of personnel, supplies and equipment to conduct trauma- related courses (Trauma Nursing Core Course, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Basic Trauma Life Support, etc.);
iii. Updating and sharing with the RAC general membership the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
iv. Education of the public or trauma care providers about the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
v. Expenditures or grants to entities related to the delivery of trauma patient care and/or expediting the implementation of the Texas EMS/Trauma System;
vi. System PI meetings, newsletters, regional registry, regional communication systems; and
vii. Associated travel and registration fees for RAC staff to attend meetings/conferences related to EMS/Trauma Systems;
9. Comply with the following funding restrictions:
a. Buildings or real property without prior written approval from DSHS. Any costs related to the initial acquisition of the buildings or real property are not allowable without prior written approval; and
b. Expenses associated with membership in business, technical, and professional organizations involved in lobbying are not allowable expenses under this Contract; however, if an organization is not involved in lobbying and the Grantee can demonstrate how membership in a professional/technical organization benefits the DSHS program(s), cost of membership may be allowed with prior approval from DSHS;
10. Comply with the following non-allowable costs:
a. Food (the cost of meals for RAC staff or RAC board members attending meetings and/or conferences that pertain to carrying out activities under the Contract where there is dissemination of technical information is allowable);
b. Land;
c. Investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.); and
d. No more than 20% of the RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT funds allocated amount may be utilized for administrative costs. Administrative costs are defined as those costs related to the business of the RAC. These include, but may not be limited to:
i. Personnel, rent, utilities, office expense (postage, copying, phone), leased office equipment and supplies, mailboxes;
ii. Travel to and from required statewide meetings including lodging for the Executive Director (or equivalent) and RAC Executive Board members;
iii. Training related to the business functions of the RAC (financial and grant writing, etc.);
iv. Professional services (accountant, attorney, auditor);
v. Internet access, furniture, and travel for above-mentioned costs; and
vi. Costs associated with the administration of the EMS/COUNTY program are allowable expenses under this Contract;
11. Submit Supporting Documentation Reports which capture monthly expenditures (i.e., Personnel, Fringe, Travel, Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other, and Indirect Costs) as well as programmatic and administrative costs, and program income earned from funds directly associated with this program (i.e., fees or co- pays for services performed, income from the sale of items or services, registration fees collected, etc.). Rebates, refunds, discounts, and adjustments/credits should be treated as applicable credits and not as program income. If supporting documentation is incomplete, it may result in a delay in associated payment;
12. Convene at a minimum, three (3) general membership meetings and provide during the meeting a financial report, which includes funds expended, planned expenditures, and remaining balance. Submit a copy of the financial report and agenda to DSHS. The financial report due dates are as listed on the current Deliverables Reporting Calendar. A general membership meeting should be held within the following time frames:
a. September 1 to December 31;
b. January 1 to April 30; and
c. May 1 to August 31;
13. Submit Final Expenditures and Reports to DSHS. The final reports shall consist of the following:
a. An Annual Report, on the template provided by DSHS, located at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/emstraumasystems/formsresources.shtm, of the Grantee’s activities to include:
i. Evidence of the uses of the most recently completed year regional injury mortality and morbidity data, from the DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry used in developing the annual needs assessment, as well as a copy of the current Regional Trauma System Plan;
ii. Documentation of training to enhance trauma care provided to all entities on the Regional Trauma System Plan;
iii. Results of the annual needs assessment; and
iv. Evidence of ongoing system PI;
b. An Annual Participation Report which includes a list of participation on regional local committees for development/maturation of the regional system for the following:
i. Designated hospitals and hospitals seeking designation;
ii. EMS providers;
iii. Recognized First Responder Organizations; and
iv. Any other stakeholders;
c. A Final Supporting Documentation Report that includes September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2020, expenditures; and
d. A Final Narrative describing specifically how the funds were utilized to enhance and improve the delivery of EMS and trauma patient care in the region served;
14. Review DSHS’ Grant Technical Assistance Guide (GTAG) located online at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/contracts/gtag.aspx. Grantee will maintain as part of its accounting records and prepare to submit to DSHS within 14 days upon request, the following source documents to support expenditures identified in the Supporting Documentation Reports:
a. A detailed general ledger specific to this program that identifies and reconciles to costs reported in the Supporting Documentation Reports;
b. Timesheets or other record of actual hours worked that reflect an after-the- fact distribution of the actual time spent on each activity, or documentation to support compliance with a substitute timekeeping system previously accepted by DSHS;
c. A payroll register, or similar report, that reflects 100% of the gross pay for employees charged to the Contract;
d. A labor distribution report, or similar document, that reflects the portion of an employee’s gross pay charged to the Contract;
e. Vendor invoices for health, dental and similar fringe benefits; quarterly payroll tax reports for Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and unemployment; and any other pertinent information necessary to support fringe benefits charged to the Contract;
f. Travel expense reports (including hotel bills and other applicable receipts) and/or mileage logs and the RAC Travel Policy to support travel costs charged to the Contract;
g. Purchase orders, invoices, receiving reports, and any other pertinent source documents for expenses charged to the Contract in the Equipment, Supplies, and Other categories;
h. Reimbursement requests, vouchers, or invoices to support costs charged to the Contractual category;
i. Evidence of programmatic and financial monitoring efforts (i.e., review/analysis of supporting documentation, reconciliation of costs to general xxxxxx, reports, etc.) on reimbursed subgrantees; and
j. Records to support the amount of program income earned from funds directly associated with this program;
15. Comply with the reporting requirements on the most recent Deliverables Reporting Calendar, which will be emailed to Grantee no later than thirty (30) days from the start of the Contract term and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Deliverables Reporting Calendar will include deadlines for all deliverables described herein; and
16. Submit all above reports/deliverables to XXXXxx.xxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx and Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Emergency Medical Services (Ems)/County (Co) Regional Advisory Council (Rac) Contract
RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. This amendment will be adding RAC Systems Development funds in the amount of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR EIGHTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE EIGHT DOLLARS ($124,083.00118,688.00) to the total amount of the Contract for the performance of RAC Systems Development activities as specified in the Statement of Work. As the RAC Systems Development funding has not yet been secured, no RAC Systems Development activities should be performed and no funding requests should be made until Grantee receives a “Notice To Proceed” from the System Agency. The amount added by this amendment for RAC Systems Development activities represents a not-to-exceed amount and the exact amount of the funding available for RAC Systems Development will be specified in the “Notice To Proceed” and may be less than the amount stated above. If the “Notice To Proceed” has not been issued by September 30, 2019, the RAC Systems Development allocation will not be funded. Grantee will:
1. Perform activities to develop, implement, and monitor a regional EMS and trauma system plan by facilitating trauma and emergency health care system networking within the Grantee’s own TSA or among a group of TSAs throughout Texas;
2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations established at federal and state levels as these regulations now appear or may be amended during the period of this Contract. Standards and guidelines referenced are those in effect at the beginning date of this Contract and include:
a. Texas Health and Safety Code §§780.003-6;
b. Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 773;
c. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code §§ 157.123, 157.130 and 157.131;
d. Texas Health and Safety Code §§241.182-185;
e. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter J; and
f. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter K;
3. Assist DSHS, as requested, in identifying critical evacuation issues for Texas hospitals and EMS providers;
4. Participate in state and regional post-incident review activities as requested;
5. Ensure the RAC Chair, or a RAC Executive Board member, and the person completing the Supporting Documentation Reports submitted to DSHS attend any scheduled meetings with the DSHS Program and CMS staff regarding the review of regional system development activities and contractual requirements. DSHS may require the Grantee to travel to Austin, Texas, to attend a meeting;
6. Support the Perinatal Care Region (PCR) within the Grantee’s TSA for descriptive
a. Administratively support PCR;
b. Ensure the PCR members have fair and equitable representation on the RAC Board;
c. The PCR will consider and facilitate transfer agreements through regional coordination; and
d. Annually review the written plan to identify all resources available within the PCR for perinatal care including resources for emergency and disaster preparedness, and submit upon request;
7. Ensure the following requirements are in Xxxxxxx's RAC bylaws and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or comparable document. The document must be submitted to DSHS for review and approval:
a. An election process, roles and responsibilities, terms of offices, and process for succession and removal of RAC Executive Board members and RAC officers;
b. A clearly defined process where the Grantee’s Executive Director (ED) or equivalent position that is employed by the Grantee and the RAC Board participate in the approval of the spending plan and expenditures that are to be presented to the general membership;
c. DSHS meeting attendance requirements for the RAC Chair and/or an Executive Board member to attend the mandatory RAC Chair meetings in February and August. The bylaws must also specifically include a defined process that discloses and addresses the mandatory attendance requirement to ensure compliance and addresses the removal of the RAC Chair and/or Executive Board member from office for failure to attend the mandatory meetings without prior written DSHS approval;
d. A defined process that discloses and addresses all possible conflicts of interest for the RAC Executive Board members, RAC officers, and RAC staff with potential vendors;
e. Clearly defined participation requirements for designated hospitals and EMS providers that collectively ensure ongoing regional review of resources, processes, DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry-derived (at minimum) outcome data, and system Performance Improvement meetings;
f. A requirement to have job descriptions for each staff person, whether contracted or employed by the Grantee;
g. An annual evaluation requirement of staff using pre-determined performance standards related to the responsibilities in the respective job descriptions; and
h. The establishment and maintenance of a website for public access to include current information, but not be limited to:
i. RAC physical address;
ii. RAC hours of operation;
iii. Executive Board officers, RAC officers, and staff contact information;
iv. RAC meetings (general and special);
v. Educational opportunities; and
vi. Regional system development activities;
8. Adhere to the following programmatic allowable costs:
a. The following eligible expenses are considered programmatic costs. These include but are not limited to:
i. Supplies/equipment and costs of personnel for EMS and injury prevention and/or education programs;
ii. Costs of personnel, supplies and equipment to conduct trauma- related courses (Trauma Nursing Core Course, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Basic Trauma Life Support, etc.);
iii. Updating and sharing with the RAC general membership the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
iv. Education of the public or trauma care providers about the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
v. Expenditures or grants to entities related to the delivery of trauma patient care and/or expediting the implementation of the Texas EMS/Trauma System;
vi. System PI meetings, newsletters, regional registry, regional communication systems; and
vii. Associated travel and registration fees for RAC staff to attend meetings/conferences related to EMS/Trauma Systems;
9. Comply with the following funding restrictions:
a. Buildings or real property without prior written approval from DSHS. Any costs related to the initial acquisition of the buildings or real property are not allowable without prior written approval; and
b. Expenses associated with membership in business, technical, and professional organizations involved in lobbying are not allowable expenses under this Contract; however, if an organization is not involved in lobbying and the Grantee can demonstrate how membership in a professional/technical organization benefits the DSHS program(s), cost of membership may be allowed with prior approval from DSHS;
10. Comply with the following non-allowable costs:
a. Food (the cost of meals for RAC staff or RAC board members attending meetings and/or conferences that pertain to carrying out activities under the Contract where there is dissemination of technical information is allowable);
b. Land;
c. Investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.); and
d. No more than 20% of the RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT funds allocated amount may be utilized for administrative costs. Administrative costs are defined as those costs related to the business of the RAC. These include, but may not be limited to:
i. Personnel, rent, utilities, office expense (postage, copying, phone), leased office equipment and supplies, mailboxes;
ii. Travel to and from required statewide meetings including lodging for the Executive Director (or equivalent) and RAC Executive Board members;
iii. Training related to the business functions of the RAC (financial and grant writing, etc.);
iv. Professional services (accountant, attorney, auditor);
v. Internet access, furniture, and travel for above-mentioned costs; and
vi. Costs associated with the administration of the EMS/COUNTY program are allowable expenses under this Contract;
11. Submit Supporting Documentation Reports which capture monthly expenditures (i.e., Personnel, Fringe, Travel, Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other, and Indirect Costs) as well as programmatic and administrative costs, and program income earned from funds directly associated with this program (i.e., fees or co- pays for services performed, income from the sale of items or services, registration fees collected, etc.). Rebates, refunds, discounts, and adjustments/credits should be treated as applicable credits and not as program income. If supporting documentation is incomplete, it may result in a delay in associated payment;
12. Convene at a minimum, three (3) general membership meetings and provide during the meeting a financial report, which includes funds expended, planned expenditures, and remaining balance. Submit a copy of the financial report and agenda to DSHS. The financial report due dates are as listed on the current Deliverables Reporting Calendar. A general membership meeting should be held within the following time frames:
a. September 1 to December 31;
b. January 1 to April 30; and
c. May 1 to August 31;
13. Submit Final Expenditures and Reports to DSHS. The final reports shall consist of the following:
a. An Annual Report, on the template provided by DSHS, located at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/emstraumasystems/formsresources.shtm, of the Grantee’s activities to include:
i. Evidence of the uses of the most recently completed year regional injury mortality and morbidity data, from the DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry used in developing the annual needs assessment, as well as a copy of the current Regional Trauma System Plan;
ii. Documentation of training to enhance trauma care provided to all entities on the Regional Trauma System Plan;
iii. Results of the annual needs assessment; and
iv. Evidence of ongoing system PI;
b. An Annual Participation Report which includes a list of participation on regional local committees for development/maturation of the regional system for the following:
i. Designated hospitals and hospitals seeking designation;
ii. EMS providers;
iii. Recognized First Responder Organizations; and
iv. Any other stakeholders;
c. A Final Supporting Documentation Report that includes September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2020, expenditures; and
d. A Final Narrative describing specifically how the funds were utilized to enhance and improve the delivery of EMS and trauma patient care in the region served;
14. Review DSHS’ Grant Technical Assistance Guide (GTAG) located online at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/contracts/gtag.aspx. Grantee will maintain as part of its accounting records and prepare to submit to DSHS within 14 days upon request, the following source documents to support expenditures identified in the Supporting Documentation Reports:
a. A detailed general ledger specific to this program that identifies and reconciles to costs reported in the Supporting Documentation Reports;
b. Timesheets or other record of actual hours worked that reflect an after-the- fact distribution of the actual time spent on each activity, or documentation to support compliance with a substitute timekeeping system previously accepted by DSHS;
c. A payroll register, or similar report, that reflects 100% of the gross pay for employees charged to the Contract;
d. A labor distribution report, or similar document, that reflects the portion of an employee’s gross pay charged to the Contract;
e. Vendor invoices for health, dental and similar fringe benefits; quarterly payroll tax reports for Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and unemployment; and any other pertinent information necessary to support fringe benefits charged to the Contract;
f. Travel expense reports (including hotel bills and other applicable receipts) and/or mileage logs and the RAC Travel Policy to support travel costs charged to the Contract;
g. Purchase orders, invoices, receiving reports, and any other pertinent source documents for expenses charged to the Contract in the Equipment, Supplies, and Other categories;
h. Reimbursement requests, vouchers, or invoices to support costs charged to the Contractual category;
i. Evidence of programmatic and financial monitoring efforts (i.e., review/analysis of supporting documentation, reconciliation of costs to general xxxxxx, reports, etc.) on reimbursed subgrantees; and
j. Records to support the amount of program income earned from funds directly associated with this program;
15. Comply with the reporting requirements on the most recent Deliverables Reporting Calendar, which will be emailed to Grantee no later than thirty (30) days from the start of the Contract term and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Deliverables Reporting Calendar will include deadlines for all deliverables described herein; and
16. Submit all above reports/deliverables to XXXXxx.xxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx and Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Emergency Medical Services (Ems)/County (Co) Regional Advisory Council (Rac) Contract
RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. This amendment will be adding RAC Systems Development funds in the amount of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR SIXTY THOUSAND EIGHTY-THREE SEVEN DOLLARS ($124,083.0060,007.00) to the total amount of the Contract for the performance of RAC Systems Development activities as specified in the Statement of Work. As the RAC Systems Development funding has not yet been secured, no RAC Systems Development activities should be performed and no funding requests should be made until Grantee receives a “Notice To Proceed” from the System Agency. The amount added by this amendment for RAC Systems Development activities represents a not-to-exceed amount and the exact amount of the funding available for RAC Systems Development will be specified in the “Notice To Proceed” and may be less than the amount stated above. If the “Notice To Proceed” has not been issued by September 30, 2019, the RAC Systems Development allocation will not be funded. Grantee will:
1. Perform activities to develop, implement, and monitor a regional EMS and trauma system plan by facilitating trauma and emergency health care system networking within the Grantee’s own TSA or among a group of TSAs throughout Texas;
2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations established at federal and state levels as these regulations now appear or may be amended during the period of this Contract. Standards and guidelines referenced are those in effect at the beginning date of this Contract and include:
a. Texas Health and Safety Code §§780.003-6;
b. Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 773;
c. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code §§ 157.123, 157.130 and 157.131;
d. Texas Health and Safety Code §§241.182-185;
e. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter J; and
f. Title 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 133, Subchapter K;
3. Assist DSHS, as requested, in identifying critical evacuation issues for Texas hospitals and EMS providers;
4. Participate in state and regional post-incident review activities as requested;
5. Ensure the RAC Chair, or a RAC Executive Board member, and the person completing the Supporting Documentation Reports submitted to DSHS attend any scheduled meetings with the DSHS Program and CMS staff regarding the review of regional system development activities and contractual requirements. DSHS may require the Grantee to travel to Austin, Texas, to attend a meeting;
6. Support the Perinatal Care Region (PCR) within the Grantee’s TSA for descriptive
a. Administratively support PCR;
b. Ensure the PCR members have fair and equitable representation on the RAC Board;
c. The PCR will consider and facilitate transfer agreements through regional coordination; and
d. Annually review the written plan to identify all resources available within the PCR for perinatal care including resources for emergency and disaster preparedness, and submit upon request;
7. Ensure the following requirements are in Xxxxxxx's RAC bylaws and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or comparable document. The document must be submitted to DSHS for review and approval:
a. An election process, roles and responsibilities, terms of offices, and process for succession and removal of RAC Executive Board members and RAC officers;
b. A clearly defined process where the Grantee’s Executive Director (ED) or equivalent position that is employed by the Grantee and the RAC Board participate in the approval of the spending plan and expenditures that are to be presented to the general membership;
c. DSHS meeting attendance requirements for the RAC Chair and/or an Executive Board member to attend the mandatory RAC Chair meetings in February and August. The bylaws must also specifically include a defined process that discloses and addresses the mandatory attendance requirement to ensure compliance and addresses the removal of the RAC Chair and/or Executive Board member from office for failure to attend the mandatory meetings without prior written DSHS approval;
d. A defined process that discloses and addresses all possible conflicts of interest for the RAC Executive Board members, RAC officers, and RAC staff with potential vendors;
e. Clearly defined participation requirements for designated hospitals and EMS providers that collectively ensure ongoing regional review of resources, processes, DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry-derived (at minimum) outcome data, and system Performance Improvement meetings;
f. A requirement to have job descriptions for each staff person, whether contracted or employed by the Grantee;
g. An annual evaluation requirement of staff using pre-determined performance standards related to the responsibilities in the respective job descriptions; and
h. The establishment and maintenance of a website for public access to include current information, but not be limited to:
i. RAC physical address;
ii. RAC hours of operation;
iii. Executive Board officers, RAC officers, and staff contact information;
iv. RAC meetings (general and special);
v. Educational opportunities; and
vi. Regional system development activities;
8. Adhere to the following programmatic allowable costs:
a. The following eligible expenses are considered programmatic costs. These include but are not limited to:
i. Supplies/equipment and costs of personnel for EMS and injury prevention and/or education programs;
ii. Costs of personnel, supplies and equipment to conduct trauma- related courses (Trauma Nursing Core Course, Advanced Trauma Life Support, Basic Trauma Life Support, etc.);
iii. Updating and sharing with the RAC general membership the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
iv. Education of the public or trauma care providers about the regional EMS/Trauma System Plan;
v. Expenditures or grants to entities related to the delivery of trauma patient care and/or expediting the implementation of the Texas EMS/Trauma System;
vi. System PI meetings, newsletters, regional registry, regional communication systems; and
vii. Associated travel and registration fees for RAC staff to attend meetings/conferences related to EMS/Trauma Systems;
9. Comply with the following funding restrictions:
a. Buildings or real property without prior written approval from DSHS. Any costs related to the initial acquisition of the buildings or real property are not allowable without prior written approval; and
b. Expenses associated with membership in business, technical, and professional organizations involved in lobbying are not allowable expenses under this Contract; however, if an organization is not involved in lobbying and the Grantee can demonstrate how membership in a professional/technical organization benefits the DSHS program(s), cost of membership may be allowed with prior approval from DSHS;
10. Comply with the following non-allowable costs:
a. Food (the cost of meals for RAC staff or RAC board members attending meetings and/or conferences that pertain to carrying out activities under the Contract where there is dissemination of technical information is allowable);
b. Land;
c. Investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.); and
d. No more than 20% of the RAC SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT funds allocated amount may be utilized for administrative costs. Administrative costs are defined as those costs related to the business of the RAC. These include, but may not be limited to:
i. Personnel, rent, utilities, office expense (postage, copying, phone), leased office equipment and supplies, mailboxes;
ii. Travel to and from required statewide meetings including lodging for the Executive Director (or equivalent) and RAC Executive Board members;
iii. Training related to the business functions of the RAC (financial and grant writing, etc.);
iv. Professional services (accountant, attorney, auditor);
v. Internet access, furniture, and travel for above-mentioned costs; and
vi. Costs associated with the administration of the EMS/COUNTY program are allowable expenses under this Contract;
11. Submit Supporting Documentation Reports which capture monthly expenditures (i.e., Personnel, Fringe, Travel, Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Other, and Indirect Costs) as well as programmatic and administrative costs, and program income earned from funds directly associated with this program (i.e., fees or co- pays for services performed, income from the sale of items or services, registration fees collected, etc.). Rebates, refunds, discounts, and adjustments/credits should be treated as applicable credits and not as program income. If supporting documentation is incomplete, it may result in a delay in associated payment;
12. Convene at a minimum, three (3) general membership meetings and provide during the meeting a financial report, which includes funds expended, planned expenditures, and remaining balance. Submit a copy of the financial report and agenda to DSHS. The financial report due dates are as listed on the current Deliverables Reporting Calendar. A general membership meeting should be held within the following time frames:
a. September 1 to December 31;
b. January 1 to April 30; and
c. May 1 to August 31;
13. Submit Final Expenditures and Reports to DSHS. The final reports shall consist of the following:
a. An Annual Report, on the template provided by DSHS, located at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/emstraumasystems/formsresources.shtm, of the Grantee’s activities to include:
i. Evidence of the uses of the most recently completed year regional injury mortality and morbidity data, from the DSHS EMS/Trauma Registry used in developing the annual needs assessment, as well as a copy of the current Regional Trauma System Plan;
ii. Documentation of training to enhance trauma care provided to all entities on the Regional Trauma System Plan;
iii. Results of the annual needs assessment; and
iv. Evidence of ongoing system PI;
b. An Annual Participation Report which includes a list of participation on regional local committees for development/maturation of the regional system for the following:
i. Designated hospitals and hospitals seeking designation;
ii. EMS providers;
iii. Recognized First Responder Organizations; and
iv. Any other stakeholders;
c. A Final Supporting Documentation Report that includes September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2020, expenditures; and
d. A Final Narrative describing specifically how the funds were utilized to enhance and improve the delivery of EMS and trauma patient care in the region served;
14. Review DSHS’ Grant Technical Assistance Guide (GTAG) located online at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/contracts/gtag.aspx. Grantee will maintain as part of its accounting records and prepare to submit to DSHS within 14 days upon request, the following source documents to support expenditures identified in the Supporting Documentation Reports:
a. A detailed general ledger specific to this program that identifies and reconciles to costs reported in the Supporting Documentation Reports;
b. Timesheets or other record of actual hours worked that reflect an after-the- fact distribution of the actual time spent on each activity, or documentation to support compliance with a substitute timekeeping system previously accepted by DSHS;
c. A payroll register, or similar report, that reflects 100% of the gross pay for employees charged to the Contract;
d. A labor distribution report, or similar document, that reflects the portion of an employee’s gross pay charged to the Contract;
e. Vendor invoices for health, dental and similar fringe benefits; quarterly payroll tax reports for Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and unemployment; and any other pertinent information necessary to support fringe benefits charged to the Contract;
f. Travel expense reports (including hotel bills and other applicable receipts) and/or mileage logs and the RAC Travel Policy to support travel costs charged to the Contract;
g. Purchase orders, invoices, receiving reports, and any other pertinent source documents for expenses charged to the Contract in the Equipment, Supplies, and Other categories;
h. Reimbursement requests, vouchers, or invoices to support costs charged to the Contractual category;
i. Evidence of programmatic and financial monitoring efforts (i.e., review/analysis of supporting documentation, reconciliation of costs to general xxxxxx, reports, etc.) on reimbursed subgrantees; and
j. Records to support the amount of program income earned from funds directly associated with this program;
15. Comply with the reporting requirements on the most recent Deliverables Reporting Calendar, which will be emailed to Grantee no later than thirty (30) days from the start of the Contract term and is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Deliverables Reporting Calendar will include deadlines for all deliverables described herein; and
16. Submit all above reports/deliverables to XXXXxx.xxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx and Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Emergency Medical Services (Ems)/County (Co) Regional Advisory Council (Rac) Contract