R&D Tax Incentive. The Parties must co-operate fully with each other to assist any other Party (if it is an R&D entity) to claim the R&D Tax Incentive, by working together to the extent necessary to develop a ratio for calculation of the proportion of Contributions from the Collaborator to the Project that have been expended on either:
a. Core R&D activities (as defined under section 355-25 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); or b.Supporting R&D activities (as defined under section 355-30 of the Income Tax
R&D Tax Incentive. To assist certain Participants claim the R&D Tax Incentive, the Recipient must expend (or allocate) contributions from Participants on (or to) R&D activities, as defined under subdivision 355B section 355-20 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and maintain records of the date when such expenditure on which R&D activities occurred.
R&D Tax Incentive. To assist certain Participants to claim the R&D Tax Incentive, the Company agrees that it will, in conjunction with relevant parties:
(a) expend (or allocate) contributions on (or to) R&D activities, as defined under subdivision 355B section 355-20 of the Income Tax Assessment Xxx 0000;
(b) inform parties that are R&D entities, as defined under section 355-35 of the Income Tax Assessment Xxx 0000, of R&D activities conducted during an income year; and
(c) report to parties that are R&D entities a ratio for working out how the contributions of those parties are to be apportioned between:
(i) core R&D activities (as defined under section 355-25 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) and;
(ii) supporting R&D activities (as defined under section 355-30 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997).
R&D Tax Incentive. To assist certain Participants to claim the R&D Tax Incentive, the Defence CRC must expend (or allocate) contributions from Participants on (or to) R&D activities, as defined under subdivision 355B section 355-20 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and maintain records of the date when such expenditure on which R&D activities occurred.